1. Fruit clavate, c. 1.5 cm long, 0.4 cm wide.
2. Diphtheria is causes by the diphtheria clavate bacillus threatens the enormous one kind of acute respiratory tract infectious disease to the child.
3. Anthocarp clavate, 3 - 3.5 mm, 5-ribbed, with viscid glands and sparse pubescence, apex rounded.
4. Corolla sympetalous, tube gradually dilated, usually 6-keeled in middle portion, then constricted abruptly to a neck and expanded to a clavate tip, lobes reflexed.
5. Ovary: ovules numerous, on 3 parietal placentas; style simple, geniculate at base, conspicuously clavate, with an anterior opening stigmatic cavity.