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单词 Word form
1. Do all time words form a semantic field?
2. Have these words formed some kind of associative network?
3. They attempt to adopt adult word forms and use them with increasing consistency from one occasion to the next.
4. A difference in word form signals a difference in meaning, so two different forms can not carry the selfsame meaning.
5. Acronyms are words formed from the initial letter or letters of successive parts of a compound term.
6. Complete the sentence with the right word form.
7. Complete the sentence with the proper word form.
8. Write the right word form requested in the brackets.
9. Accuracy in spelling and word form.
10. Word form, word class and the grammatical position of words in a sentence are closely related. Words cannot be chosen freely to fill in a grammatical position of a sentence.
10. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
11. Can you guess the meaning of this word form the context?
12. Singing in the extensive use of the word form word liner.
13. "Aesthetic Education" of the word form itself is a dynamic historical process.
14. Visual word form processing is one of essential stages in reading.
15. The arbitrariness claimed by structuralism exists between word form and word meaning, while the relationship between the original and extended meanings of a polysemous word is motivated.
16. Word form, lexeme and lexical bundle in Russian are different concepts, with different characteristics.
17. The neural pathway of visual word form processing was implicated in the neurological model of reading, which was based on early studies in patients with acquired reading disorders.
18. The word form means "to fashion. " Originally it referred to artists who shaped their material into an image.
19. Terms should be reviewed for consistency and appropriate level of pre-coordination(), word form and level of specificity.
20. It is probable that deliberate equivocation in respect of the intended sense of word forms is always to some extent odd.
21. The second manner of semantic variation concerns the activation by different contexts of different senses associated with ambiguous word forms.
22. I designed the XSLT in Listing 2 so that it can be used to display full word form information as well as information for an individual synset.
23. Word motivation is a kind of inner link between word form and word meaning. The motivations of dialect words in modern Chinese can be classified into explicit and implicit motivations.
24. By statistical calculation on the two loan words stocks, we object the changes of the loan word form Qingmo at such aspects as the sources of the words, the methods of Chinese borrow them, etc.
25. This paper discusses the lexeme and its variants of word form, word formation, and phonetic, grammatical, semantic, pragmatic variants.
26. Complete these sentences with the present continuous form of the verbs given in the brackets, changing the word form where necessary.
27. Sense: The specific meaning of a specific word; the shade of meaning within a synonym set given by a specific word form.
28. According to Dehaene, this ventral pathway is turned on by "routinized, familiar passages" of prose, and relies on a bit of cortex known as visual word form area (VWFA).




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