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单词 Koala bear
1. The Australian Government gave us a koala bear as a gesture of friendship.
2. Zip: Look! There's a koala bear over there.
3. Why is koala bear so popular with zoo goers?
4. I really love this koala bear.
5. Look! There is a Koala bear over there.
6. Where can you hold a koala bear and feed a kangaroo?
7. Although a koala bear may seem like the perfect exotic pet, koalas cannot be kept as pets.
8. A newborn koala bear can climb even though it is born blind and deaf.
9. S. has listed the koala bear as a threatened species.
10. Koala Bear and Wombat were two particular creatures that came upon craft that crash-landed near the region now known as Australia.
11. Therefore, Mummy keep scolding me like "Koala Bear" thus I following her here and there...
12. Mummy said Koala Bear is like this...See my pose here.
13. We of the Koala Bear Kingdom have much to say to our ascending human brothers and sisters.
14. Koala bear, when you said that you were in love with him, there might be...
15. We say that the tail did not bear called koala bear, then we say that a small cocks did not bear what is called the Bear?
16. Human development has caused a loss of habitat which has been a huge threat to the koala bear population. Their numbers have decreased significantly. The U.
17. Some species sleep day and night such as the Koala Bear.
18. Such a permit is usually only issued in the case of a koala bear that needs medical attention or perhaps in the case of an abandoned joey.
19. A special permit is required to care for a koala bear and it is only issued to animal career professionals.




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