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单词 Prosaic
1. His instructor offered a more prosaic explanation for the surge in interest.
2. The reality, however, is probably more prosaic.
3. My diary entries are filled with prosaic happenings.
4. Real danger is prosaic in comparison.
5. The truth itself was only slightly more prosaic.
6. The present-day ambience was slightly more prosaic.
7. The truth was a little more prosaic.
8. The furniture is prosaic and modern.
9. Even something as prosaic as a roast chicken Jasper could transform into something nearly lyrical.
10. The prosaic sight of monks going about their everyday business, just when she needed them, was irresistible.
11. Bloomwater's present owner was a more prosaic figure, Sir Lionel Newman, the paper magnate.
12. Must we find all work prosaic because our grandfather built an early synagogue?
13. Reports are commonly prosaic, dull, pompous and patronising and written with selfish disregard for the reader.
14. For the prosaic Flask, the doubloon stands only for so many cigars that he could buy.
15. Metamorphosen is comparatively prosaic and suffers from a slightly top-heavy balance which gives undue prominence to the leader.
16. If the masses were too preoccupied by prosaic day-to-day concerns, the revolutionaries would take matters into their own hands.
17. Why in the world would anyone commemorate such prosaic scenes?
18. China also has more prosaic reasons for encouraging trade.
19. If only she'd been called 'Camilla' or 'Flavia' instead of the prosaic 'Jane'.
20. He asked if I'd got my black eye in a fight - I told him the prosaic truth that I'd banged my head on a door.
21. I will be profoundly relieved when I can escape from the prosaic explanations and defences of this present sprawling mess of words.
22. Both Barham and Summers lifted their performances, and thenceforward what had been prosaic developed a much higher voltage.
23. He is so absurd that he adds a note of humor to an otherwise dry, tedious, prosaic play.
24. Despite the drama of government shutdowns and talk of political revolution, the 1996 presidential campaign appears headed down a prosaic path.
25. The reality has turned out to be somewhat more prosaic.
26. This strong, confident youth takes command as an almost prosaic hero.
27. My interest in the Valle/1e de Mai was somewhat more prosaic.
28. The office at Felixstowe seemed a very dull and prosaic place after those hectic nine months.
29. Thirty yards ahead, an innocent rural road junction presented its prosaic features for inspection.
30. Nowadays evaluation has a tendency to be much more structured and less prosaic.
1. If only she'd been called 'Camilla' or 'Flavia' instead of the prosaic 'Jane'.
2. His instructor offered a more prosaic explanation for the surge in interest.
31. Relatively speaking it is a little prosaic.
32. At this grand moment Pug Henry's thoughts were prosaic.
33. A more prosaic approach was used.
34. Prosaic also can be a kind of appeal.
35. How prosaic, and yet how magical such paragraphs are!
36. The truth is more prosaic.
37. Only love, can be any one in prosaic form.
38. The facts are more prosaic than the legend.
39. MISSOULA, Mont. — The flying abilities of even the most prosaic bird put airplane maneuvers to shame, and experts here at the University of Montana Flight Laboratory are cognizant of that every day.
40. The latest research suggests a more prosaic, democratic, even puritanical view of the world.
41. These specifications are based on the prosaic description of the D-channel management aspects as provided by Recommendation M. 3640.
42. And Spring Moon had the zest and wit to season the most prosaic of lives.
43. The movie, whose working title is the reassuringly prosaic 'Confucius', has no confirmed release date.
44. No, I mean you know, cabernets can be powerful and exalting too, but they seem prosaic to me, by comparison.
45. A major area for energy savings is the prosaic electric motor.
46. The office seems so dull and prosaic after Pine Ridge.
47. No product is prosaic to profit greatly by attractive packaging.
48. Mark Capron, a former naval engineer from California, was also frustrated by prosaic legal considerations.
49. By and by, however , " fervent " gave way to " prosaic ".
50. After all those months of deliberation, was this prosaic utterance the pay - off?
51. No, I mean, you know, cabernets can be powerful and exalting too, but they seem prosaic to me, for some reason,() by comparison.
52. But amid all the celebration it is worth asking a prosaic question.
53. These prosaic details take all the sparkle out of the conversation.
54. But progressive disillusionment isn't just a matter of sky - high expectations meeting prosaic reality.
55. Stephen Green of Standard Chartered , a bank, offers a more prosaic explanation.
56. The dictionary definition, dry and prosaic, is "occupation, work, trade, commerce; serious, rightful, proper endeavor."
57. Teilhard de Chardin wrote about this enterprise many years ago and would be appalled by the prosaic nature of the tools we will use to bring it about.
58. This paper aims at a global review on the prosaic works of the knowledgeable and productive Roman author Varro.
59. Anything old is fodder for a ground-up restoration no matter how prosaic or dull the vehicle. Spindly Austin 7's of the '20s are venerated like doddering old aunties.




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