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单词 Augustan
1. The Augustan age of English literature includes the writers Dryden, Swift and Pope.
2. Ovid the Augustan outcast opened up a silvery perspective of pagan myth for succeeding generations to enjoy.
3. Heroic couplets, the typical verse form of the Augustan age, were brought to perfection by Alexander Pope.
4. Rome in the Augustan Age was considered a large city by those who knew it.
5. The well-tried Roman policy of divide and rule had been the basis of Augustan diplomacy and continued during the conquest.
6. But he would be the alley-fighter who could argue over modern philosophy and quote the poets of the Augustan age.
7. This course features a number of downloadable readings and a selective chronology of events Augustan Rome.
8. This Palaestra served as a gymnasium and a place indoctrinate the young people in Augustan ideals.
9. In Chapter I, the author will explain the overall background of Augustan cultural program.




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