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单词 Travel plan
1 For now, the band's travel plans are tenuous.
2 Please inform us of your travel plans, i.e. arrival time, carrier, etc.
3 Her limited money kiboshed her travel plan.
4 Bad weather can upset even the best-laid travel plans.
5 Our travel plans have fallen through.
6 Our travel plans are still up in the air.
7 When he crashed his car all his travel plans went up in smoke.
8 I am sorry if you have made travel plans.
9 But she would have to alter her travel plans - she is due to be abroad that day.
10 A spokesman said the governor's travel plans were still uncertain.
11 Perhaps the most widely used online service is travel planning, both to research a destination and to do advance bookings.
12 Consequently, even long-standing travel plans or arrangements may have to be postponed or cancelled in early May.
13 I still have a private airplane and my travel plans are unannounced; and I lead my own life.
14 Our travel plan has been cancelled.
15 You are developing line travel plan?
16 Bill has purposed a detailed travel plan for his annual leave.
17 Please advise your travel plan at earliest date so we make argot acidly.
18 Their travel plan was cancelled because of the bad weather.
19 I long ago accepted the reality that the Internet provides an unprecedented source for travel planning.
20 International Chapters offers flexible accommodation arrangements and will be happy to advise on alternative travel plans.
21 Be sure to notify your relatives back home if you change your travel plans.
22 Get together , golf around the world. Share your travel plan and meet friends.
23 With CITIC, nothing is impossible. You will find the best suitable travel plan.




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