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单词 Imported
1 Home-made parts are being substituted for imported ones.
2 All the raw materials are imported.
3 The new government imposed a special tax on imported wines.
4 Imported marble will front the building.
5 Imported food aid continued to flow in.
6 The imported film left the audience cold.
7 Sugar is imported in bulk from the mainland.
8 All the meat is imported from France.
9 Cheap imported goods are ruining many businesses.
10 Homemade goods are edging out imported foreign goods.
11 These dogs are illegally imported into the country.
12 In 2001, Britain exported more cars than it imported.
13 The store's croissants are imported directly from France.
14 The unusual designs were probably imported from Iran.
15 They imported coffee into China.
16 Cheap imported goods are flooding the market.
17 The imported fabric is 30% cheaper and compares favourably in quality.
18 America decided that imported steel had an unfair advantage over steel made at home.
19 When a new fruit is first imported, its name is usually also imported as a loan word.
20 The fashion for wearing baseball hats was imported directly from the States.
21 We must note that some of the imported films lack artistic quality.
22 The US comedy format was gradually imported to UK screens.
23 Data can also be imported from defined binary files.
24 Wood for the project will be imported from China.
25 Imported machines struggled in the harsh conditions.
26 Some representatives recommended higher tariffs on imported goods.
27 Many tourists cannot tell the difference between authentic Indian craftwork and imported imitations.
28 The National Union of Mineworkers pressed the party to support a total ban on imported coal.
29 It was the first time a Japanese manufacturer had topped the list for imported vehicles.
30 The £10,[]000 scheme has lifted spirits at the school which is close to imported coal mountains at Gladstone Dock.
1 Home-made parts are being substituted for imported ones.
2 All the raw materials are imported.
3 The new government imposed a special tax on imported wines.
4 Many tourists cannot tell the difference between authentic Indian craftwork and imported imitations.
5 Imported marble will front the building.
31 More food was to be imported and there would be continuing efforts to boost exports.
32 By then sugar was fully established as the most important single item imported into Britain.
33 A trade surplus means more products are being exported than imported.
34 Shortages of imported oil sparked lines at gas stations and sent energy prices skyrocketing.
35 Cecil had imported a tribe of Bedouins to the site to play the spectacular scenes.
36 The threat to coal jobs has been much more from gas than from imported coal.
37 California, which has no native largemouth bass, imported fast-growing, long-living Florida-strain bass in the 1950s.
38 For example, the total dependence on imported equipment in all the plants magnified the consequences of a broken sewing machine.
39 These are made mainly of grain, much of which is imported from other parts of the world.
40 Before knives and scissors were imported, they used a sharp shell.
41 If imported drinks like wine still enjoy much more benign treatment, at least the gap has been somewhat narrowed.
42 The effect of having to rely on imported oil is of great significance for development.
43 They offer a way to substitute local wood and charcoal for expensive imported diesel and petrol.
44 Yet farmers' voices tend to be drowned out by articulate city-dwellers deprived of subsidies and no longer able to afford imported goods.
45 The drill might be made of wood or bronze, using sand or emery, imported from Naxos, as an abrasive.
46 A true cat prefers to sharpen his claws on authentic imported oriental carpets, not cheap imitation knock-offs.
47 Granite and alabaster were also imported with precious materials such as porphyry to give richness and lustre to interiors.
48 Weakened by warfare, imported diseases and the excessive demands of their overlords, they were obliged in the end to submit.
49 The control unit, the motor and the electronic parts of the spindle were imported.
50 This level of imported oil could thus be displaced by the combined use of domestic gas and coal.
51 Then they made a bonfire of his father's music and his collection of imported Deutsche Gramophon records.
52 They imported all the granite gravel for the driveway from Paris.
53 Motorbikes from Bejing are being imported into Britain by an engineer, and by all accounts he's doing a roaring trade.
54 Each kit, imported from theUnited States at a cost of $ 980, can test 100 samples.
55 There are many timber yards and a chemical industry using the imported oil.
56 They would happily pay out princely sums for completely new garments made from superior imported cloths.
57 An injunction here would, in effect, apply almost entirely to imported goods.
58 The techniques it deals with appear to have been imported from Hong Kong.
59 They will gain from the ability to buy cheap imported coal in coming years.
60 The increasing use of Sharpness docks for imported goods is undoubtably good news for workers there; helping to secure their jobs.
61 This may be the clearest evidence of the change from the imported gold coin acting as a primitive valuable to primitive money.
62 At the moment, about four-fifths of all the timber and timber products we use have to be imported.
63 The canals whose routes connected up to the major ports carried Britain's exports to the coast and brought imported raw materials inland.
64 The shortfall was being met by imported eggs from countries where there was no testing or compulsory slaughter of infected flocks.
65 There are new integrated editors for digitised sound play and editing - sound can be imported from Windows or AdLib files.
66 Of the nearly 18,000 head of cattle imported through Colombo in 1901, over sixty percent were immediately sent to the slaughterhouse.
67 Some were forcibly settled there by government directives, imported to help provide food resources for the remote garrison settlements.
68 They used to swap aluminium ore for shiploads of them imported from the Soviet Union.
69 Price inflation plagued the distribution of imported goods and was aggravated by bottlenecks in ports like Khorramshahr and beyond.
70 If it is not straw, it is imported coal from foreign lands.
71 Barcelona imported most of her meat and wheat, and imports levelled out prices.
72 The defective cranks tend to be on imported bikes that retail in the $ 400 to $ 650 range.
73 Outside Kent there are particular regions which reveal a high level of consumption of exotic goods imported from aboard.
74 Inspection for wholesomeness of meat and poultry in interstate and intrastate commerce is mandatory; inspection of imported meat is mandatory.
75 After all, it is illegal to grow hemp in the United States, though sterilized hempseeds may be imported legally.
76 Britain still has a bicycle industry; frames and complete bicycles are manufactured here, though most of the components are imported.
77 Hull imported raw materials and later food for the industrial towns.
78 But he quoted a survey that reported that 51 percent of all company cars were imported.
79 They were all later released after police dropped charges that they illegally imported anabolic steroids into the country.
80 They are worried that genetic differences imported into the native flora will have profound ecological consequences.
81 The government ration card system allows an urban family to buy a case of imported beer for about 400 Kwanza.
82 We will encourage enhanced recovery of oil from the North Sea and avoid becoming too dependent on imported fuel.
83 Revenues, from reprocessing domestic and imported nuclear fuels, are not expected to exceed £5.2 billion.
84 There would be some slight problem in distinguishing Jalame glass from that imported to the site.
85 Soil samples were taken at Khamisiyah, and identical sand and dirt were imported from the Gulf desert to Utah.
86 Tariffs on imported cars would drop from 85 percent to 60 percent in 1991 and to 35 percent by 1994.
87 United States law requires that all imported cheeses be made from pasteurized milk.
88 The code "ZZ35" on this cassette means it was imported from Europe.
89 It is right and proper that the brewers and their designers should address the challenge represented by imported concepts.
90 The imported coal is heavily subsidised,[http:///imported.html] as we have said many times in the House.
91 Once princes and feudal lords who wished to increase the productive wealth of their domains imported craftsmen as a matter of course.
92 So savings rates stay high, and consumption, including the consumption of imported goods, stays low.
93 Although not imported in any great quantity it is available at fairly reasonable prices.
94 Since so much has to be imported, the local cost of living is high.
95 Very little produce is imported, and with the restrictions imposed by a hot climate, meals are based on indigenous ingredients.
96 Imported will still be arriving though to keep supplies at a reasonable level.
97 The explanation is either imported marijuana or the diversion of inhalants such as glue and paint stripper from the workshops.
98 Representative David Bard of Pennsylvania proposed that the national government levy a tax on each slave imported.
99 Several senators said it was hypocritical to ban imported weapons but not U.S.-made ones.
100 This aluminium sea kayak trolley, to be imported by North Shore, attracted a lot of interest at Crystal Palace.
101 Nearly all of it was imported, at preferential prices, from Soviet bloc countries.
102 The number of imported iguanas has grown from 27, 806 in 1986 to 798, 405 in 1993.
103 So prices are inflated and will remain so until there is a steady flow of imported goods.
104 Dance bands, jazz and crooners of indeterminate age gave way to the new imported sound of the States - rock'n'roll.
105 Example 12.1 Consider the data on imported softwood given in Table 12.1.
106 He imported the commonsense realist philosophy, which included a demand that individuals be responsible for public affairs.
107 A lack of structure is intrinsic to housework; thus a psychological structure is imported to it.
108 To stem the flow, he advocates strict trade protections, including high tariffs on imported goods.
109 The balance of payments gets better precisely because incomes are down and people can not afford to buy imported products.
110 Heherson Alvarez said disagreements over the taxation of imported petroleum products has stalled the passage of an oil industry deregulation bill.
111 He ordered catalogues from Philadelphia and was a sucker for any newly imported plants.
112 Gasp, just north of Wilshire, offers imported furniture, plus antiques and home accessories.
113 Since January the first, no imported livestock is health-tested at the port.
114 Although these can be valuable instruments of environmental policy, the application of such requirements to imported products can pose significant difficulties.
115 Newly imported Angelfish sometimes suffer from a viral infection called Lymphocystis.
116 The work on the coalfields was intensified and a widespread search for minerals which were normally imported, was carried out.
117 The removal of these barriers would lead to a direct lowering of costs by reducing the price of imported goods and services.
118 Overvalued currencies kept the price of imported goods low, crowding out locally produced goods.
119 Domestically produced cars are overpriced while prices for imported cars verge on the absurd.
120 They merely pave the way for an increasing proportion of those emissions to come from the burning of imported coal.
121 Much of this agony Eliot imported from his own sufferings, though, as usual, these are transmuted through his reading.
122 There are a number of highly capitalized industries with imported technology in the north.
123 They were near the ports where the tin was imported.
124 Since much seafood is imported, the regulatory requirements of other countries need to be examined too.
125 This is in marked contrast to desktop publishing programs where almost every element has to be created externally and then imported.
126 The new law limits the number of foreign cars that can be imported.
127 In other words, imported goods and services help maintain consumption levels in the marketable sector.
128 Their hair was everywhere in the gusts: a solemn mercenary navy imported by a poor place.
129 Local oil companies want a 10 percent tariff on refined petroleum products and 3 percent duty for imported crude oil.
130 Much of our raw materials and our food must be purchased in world markets and imported.
131 The outcome is that Scotch Whisky has been left to compete on distinctly unfavourable terms with imported wines.
132 Imported by Jack from the cellars of Newark and Brooklyn.
133 From 1942 to 1947, 250, 000 braceros were imported into California.
134 Briefly, they exported manufactured goods and capital, and they imported raw materials.
135 Most of the wines served in this restaurant are imported from France.
136 Local produce often goes to waste because people prefer to buy imported food.
137 Some details of the mechanisms of dispersal of such imported goods can be obtained by a more detailed examination of their distributions.
138 The rough staves were usually imported from Scandinavia and were brought up river by barge.
139 Democrat policy on energy includes plans for the development of alternative energy sources and a reduction in dependence on imported oil.
140 Furthermore, there is concern about foodstuffs imported from newly endemic areas.
141 According to the report(), twenty thousand exotic birds die each year while being imported to Britain.
142 High grade imported ores are used. Scrap metal is added to the steel furnaces.
143 What is less clear is whether they were cut in Kent or imported ready cut.
144 When oil was first imported this was the place chosen for an oil refinery.
145 This was a huge increase compared with the 4,000 tonnes imported in 1981.
146 The removal of the tax protection against imported silk in 1859 led to its and many of its neighbours' ultimate downfall.
147 A nation should restrict its foreign trade so that it exported more finished goods than it imported.
148 A man who lost his agency for imported electronic equipment, for example,[] did not praise nationalization of the import business.
149 The sugar program works by limiting domestic production and erecting trade barriers that keep the price of imported sugar high.
150 The original juice may be from cider apples, but it is just as likely to be imported eating apple juice concentrate.
151 The air was thick with the smells of fat imported cigars and the kind of champagne better worn than swallowed.
152 Market trends indicate that imported wines have been the main winner - Scotch Whisky the main loser. 4.
153 Alongside the Manchester Ship Canal there were open spaces suitable for large modern factories using imported raw materials.
154 Current prices and product lists are imported into the system by dialing into a central computer with a modem.
155 In December, total imported vehicle sales increased 22. 1 percent to 38, 861 units, the association said.
156 Sixty percent of the content of local cars is from imported parts, and those costs will be passed on to consumers.
157 Because international surveillance is severely limited, early detection of infections that are imported from abroad is often delayed.
158 Another example of an imported good with a widespread distribution is ivory, which normally occurs as rings.
159 Dark environments overcome by imported religious signs and local domestic amenities.
160 King James offered financial rewards to persuade people to plant mulberries to feed his imported silkworms.
161 Basra imported vast quantities of kermes and indigo to dye textiles red and blue.
162 The report estimates that about 234,000 shells have been imported since 1981.
163 Many fear that quality will be sacrificed for cheap and easy quantity, envisaging a fifth channel dominated by low-cost imported programmes.
164 Farmers are calling for a boycott of all imported meat.
165 The second species, R. humilis, has been imported and is cultivated in aquariums and terrariums.
166 In the absence of checks on imported data, the potential exists for this data to subvert programs running on the systems.
167 But the die had been cast, in part through the power of imported ideas, in part through sheer frustration.
168 Stainless steel made good medium of exchange on a planet where all metal had to be imported.
169 It seems probable that Kent imported material directly from the Frankish world.
170 Sometimes outside consultants were used in the workshops, a refreshing blend of local and imported talents and experiences.
171 What is more, 20 million tonnes of imported coal means another £1,000 million added to the balance of payments deficit.
172 In 1990, it imported over 900,000 cubic metres of tropical timber, and nearly eight million finished tropical timber products.
173 It crushes our potentialities and invades our lives with its imported products and televised movies that swamp the airwaves.
174 The technique allows manufacturers to shut down unofficially imported electronic goods.
175 Marbles and granites were imported and the building was embellished with appropriate statuary and ornamentation.
176 Not the imported store tomatoes that were strip-mined in Texas, but fresh garden tomatoes that taste like tomatoes.
177 Most ReD seems to focus on indigenization, quality control and troubleshooting of imported technology.
178 Some smogs can be made worse when pollution is imported from outside the city boundary from neighbouring urban-industrial areas.
179 Advanced imported photoelectric supervision system is used.
180 He imported wine by the boatload.
181 The government has confiscated the illegally imported goods.
182 They can impose tariffs and quotes on imported items.
183 Apply advanced reversing technology and imported MOSFET power switch.
184 TransNamib ,[] the parastatal railway company of Namibia imported locomotives and rolling stock China.
185 The inner wall of induction coil of large capacity electric furnace is cast with imported high temperature resistant insulation material to prevent of furnace lining leakage.
186 The beer brewing equipment was imported from Bavaria and raw material was also from Germany.
187 Cocktail, Brandies, Wines, Liqueur, Scotch, Irish, Rum, Gin, Vodka, Imported Beer.
188 Be responsible for registration and updating of Technical Imported contract in SAFE.
189 In Somalia the monopoly of parastatals in maize, sorghum, and imported foods has been eliminated.
190 Comparing the retention and drainage property of modified bentonite and imported bentonite.
191 In addition new borers and fungi have been introduced on imported materials.
192 The medical instruments, such as ventilators, patient monitors, heart pacemakers, and dentistry chairs, etc. , imported by medical colleges and universities shall not be exempt from taxes.
193 A drawback is made on customs duties on imported goods when they are later exported.
194 Key component adopted imported, high efficiency, long lifespan , and low defect . Warranty : 2 - year.
195 Rumple Minze is a peppermint schnapps imported from the Black Forest in Bavaria.
196 The government is going to lower the tariff on imported cars.




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