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单词 Happen on
1 Of course it had to happen on today, when all the shops are shut.
2 Anything can happen on the road to Wembley.
3 And what would happen on nanny's nights off?
4 I've seen this happen on many old piece of furniture.
5 However, funny things do happen on the peripheries of the lame story, particularly from the talented supporting cast.
6 How can this happen on a planet that has an estimated 1400 million cubic kilometres of water?
7 Oresme even drew an analogy with what would happen on a moving ship, as Galileo was later to do.
8 Accidents always happen on the safety island.
9 That would happen on Judgement Day.
10 While this is more likely to happen on a parking ticket rather than a moving violation.
11 That will happen on October 29 when Saturn moves into Libra.
12 We certainly don't want a highjack happen on the plane today.
13 We certainly don't want a highjack to happen on the plane today.
14 I regularly see them sent out alone on shopping errands. I shudder to think what might happen on their way home.
15 How often do events of this sort, which leave no enduring geological record(), happen on Earth?
16 Ferroresonance due to the saturation of PT magnetizing characteristics is frequently reported to happen on the busbars of neutral grounded substations.
17 Although which city did not point to continuously in drama, but struggle not less in big city " new urbanite " , feel the old practice in teleplay however, a lot of happen on themselves body.
18 In addition, the nosewheel makes it impossible for the plane to tip over on its nose during landing, as can sometimes happen on taildraggers.
19 On your testing hardware you can adapt the FRAMES_PER_SECOND to an ideal value, but what will happen on faster or slower hardware? Well, let's find out.
20 The highway pedestrian traffic accident is a traffic accident happen on highway and pedestrian paying more responsibility for it.
21 A weather forecaster said it was not yet possible to predict what would happen on Christmas Day.
22 On your testing hardware you can adapt the FRAMES_PER_SECOND to an ideal value, but what will happen on faster or slower hardware?
23 B : I think so. We certainly don't want a highjack to happen on the plane today.
24 The Martins said they told a veterinarian about Honey and Precious and learned that interspecies nursing does happen on rare occasion.




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更新时间:2024/10/5 6:07:06