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单词 Monopolize
1. She tended to monopolize the conversation.
2. Don't let him monopolize you like he did at the last party.
3. Susan's children monopolize her time and energy.
4. Pluralists deny that higher social classes monopolize power and believe that in liberal democracies the wishes of the people determine government policy.
5. Forsyth set out to monopolize the best view of the Falls for his personal gain.
6. OPEC wants to monopolize oil.
7. As we know, monopolize is detrimental to fair competition.
8. Monopolize the conversation with endless personal narrative.
9. On no account should our Party monopolize everything.
10. The service providers monopolize the market.
11. Result: you monopolize the market for smart devices/homes.
12. She tried to monopolize his time.
13. Even in brothels he wanted to monopolize because he had money.
14. Don't monopolize our special guest there are others who would like to talk to her.
15. Anyway I promise that I never attempt to monopolize your love, for ever.
16. It must be emphasized that the government should monopolize the grant of rights to use land.
17. The trend for big corporates to monopolize the market is getting obvious. The monopoly of supermarkets, the merging of railway companies and bus companies have excluded SMEs from the market.
18. The paper analyses the reasons why"invisible champions"can monopolize the market.
19. If we join together, we can almost monopolize the whole market.
20. And their transnational mergence of state - owned enterprises will easily lead to monopolize.
21. Section Two of the Sherman Act, passed in 1890, made it a felony to "monopolize, or attempt to monopolize"; 1914's Clayton Act added price discrimination and other activities that reduced competition.http:///monopolize.html
22. In 1974 the Justice Department sued AT & T for attempting to monopolize the telephone industry.
23. The government responded in 1890 with the Sherman Antitrust Act, which made it illegal for any person or business to monopolize trade , or to contract, combine or conspire to restrict trade .
24. So we should enlarge the reform and opening up in banking, and solve the banking monopolize.
25. In addition, the development of genetically modified foods can make it easy for one company to monopolize the market.
26. Antitrust laws make it illegal to restrain trade or attempt to monopolize a market.
27. Also, have opportunities available for me to engage in good sensory experiences... squishy toys, heavy blankets or pillows, or even allowing me to monopolize your family pet can work wonders!
28. According to the explanation of the game theory, none of firms can prevent the other firms' entrance and then monopolize the market.
29. To acquire most or all of ( a commodity ); monopolize ( a market ).
30. Water back after the city of Changsha people drowned, you can monopolize Changsha.
31. The logic of village membership is a concept that villagers should monopolize the resources of land rights in the village sealing the family group relational network.
32. In order to monopolize power, he does not hesitate to use every mean trick.
33. Shah'tal Queendom - An all female federation of tribes ruled by a queen, whom monopolize trade at the main river delta.
34. Under this influence, enterprises are pursuing one-sidely to improve functions of the products and monopolize the market merely by the strength of technology.
35. We should assist the minority nationalities in organizing their own business activities, which we cannot monopolize.
36. The FSH operates at the protocol layer and does not provide the ability to constrain network resources such that no one application can monopolize the network stack.




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