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单词 Whiff
1) He caught a whiff of her perfume.
2) A whiff of fresh air cleared his head.
3) I caught the whiff of whisky on his breath.
4) He leaned towards me and I caught/got a whiff of garlic.
5) As she walked past, I caught a whiff of her perfume.
6) There is an awful whiff coming from the dustbin.
7) He lost consciousness at the first whiff of ether.
8) The whiff of danger filled her with excitement.
9) They regularly hold elections without a whiff of corruption or violence.
10) Not a whiff of scandal has ever tainted his private life.
11) He caught a faint whiff of her expensive French perfume.
12) He caught a whiff of perfume as he leaned towards her.
13) Journalists caught a whiff of scandal and pursued the actress relentlessly.
14) The rooms in this hotel savour of a whiff of roach.
15) He always retreated emotionally at the first whiff of conflict.
16) Now and again , he caught a whiff of a peculiar smell.
17) I thought, catching a strong whiff of perfume.
18) Jaq smelled the whiff of genetic pollution.
19) This whiff of hypocrisy can only cause resentment.
20) Corbett caught a whiff of the fragrant incense.
21) So he peered, leaning forward to catch a whiff of scent, listening to the man's quiet muttering.
22) Suddenly, Dawson caught a whiff of a life he would never lead:complex, relaxed, privileged.
23) One whiff - and they raise the stakes by digging deeper into their pockets.
24) Whenever there's a whiff of trouble she takes to her bed with the asthma.
25) Without the piercing chilliness of the snowfall, where comes the fragrant whiff of the plum blossoms.
26) During the first few months of pregnancy the slightest whiff of food cooking made my stomach turn.
27) Because if it's written by the bourgeoisie, it hasn't got the authentic whiff - what?
28) After a few minutes,[http:///whiff.html] they were ordered to pull their masks back and take a whiff.
29) As I turned out the lights, I caught a whiff of the intense fragrance of hyacinths.
30) Quite often, the djinn are simply invisible, and may only be identified by a whiff of cinnamon in the air.
1) He caught a whiff of her perfume.
2) A whiff of fresh air cleared his head.
3) I caught the whiff of whisky on his breath.
4) He leaned towards me and I caught/got a whiff of garlic.
5) As she walked past, I caught a whiff of her perfume.
6) Without the piercing chilliness of the snowfall, where comes the fragrant whiff of the plum blossoms.
7) Journalists caught a whiff of scandal and pursued the actress relentlessly.
8) Now and again , he caught a whiff of a peculiar smell.
31) Instead of music we offered honest talk and a whiff of freedom.
32) However, the Scribe has caught a whiff of success and further sightings of Colin Chapmans will be gratefully received.
33) Not the whiff of scandal; we played that down, wrongly, as it turned out.
34) But the whiff of a peanut-butter-and-jelly sandwich makes my stomach quail. Eat peanuts or suffer death-by-a-thousand cut5?
35) The air outside was colder now and it seemed to me that I caught a whiff of snow in the air.
36) Inside, a faint whiff of disinfectant was almost overpowered by the heavy scent emanating from bowls of blue hyacinths.
37) If he had been, he'd have moved away double quick because the slightest whiff of orange triggers off his migraine.
38) Standing so close he smelt the fusty clothes and a sour whiff on the old man's breath.
39) But lately he'd been concealing this whiff with his favourite aftershave, Rampage.
40) The truth is that a whiff of counter-revolution is hard to find - dismaying though that may be for party propagandists.
41) There's not a politician in the world we could buy off if they got a whiff of it.
42) This would not matter much, were it not for a whiff of sulphur from other Virgin companies.
43) From the doorway, I got a whiff of freshly baked bread.
44) She homed in on it like an eager bee catching a whiff of the first rich blooms of summer.
45) I caught a whiff of roast beef as I walked past the kitchen.
46) Snow was involved in a whiff of controversy about some experimental results obtained in the 1930s.
47) Lisa passed so close to Paul that he got a whiff of her perfume.
48) The rocky start was caused by traders who thought they detected a whiff of inflation in the air.
49) They further confused the tone of a piece that had about it the whiff of 1970s radical agitprop.
50) First popularized in the 1920s, they still bring a whiff of Hollywood glamour to both home and fashion.
51) A sniff of tea, a whiff of biscuits, and there would soon be a crowd.
52) Travelling to the Continent now I feel a gloomy foreboding, for there is a whiff of decline in the air.
53) But even carefully built evenings can not avoid the whiff of compilation.
54) You almost never catch a whiff of authorial self-consciousness.
55) I sat in the balcony of my house thinking about the beautiful redbud tree that was there, and the whiff of wet mud refreshed my memories again.
56) I sat in the balcony of my house thinking about the beautiful redbud tree that was there, and the whiff of wet mud refreshed my memories again. I still remember that day.
57) Having picked up nine of the 14 gold medals on offer in one of the Games' crown jewel sports, any whiff of a scandal would be damaging for the Olympic hosts during the Games.
58) Every time you come near them you get a whiff of their cologne.
59) The court may be surprised to learn that the snowman’s past contains a whiff of anti-Semitism.
60) Rosalie: Get a whiff of that. Here comes the human.
61) Shrapnel was recovered from the scene and the whiff of missile propellent lingered a few hours later.
62) The thought of this, and a whiff of sugary warmth from the coffee ring, cheered him.
63) The hat and sunglasses give off that 'A-list' whiff, while her Alexander McQueen scarf, zingy Chanel bag and boots smarten up her black jeans.
64) "Every time we get a selloff or a whiff of worry, money comes in from the sidelines," says MFS's Mr. Swanson.
65) Reuben "Rooster" Cogburn is a shambling wreck of a man: a grizzled veteran of a few too many shootouts, he wears a black patch over one eye and has the unmistakable whiff of stale whiskey about him.
66) Seeing Queen Amidala getting all nasty in these scenes from Closer made everybody wish they were Clive Owen, if only to get a whiff of one of the prettiest and brightest stars of her generation.
67) Here's to the heady aroma of the frost-kissed apples, the winey smell of ripened grapes, the wild-as-the-wind smell of hickory nuts and the nostalgic whiff of that first wood smoke.
68) To get a whiff of this craziness, check out videos from past Air Sex Championships on its YouTube channel (some of which are NSFW).
69) He studied their odors and then had them sniff others and found women who get a whiff of a man's smelly BO feel less stressed.
70) If you've ever been guilty of inching closer to a stranger because she smells good, you'll be glad to know there's plenty of science behind the desire to get a whiff.
71) As the archetypal ice queen in Double Indemnity, she's got a faint whiff of the dominatrix about her – cleverly disguised under that angelic 'do.
72) Ever since, it has borne a whiff of consumerist self-indulgence, and its advocates then and now are accused of prizing sensation over anything more profound or ostensibly value-laden.
73) They did last season, and got all the way to Game Six of the Western Conference Finals. The NBA Championship round was so close, they had to have been able to get a whiff of what could be.
74) Every time I come near them I get a whiff of their cologne.
75) In the Mao era even the whiff of an affair could get someone fired from their job, demoted, or sent to self-criticism sessions and even jail.
76) The TV show had the whiff of hypocrisy and pomposity.
77) The rabbit still had the whiff of trembly, nervous game.
78) The modern suit's padded shoulder has the whiff of an epaulette while accentuating the V-shaped torso of classical antiquity so sought by Brummel.
79) If you're starting to get a whiff of Pavlov and his salivating dog then you're on the right lines.
80) Although you wear some cologne, I can still vaguely smell a scummy whiff out of you.
81) But some of his policies carry a whiff of populism.
82) The Hispaniola rolled steadily, dipping her bowsprit nod and then with a whiff of spray.
83) A lost generation of planets may now be no more than a whiff of pollution in the atmospheres of their dead parent stars.
84) But my hunch is that Americans will be straight back to the shopping malls once they get a whiff of the economy recovering.
85) Prevent motion sickness by taking Dramamine or taking a whiff of peppermint oil to soothe the belly and calm the mind.
86) Something good must be cooking; I get a whiff of it.
87) Critics of the war in Afghanistan (and perhaps even its supporters) will detect at least a whiff of jingoism in the game.
88) If tired,[] smell a whiff of clove oil and it will wake you up.
89) Inside there is the familiar faint university whiff of the academic coffee room, but here it is mingled with the pungent smell of monkey urine.
90) "He went behind the counter and got a half ounce of prussic acid . The pure stuff, undiluted. " Then he let Old Man Fellows take a little whiff of it.
91) The Portuguese brings looks , charisma, rare talent but also that Cantona-esque whiff of danger.
92) The young general Bonaparte's pounding of the Paris mob to pieces in 1795 called in playful approval by our respectable classes "the whiff of grapeshot ".




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