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单词 Queer
1. There's nowt so queer as folk. 
2. His imagination played round that queer idea.
3. The fish had a queer taste.
4. What a queer thing to say!
5. She gave a queer laugh.
6. The New York gay action group "Queer Nation" recently outed an American Congressman.
7. He's an awkward / queer old cuss.
8. Hank was beginning to feel a little queer.
9. I woke up feeling rather queer.
10. I heard some very queer noises in the garden.
11. I heard some queer footsteps.
12. His face was a queer pink colour.
13. There's something queer about him.
14. He is the queer old duck with the knee - length gaiters and walrus mustache.
15. If you ask me, there's something a bit queer going on.
16. What a queer story!
17. She had a queer feeling that she was being watched.
18. It's queer that he managed to bluff his way through all the difficulties.
19. His behaviour seemed queer.
20. I suddenly came over funny/queer and had to lie down.
21. I mean(), he's respected me in a queer way.
22. It was queer, how well she still knew him.
23. There's been queer goings on with her and nursemaids.
24. It may also queer the pitch for health-care reforms, which will need big tax increases.
25. And she thought, with a queer aching, must we part again so soon?
26. Hand flying to mouth, she gave a queer, trembly laugh and looked at her children.
27. If she asks Ian for a pay rise before I do, it will probably queer my pitch.
27. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
28. I think I'm likely to get the job, but if Bob applies for it too it/he could queer my pitch.
29. He lost all his money gambling and now he's really in Queer Street.
30. She's always conspicuous because of her bright clothes and queer hair style.
1. His imagination played round that queer idea.
2. What a queer thing to say!
3. She gave a queer laugh.
4. The New York gay action group "Queer Nation" recently outed an American Congressman.
5. I heard some queer footsteps.
6. He is the queer old duck with the knee - length gaiters and walrus mustache.
7. What a queer story!
31. Did you run across that queer sort Of legend about a wild goose?
32. She has been queer lately.
33. See her surreptitious one smiling face, my how queer.
34. He pronounced it a queer, Frenchy way.
35. Queer sort ( of a thing ) this!
36. She seems to be queer for the round-the-city race.
37. The machine makes a queer noise.
38. He is really a queer duck.
39. He is a queer character.
40. Such extravagance will surely put him in Queer Street.
41. Silly mistakes and queer clothes often arouse ridicule.
42. B : What a queer bird!
43. Did you hear those queer noises?
44. Special those who remind is, the animal good-for-nothing or queer character that gives you builds a beautiful, easy environment, the mood that also can let you have a joy will treat them.
45. The manager would look into the queer goings-on in the office.
46. Perez: You conceive its queer to fornicate with lax women?
47. But Dr Anonymous, "a queer person of color" explains why black people should not be blamed.
48. I fully expect these commitments will put us in Queer Street next year.
49. And the Blame the Brown People push leaves those of us who are queer people of color marginalized by both of our communities.
50. Although Hong Kong has held several small demonstrations against homophobia, this was the first parade solely dedicated to celebrating queer identity.
51. He found that - there's nowt so queer as folk.
52. He entertained the young men with queer little anecdotes and stories on their shooting parties or in their smoking-room.
53. It's a queer go.
54. But in a bizarre third-act twist, the Queer Eye team reveal themselves to be subterranean-dwelling 'crab people' hell-bent on taking over the world.
55. We continue to propose a localized algorithm which can also handle queer condition, but using concept of graphic interior angle instead.
56. Come and have a liquor. ' He pronounced it a queer, Frenchy way.
57. "This gentleman wants to see a battle, " said Zherkov to Bolkonsky, indicating the auditor, "but has begun to feel queer already.
57. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
58. He entertained the young men with queer little anecdotes and grivoises stories on their shooting parties or in their smoking-room.
59. " Why , " the Chinaman exclaimed, " the queer slant of your eyes . Your eyes are off slant! "
60. The lady gave him a queer look, pulled out a blank card asked him his name, age and address.
61. The tentacle was now some way across the room, twisting and turning with queer sudden movements.
62. We walked down into Lambeth. Bozo limped slowly, with a queer crablike gait, half sideways, dragging his smashed foot behind him.
63. The sight of an animal in tears always makes me feel queer and softhearted.
64. Something queer , I expect, " he answered, staring into the red fire.
65. Her queer way of dressing attracted the attention of the passerby.
66. Fukesi a onehouse is queer the malfunction, finds the solution!
67. What a queer smell! it's like burnt feathers, ' observed Amy, smoothing her own pretty curls with a superior air.
68. Gerasim accepted Pierre's taking up his abode there with the imperturbability of a servant, who had seen many queer things in his time, and he seemed, indeed, pleased at having some one to wait upon.
69. She was publicly branded as the heroine of a " queer " episode.
70. And their queer, crude life seemed as unnatural as that of hedgehogs.
71. What a queer rigout!
72. I had a queer sensation as if a worm was creeping down my spine.
73. He flaunts his queer style as a savage might flaunt a top - hat retrieved from somebody's dustbin.
74. The telephone rings. His voice sounds queer, squeaky, as though he were frightened and.
75. What a queer bird!
76. They must look queer in their garish frames on the walls of the peasant's house.
77. Your cousin Melchior was imprudent with his investments and got into a very queer street.
78. Thomson gave a queer, sympathetic look, then ran out of the room.
79. "What a queer smell! It's like burned feathers, " observed Amy, smoothing her own pretty curls with a superior air.
80. Time has played some very queer tricks of survival in the Indus cities.
81. I could not help but think this is a very queer life.
82. It being self evident that the phallus occupies a central theme in the psychoanalytic theories of gender and sexuality, the course occupies a pivotal role in the Intercultural and Queer program.
83. And the sight of an animal in tears always makes me feel queer and soft hearted.
84. " Queer " is the word often used euphemistically for " mad ".
85. If I married you now I'd queer myself for good and all.
86. At that queer spiritual appeal Soames turned for relief to actuality.
87. They are queer folk, and it's best that they marry their cousins and keep their queerness to themselves./queer.html
88. He may be a hero, but he looks like a queer duck.
89. As soon as he got into Boston he started to feel queer.
90. " You're awfully queer, " returned the little, blue - eyed soldier.
91. By comparison the navy was a queer little planet whirling in an austere void.
92. She means well, but is very crusty and queer now.
93. Then, two days later, the well-oiled boys from Jersey Shore appeared on the cover of the Village Voice's Queer Issue.
94. Her head twitched violently, more quickly than usual, and her hand gave that queer spasmodic gesture.




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