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单词 Duncan
1. We rang Duncan to ask where he was going on holiday.
2. She nodded to Duncan as she left.
3. Duncan Campbell is nationally known for his investigative work.
4. Duncan laughed at the absurdity of the situation.
5. She was annoyed with Duncan for forgetting to phone.
6. Duncan shampooed my hair and then Tracy cut it.
7. It was just a thought, Duncan. I didn't mean any offence.
8. Half an hour later Duncan was no farther in his quest.
9. Duncan had his height and weight in his favour during the fight.
10. Jim Duncan of the vice squad.
11. Naturally Duncan Edwards came under scrutiny.
12. Duncan was unconcerned about the conditions.
13. Duncan Sandys was the obvious choice.
13. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
14. It's a birthday cake for you Duncan.
15. Stella Duncan was just plain lost.
16. Duncan hit the emergency stow switch, next to the indicator with the failed bulb.
17. Duncan looked at Myeloski; they had gone as far as they could with the air-traffic controller.
18. We realized that Duncan had been standing there the whole time.
19. Peter Duncan has a background in acrobatics and he certainly needed it with his interpretation of the little tramp.
20. Myeloski nudged Duncan and signalled him to watch a scene farther on, just by a small playground.
21. Duncan had guessed right about it being a Shogun, the smaller, two-door version.
22. It did not, now, bear the stamp of Duncan on it.
23. His younger brother Duncan, is a fellow competitor who finished fifth overall, putting him four places ahead.
24. Quinn came out of the shop to see Duncan McCrea across the road trying to push his way through the jammed street-door.
25. Duncan Hunter, R-El Cajon, chairman of a House national security subcommittee.
26. Duncan had left Myeloski propping up the bar, drinking his customary vodka and Budweiser chaser.
27. Twenty-five minutes later Duncan descended through the thick-formed low-hanging stratus cloud and landed uneventfully on Sheremetyevo's Runway 23 Left.
28. My novel "The Rector's Wife" is being adapted for TV, with Lindsay Duncan in the title role.
29. Tell you what, you hunt through the file, see if we have a case history on Miss Duncan.
30. As the road climbed upward, gray-white cloud veils drifted among the dales, chiffon scarves of some giant Isadora Duncan.
1. We rang Duncan to ask where he was going on holiday.
2. My novel "The Rector's Wife" is being adapted for TV, with Lindsay Duncan in the title role.
31. Stiff, wet and hungry, Duncan had hardly moved since their arrival.
32. Duncan had been asleep when the policeman burst into the room to give him the news that Leeming had been found.
33. Duncan unlocked the door and supervised the fuelling from a small bowser as Myeloski made himself comfortable in the rear seat.
34. Malone are already resigned to being without Stuart Duncan and regular number eight Scott Kirkpatrick until next season.
35. Both Rhodes and Duncan and Goodwin, in their different ways, make it possible to identify some dynamic for change.
36. Sheriff Laura Duncan called for background reports and adjourned the case for three weeks.
37. Sam Somerville and Duncan McCrea would later tell the inquiry that they were as stunned as those listening on the line.
38. Greg and Lauri Duncan, like most of our successful distributors, have involved their children in the business from day one.
39. An approaching Ilyushin passenger-jet was told to overshoot as the tower lined Duncan up on the runway.
40. We rang Duncan to ask where he was going on holiday, but he had already gone away.
41. Duncan got in the cab and searched for anything that might have been left.
42. As the big jetliner continued its turn back to the airport, Duncan applied some power back to the left engine.
43. So Kobe Bryant passed the ball to Duncan in the final seconds for the West.
44. And he owed Duncan a favour, not once but many times over.
45. By the time she left the hotel Duncan was in bed, the light and television both switched off.
46. I thought that Duncan Nichol was leaving his post as chief executive of the health service in June.
47. Duncan stood there, naked apart from a towel wrapped round his mid-section.
48. I myself questioned the royal physician who dressed the body for burial at Jedburgh Abbey, Duncan MacAirth.
49. The policeman should have known better than to expect Duncan to fall for a cheap trick like that.
50. The head greenkeeper, Duncan Watson, was applauded for the superb condition of the course.
51. Bert and Duncan were as uninformed as I regarding the forthcoming events of the programme.
52. Duncan and Goodwin examine the subsidizing of council housing, via contributions made from the rates, in London in 1984/85.
53. Duncan charged £5-a-head for the 200-mile round trip to the new brewery.
54. Former Blue Peter presenter, Peter Duncan, treads the high wire.
55. How much compassion would I have toward Duncan Fleming if it were my son who was killed?
56. My parents had moved to the outskirts of Glasgow and I joined the local pipe band and met Duncan McIntyre.
57. She devoured it, not having eaten for twenty-four hours, and then stayed on her cot until Duncan and Myeloski arrived.
58. Duncan read through the list, imprinting the information into his memory.
59. It was lost on Duncan, who smiled courteously at the police inspector.
60. Test running, and making final adjustments to the newly installed hank scouring machine is Duncan Dawson.
61. Unfortunately, the onset of severe flight conditions had stopped Myeloski from continuing his discussion with Duncan about the kidnapping.
62. Gerstung was not wealthy, Duncan said, nor was she in unusually poor health for a woman her age.
63. Duncan fouled out with 1: 51 left after scoring eight points and grabbing 13 rebounds.
64. Duncan carried his soup mug and a half-eaten packet of water biscuits into his sitting-room.
65. Duncan McCrea may have seen her leave Quinn's room but he made no mention.
66. The drive to the airport was too slow for Duncan.
67. I asked Duncan to come over the road and look at the unmade road where I'd left Armstrong.
68. In the example in Table 8. 1 the only person corresponding to this request is Duncan.
69. Duncan Shearer shot them into the lead midway through the first half with his 21st goal of the season.
70. Duncan lay still, confused and wondering why the Army had moved in from the south.
71. Duncan reminds us of the antiquity of the propensity to quantify the doings of people in various ways.
72. The men who had marched north with Duncan to dispose of his dangerous half-brother at Tarbatness had mostly died in that battle.
73. Here are three short extracts from Duncan Green's book Silent Revolution.
73. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
74. Duncan saw that he was in a bad way, his face grey and wan.
75. Like Duncan, Horton had quickly rejected ballet as requiring too much discipline and technique.
76. Terrence Duncan was given a three-month suspended jail sentence for living off immoral earnings.
77. Duncan was coming closer with the brush and a big bucket, emptying ashtrays and mopping things.
78. James Duncan Fleming was tried twice; at his second trial he was found not guilty of attempted robbery and felony murder.
79. Alan Duncan, who let his Westminster house be used for the Major leadership campaign.
80. Your family now control Duncan Pharsee Schiller, one of the city's major merchant banks.
81. Duncan landed it on the port main wheel with the wing dipped into the strong cross-current.
82. At the end, to the north side, the policeman led Duncan into a small suite of offices.
83. Isadora Duncan had very liberal ideas for the time.
84. And that is from Education Secretary Arne Duncan.
85. Jim lives further down the road than Duncan.
86. Isadora Duncan did not like ballet.
87. Mr. King talked to Duncan Mavin in Hong Kong.
88. Duncan and his triumphant soldiers celebrate their military victory.
89. People began to think of her as a great talent. Isadora Duncan began using the music of Chopin, Strauss, Tchaikovsky, and Wagner in her performances.
90. The great Edward Steichen photographed Isadora Duncan at the Acropolis, Athens in 1921. He used a Kodak borrowed from the head waiter at his hotel.
91. This model parameter is defined simply, and the parameter all has definite physics meaning in the model, is Duncan -zhang model generalization.
92. Isadora Duncan is remembered as the mother of modern dance. But she is also remembered for the tragedy in her life.
93. Duncan test showed that heat aroused the most remarkable increasing of HSP 70.
94. The world's most visited cemetery has a star-studded afterlife gathering, with residents as diverse as Edith Piaf, Marcel Proust, Oscar Wilde, Honore de Balzac and Isadora Duncan.
95. We had a really good bounce-back game last night against the Spurs and Timmy Duncan.
96. In 1955, Duncan partnered with a company called Flambeau to produce plastic yo-yos.
97. Dixie Simpson, owner of Duncan, B.C.'s Purple Orchid Spa, said her business now faces ruin because the Vancouver Island Health Authority has ordered her to stop running her fish spa.
98. Duncan Zuur of the Netherlands rides a wakeboard across flooded Piazza San Marco in Venice, December 2, 2008.
99. "Isadora Duncan, " he proclaimed, "seems to me as innocent as a child dancing through the garden in the morning sunshine and picking the beautiful flowers of her fantasy.
100. Astrophysicist Duncan Lorimer of West Virginia University in Morgantown calls the discovery "fantastic."
101. Dancer Isadora Duncan was well known for the flowing garments that she always wore.
102. The moves are part of an effort to slash the welfare bill, partly to help pay for the upfront costs of Iain Duncan Smith's planned radical benefits shakeup.
103. Duncan McNabb is the PGA head professional at Six Lakes Country Club in Fort Myers(http://), Fla.
104. Posey Torricelli and Neville were hit after 3 hours, 3 minutes to play Duncan successful, so that this Spurs team at the end of the half to lead 51-49.
105. Mrs. Duncan tried to make herself conspicuous by wearing a new hat.
106. And Arne Duncan , a cautious school reformer from Chicago, makes an uncontroversial pick for education secretary.
107. In her autobiography, the dancer Isadora Duncan recalled how Rodin tried to seduce her.
108. In 1968, Flambeau purchased the Duncan name and continued to produce plastic yo-yos.
109. Capote Duncan , a big shot in the pub - lishing world.
110. Isadora Duncan , the dancer from San Francisco, gloried in an enlightenment which others thought scandalous.
111. Duncan believed it was old - fashioned hardball, the game he had known all his life.
112. Try to squeeze TD early or late in the possession, the Spurs can go to their high-low passing game with Fabricio Oberto , who can feed Duncan next to the basket before help can arrive.
113. President Obama and Education Secretary Arne Duncan announced the details last week.
114. But Isadora Duncan learned that life without the fullness of love was incomplete.
115. Never a good thing count out Duncan and Parker's Spurs.
116. Written by RAF winchman paramedic Duncan Tripp, the advice has recently been updated with new information.
117. The comparison United's supporters prefer is with Duncan Edwards, a pure thoroughbred who would glide upfield with colossal intent before the Munich air disaster claimed his life.
118. Free thinking, free spirited, free moving Isadora Duncan brought her bohemian feminist consciousness to the dance stage and changed the art of dance forever.
119. President Obama and education secretary A announce Education Secretary Arne Duncan announced the details last week.
120. And so much rancour remained on the spirits of the gracious Duncan upon this occasion.
121. Duncan was taken to the memorial hospital with internal injuries and dislocation of his spine.
122. Lady Macbeth is startled at the news of Duncan visit.
123. This model has 14 parameters, including Duncan model ? ? s 8 parameters, which can be determined by general.
124. Matt: Shooting hoops is my forte. They call me Duncan!
125. Isadora Duncan moved on to Paris, Berlin, Vienna and the other great cities of Europe.
126. St MacKillop has become a kind of religious celebrity in Australia, where there is great anticipation about her canonisation, says the BBC's Duncan Kennedy in Rome.
127. Arne Duncan, President Obama's secretary of education, consults with Schleicher and uses his work to compel change at the federal and state levels.
128. The duncan - Zhang E - B hyperbola model includes seven parameters.
129. T - test and Duncan variance analysis were adopted in F _ 1 and F _ 2 monosomic analysis.
130. Duncan, assistant professor and professor of education and social policy, respectively.
131. After some concentration Duncan said: " We came to invite you out to dinner. ".
132. The inventors are Dr Duncan Billson and Professor Hutchins of the University of Warwick, says Couchman.
133. Isadora Duncan, the rebel,() had won her rebellion and lost all that was worth the fight.
134. President Obama and Education Secretary Arne Duncan announced announced the details last week.
135. There are other worthy nominees of being in the top 5, including Magic, Bird, Kareem, Duncan, and Oscar Robertson.
136. In the past two days, Greece has appeared to signal it would like to leave the euro, Duncan Niederauer, chief executive of NYSE Euronext (NYX), said here at a gathering of the Detroit Economic Club.
137. In "The Dollar Crisis," Duncan argued that persistent trade deficits by the US were creating an unsustainable boom in global credit that was destined to break down, resulting in a worldwide recession.
138. Duncan and Wester separately also experienced Skora and Landry's fierce.
139. When James flies, you should better choose airborne dodge, otherwise you can become the next background male. Duncan sparely no effort sells his recent discovery to the people.
140. Duncan takes the greatest big vanguard, after retiring, he will enter Springfield's Hall of Fame surely.
141. Parker, Duncan and Torricelli has been jointly Neville 6, Spurs and a quarter hours.
142. Arthur: He's hanging out with that new guy, Duncan, again.
143. The finest inheritance you can give to a child is to allow it to make its own way, completely on its own feet---Isadora Duncan, American dancer.
144. His coach Greg Popovich says Duncan can do so much when he's on the basketball court.
145. And quality loss model of multi - operation is introduced using Duncan cost model and Taguchi loss function.
146. Duncan was rather down on Americans, for complicated reasons, not wholly excluding you and me.
147. Dr. Ron Duncan is a turf researcher at the University of Georgia and a leading expert on seashore paspalum.
148. Mr Duncan is the perfect man to capitalise on these opportunities.
149. Duncan Kennedy has described the law schools as "intensely political places", characterized by a "trade school mentality, the endless attention to trees at the expense of forests.
150. The support by Arne Duncan, the US Secretary of Education, of the newspaper's publication of this information is highly commendable.
151. I walked up to Shelley Duncan and asked for a forearm hit.
152. Oxford Black series . John Duncan really needed a job after closing his business.
153. President Obama and education secretary Education Secretary Arne Duncan announced the details last week.




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