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单词 Monetization
1. Land monetization is also taking other forms.
2. Blogging is one thing, and blog monetization is another.
3. It is the duty expense monetization that cause peoples psychology to be unbalanced, make the normal view of value disordered, and lead to the duty consumers non-action.
4. During the Fed's debt monetization process, the economy will get another injection for credit expansion.
5. Thus , we should keep on promoting the monetization reform of wage system.
6. If the economic growth and monetization were included in our model the tax rate of seigniorage would be the sum of the contribution rate of growth, the rate of monetization and the nominal rate.
7. It not only helps in economy monetization, but also encourages formation of the social capital amount expansion and quantity improvement.
8. If this is monetization at a remove, so be it.
8. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
9. Some times , open market operations can produce monetization of public debt.
10. First, the Bank of Japan's "debt monetization" close to the limit, no longer be sustainable.
11. Economists have another term to describe the monetization of government debt.
12. Even a relatively dovish Bernanke Fed cannot afford to let the inflation-expectations genie out of the bottle via a monetization of the fiscal bailout costs.
13. During the first period, institution factor of velocity declining are monetization process, price and interest rate limit, and compulsive saving.
14. The right mix of verticals can lead to faster growth and definitive monetization.
15. Judging by gold backwardation (discussed later) and the bearish charts on the bubbly debt ETFs, I think the debt monetization and dollar devaluation will begin within the next six weeks.
16. Shandong is currently the first province to implement the policy of housing monetization allocation in China.
17. The introduction of talent, first of all require employers through the monetization of housing subsidy to provide housing conditions.
18. The single most important metric for the social networks looking at a vertical is monetization.




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