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单词 Bolt out
1. She bolted out of the room in a rage.
2. When the man tried to get into his own house, he found he had been bolted out.
3. The thief bolted out.
4. As soon as I came downstairs the burglar bolted out.
5. She turned and bolted out the door.
6. Amanda Beard, 14, she of the huge eyes and a breaststroke that bolts out of the water.
7. Gordy commanded her to sit back down then bolted out the door.
8. He salutes and bolts out the door-as he does, a woman walks in.
9. A low hissing filled the room as she bolted out and slammed the door.
10. Before I could say a word, she turned and bolted out the front door.
11. To the right of the pier, a band of about twelve black men bolted out from behind a metal door.
12. It was like a bolt out of the blue.
13. I saw a man bolt out of our backyard.
14. Time will bolt out the truth of things.
15. I saw a man bolt out of [ into ] our backyard.
16. But the Haiti earthquake was absolutely like a bolt out of the blue(), " she said.
17. The bad news came like a bolt out of the blue.
18. The whole thing was a bolt out of the blue.
19. It is the best to bolt out them because only by reciting texts can we vanquish English. It is the ultimate solution.
20. I'm the new sensation, I'm a bolt out of the blue.
21. The bad news came like bolt out of the blue.
22. Making yourself small. Perhaps you find yourself hunching or slouching as you talk about what you want, or having a strong desire to bolt out of the room.
23. He knew it bored me to death to sit in the office with the boring part of my work, and that I would rather bolt out of the office at every opportunity to do fieldwork, thus avoiding this bore.
24. Their only daughter died of the traffic accident. It was like a bolt out of the blue.
25. She recalled that on the day of the incident, it was like a bolt out of the blue, she could not believe her brother had died that way.
26. Mercury just passed superior conjunction on April 16, but in the days to come it will bolt out to become easily visible low in the west-northwest at dusk.
27. Perhaps you find yourself hunching or slouching as you talk about what you want, or having a strong desire to bolt out of the room.
28. The announcement that the president of our university was quitting to go to another school hit us like a bolt out of the blue. He's always said he liked it here so much he would stay until he retired.
29. Especially in daily life, you will win special esteem if you can bolt out strings of prevalent and up-to-date remarks.
30. The announcement that the president of our university was quitting to go to another school hit us like a bolt out of the blue.
31. The news hit me like a bolt out of the blue. I had thought I surely passed the entrance examination.




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