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单词 Sliding
1. I was sliding helplessly .
2. Many practitioners have a sliding scale of fees.
3. Friction gradually caused the sliding box to slow down and stop.
4. The country was sliding into a state of virtual civil war.
5. When I was little I used to like sliding on the polished floor in my socks.
6. They were sliding towards bankruptcy.
7. The country is sliding into the depths of recession.
8. The sliding doors fit into these plastic channels.
9. The only ventilation comes from tiny sliding windows.
10. Children were sliding around in the snow and slush.
11. The children loved sliding round the newly polished floor.
12. She was sliding into depression.
13. Sliding doors and windows move in groove.
14. Fees are calculated on a sliding scale.
14. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
15. The country is sliding into economic chaos.
16. We use a sliding scale for charges.
17. I still remember sliding down the banisters.
18. The kids were sliding down the banisters.
19. She felt as if she were sliding into madness.
20. Tears were sliding down his cheeks.
21. After sliding in the opinion polls, the party had to rethink its plan of campaign.
22. I managed to get in a sliding tackle, but he scored anyway.
23. Fees are calculated on a sliding scale according to income.
24. Charges are made on a sliding scale, which means that the amount you must pay increases with the level of your income.
25. Cars were sliding off roads that were slick with rain.
26. Benefits are paid on a sliding scale according to family income.
27. Passengers escaped from the plane's front four exits by sliding down emergency chutes.
28. Everything had to be strapped down to stop it from sliding around.
29. He was improving for a while,[] but I fear he's sliding back into his old habits.
30. The company had to do something to reverse its sliding fortunes.
1. Many practitioners have a sliding scale of fees.
2. Friction gradually caused the sliding box to slow down and stop.
3. The country was sliding into a state of virtual civil war.
4. When I was little I used to like sliding on the polished floor in my socks.
5. Passengers escaped from the plane's front four exits by sliding down emergency chutes.
6. After sliding in the opinion polls, the party had to rethink its plan of campaign.
31. I said, feeling myself about to start sliding back.
32. She bore the sliding brace of a credit-card franker.
33. Hornaday winds up sliding into the outside wall.
34. Therapists' fees are figured on a sliding scale.
35. Lux studied his notepad, the smile sliding away.
36. The tentacles were sliding closer to her.
37. A non-slip mat will help prevent her sliding around.
38. Yet statistics show voter turnout sliding down.
39. Is Swindon sliding towards Skid Row?
40. There was a sliding scale in between.
41. Instant movement, sliding across the floor.
42. To our left, the sliding glass door absorbed our profiles.
43. Sliding deeper, he let the warm water lap around him.
44. Dot watched half a dumpling sliding on to her plate.
44. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
45. Though he moved silently, the slivers of ice sliding down her spine told her he was close behind.
46. The children were having a great time, sliding around on the polished floor.
47. Continue moving by once again stepping out with your right foot, then sliding the left foot into place next to it.
48. Your front wheels are sliding; you must regain traction, grip.
49. Sliding them on to the desk, she snapped open her briefcase and took out her calculator.
50. In both cases, the charges would be on a sliding scale, with environmentally-damaging practises attracting penal rates.
51. Bending down to look for club soda, Mitchell discovered the restaurant s stereo and album collection hidden behind a sliding panel.
52. Charges will be assessed on a sliding scale according to the volume, nature and location of discharges.
53. The nine-year-old tearaway was arrested when a driver caught him trying to get into his car by sliding through the sunroof.
54. Sliding the on/off plate back to on triggers the heating element and also shuts off the water inlet, preventing drips.
55. Seattle sits on a fault caused by a plate sliding under the continental United States.
56. Sliding between the bedcovers, she flicked off the bedside lamp and snuggled down into the enveloping warmth.
57. But now we haven't the stop to prevent our timber sliding as we try to gauge it.
58. A modest dusting on icy roads and pavements would eliminate slipping and sliding without all those expensive tons of sand and salt.
59. We could see the shadows of the clouds sliding along beneath them far into the distance.
60. Computer and software stocks led the advance, which would have been larger except for sliding prices for automakers and retailers.
61. On the forecourt he unlocked the car and threw the diaries across on to the passenger seat before sliding in behind the wheel.
62. Then she heard the sound of a car starting and tyres sliding on a dirt road.
63. One chairman has commented that tribunals operate a sliding scale of formality.
64. He leant back and pushed himself away from the table, sliding backwards on the castors of his typist-style chair.
65. There was blood on the girder where Gazzer's hands were sliding helplessly down ....
66. The rest of the kitty will be divided among the other 21 clubs on a sliding scale in units of £35,000.
67. This angle can be easily read off the original using a sliding bevel and transferred to the new rail.
68. Turn the sliding contact of the potentiometer to approximately mid-position.
69. Far, far away Beyond the heather, sliding away all night.
70. Alpine roads are better surfaced than they were, but still a patch of grit can start a front wheel sliding.
71. Interior screens can range from fabric-covered triptych folding ones you can move around to sliding doors to a climbing house plant.
72. It featured an enclosed glazed cockpit for the pilots with sliding panels, and portholes were located along the hull sides.
73. Begin from a fighting stance by thrusting forwards with the back foot and sliding a short distance with the front.
74. Too often we are faced with clamouring up the slippery slopes to the law more than sliding down them.
74. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
75. Coiner Varley who escaped sliding down a rubbish tip which the market traders had pushed up against the wall of the gaol.
76. Doors of the hatch can be hinged or sliding, or even a lift-down flap, as long as it's got adequate support.
77. The disparity between solar noon and mean noon widens and narrows as the seasons change, on a sliding scale.
78. Baron was pretty impressive: The sound of a wet finger sliding across a drum head resembles nothing else.
79. A special attraction is the swimming pool, with sliding windows opening on to a large lawn.
80. Keith and the other man are slipping and sliding, barely able to stand up.
81. She twisted away, pushing with her elbows, sliding off toward the foot of the bed.
82. A swing can only occur if the tail is sliding sideways over the ground.
83. Two hours later they were in a room with sliding panels and straw mats.
84. The Trotskyist movement has long advocated a sliding scale of wages to meet the rising cost of living.
85. Then pinch a small shot on the line at the other end to stop the slug from sliding up the line.
86. Frankie tells the audience how the Producers had wanted him to make an entrance by sliding down a fireman's pole!
87. A tear found its way from under her eyelid, sliding down her cheek.
88. I remedied the oversight, carefully sliding the bolt into place as I shut the doors behind me.
89. Most notable were the razor-sharp bottleneck on Cloud Nine and the familar, sliding refrain of Something.
90. There's all these hundreds of cars sliding past with their lights all red and white.
91. Suddenly, Stairway to Paradise is echoing through the theatre and I am stepping into the spotlight sliding faster and faster.
92. The cancellation fee is usually expressed as a percentage of the contract price, and varies on a sliding scale.
93. The fee is on a sliding scale according to value, and nobody who appraises for us is paid for it.
94. At the sea's edge, turned dense with terror of sliding into the dark without even screaming like a stillborn.
95. Sliding down the rails, a large dark mass was coming towards them.
96. The sliding plate brought forth a series of terranes from thousands of miles to the south.
97. She knew she was caught in a vicious trap, sliding down a slippery spiral.
98. He had the impression things were sliding past him somehow.
99. Plus, if you come sliding into the corners at about 50 miles an hour you usually end up on the ground.
100. The ward cars were converted from open parcel vans, already provided with sliding doors on the sides and ends.
101. A lanky boy was skewed, one half of his body sliding from the other.
102. Below it there is an action shot of Jackie Robinson sliding into second base.
103. Cars were sliding off roads that were slick with snow.
104. Turn the sliding contact of the potentiometer to approximately mid-position. Connect the battery.
104. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
105. Mist was pouring over the mountains and sliding down the far valleys under the moonlight.
106. Then it felt as though the world was sliding inside-out as, slowly, noiselessly, a panel swivelled in her mind.
107. I imagine cool water sliding through my hair and down my shoulders.
108. Its fabric shifted in the light, cords sliding across one another, and the light shone through and between them.
109. He walked me to the sliding door, open just wide enough for a person to slip through.
110. Lighted curio cabinets with sliding doors range from $ 650 to $ 1, 100.
111. During an impact, the scalp acts as rotational shock absorber by both compressing and sliding over the skull.
112. One of the colliding plates crumples upwards and then grinds down, sliding beneath the onrush of the other.
113. I stood at the sliding doors of Crosshouse Hospital, my arm around my grandmother.
114. Lehman missed both, leaving his long eagle putt well short, then sliding barely right on the birdie attempt.
115. A large part of the compensation package for our sales people is driven by a sliding commission scale.
116. She pitched forwards and sideways, sliding a dozen yards down the slope before the Kurd was able to arrest her progress.
117. I thought my friend, Irena, was joking when she dragged me, sloshing and sliding, towards the highway.
118. She knew more than either Defries or Daak about sliding rogue instructions into computerized systems.
119. Many unattached skis went sliding off down the hill at incredible speed.
120. This city could reconfigure parts of itself, great vitrodur panels sliding smoothly, tilting, canting.
121. The cause of the crash was a Land Rover sliding off an M62 motorway bridge on to the train track.
122. The blow would be softened slightly for those affected by substantial compensation on a pro-rata and sliding scale basis.
123. What was the going rate, his professional self asked, and was it adjusted to a sliding scale?
124. Its correlative, a sliding scale of hours to meet unemployment, is now becoming timely.
125. She furiously grasped hold of a clump of soggy weed and after more slipping and sliding finally managed to heave herself out.
126. Sam let Haddad light it, but it kept sliding from his lips.
127. To make the best use of space, use sliding doors.
128. There is a lot more to being a national team member, however, than just sliding around on skis.
129. A huge explosion drowned the enemy fire and Killion caught a glimpse of a burning bomber slowly sliding along on its nose.
130. So it was that the trade emulated this sliding scale system for the populace at large.
131. Sliding it by the town council, however, was another matter.
132. The bolts are stiff; the pair of them have some difficulty releasing the catches and sliding them back.
133. It was the face of a man whose brain was sliding out through his eye socket.
134. Simon had wedged the handle under his thigh to stop the knife from sliding off into space.
135. The new king's first task will be to prevent the desperately poor country of 23m from sliding into civil war.
136. He had found himself trapped in a room with doors made up of huge, sliding slabs of rock all round it.
137. Fees will be on a sliding scale, and there will be a creche available.
138. Yet statistics that show voter turnout slowly sliding down, down.
139. Turn your front wheels in the direction of the skid, the direction in which the rear wheels are sliding.
140. I was into Regazzoni's car which was sliding backwards and my rear wheels climbed over his.
141. Then, sliding carefully out from under his outstretched arm, she slipped out of bed.
142. A huge snake was unravelling from a tree, sliding along the forest floor.
143. So far, Hanley said, sliding supplies have not resulted in significant price increases.
144. I'd just like to know! she whispered to herself, barely aware of the tears sliding down her cheeks.
145. Scenes begin with a camera sliding across or moving slowly into a Los Angeles exterior.
146. Untraveledroadie: You and only you see the sliding glass door in me.
147. Just the same, Wyss found himself sliding, and sensed the others sliding back too, and nothing could stop them.
148. Actual shearing injury to the sacral tissues and the heels may even be caused by patients sliding forward on vinyl-covered chairs.
149. I carried the telephone into our little foyer and closed the sliding door.
150. Diplomats can live on a brilliant surface of respectability and still risk sliding into the mire of distrust hidden below.
151. Each section of the deck of the road is carried on sliding bearings, to allow for expansion of the sections.
152. His hands were on her smooth, arched back, sliding down the curve.
153. I had already checked the sliding armor panel on the seat.
154. Most people I knew took their first few feet of sliding down a local farm field with a rope tow.
155. His fingers wrapped themselves round her ankles, sliding upwards, making her skin tingle.
156. Gao Yang lowered his head, sending drops of cooled sweat sliding Jown the tree to the ground.
157. Large sliding doors open from the oak-floored corridor in the pavilion into the conference rooms.
158. He braked and grabbed up the shotgun as he laid the bike over, sliding into the shelter of the woodpile.
159. Newton said he was the victim of a late sliding tackle by Mr Hallam.
160. To find Dornoch you just kept sliding your finger up the well-defined northeastern coast until you crossed the Dornoch Firth.
161. It was raining, thin trickles of water sliding down the window, tainting the air with dampness.
162. Julie was busily locking the doors and windows, sliding bolts and turning keys.
163. Her hand was loosening his tie, his was sliding up the tingling curve of her thigh.
164. The system uses a sliding frequency guiding filter to regulate the speed of the soliton waves.
165. Whatever the protestations of loyalty, his colleagues were more interested in spotting which ribs he was sliding his verbal stiletto between.
166. According to Mendoza, one of the four agents at the sliding glass door demanded that she let them in.
167. Torquay has moved into second spot, with Bournemouth sliding from runner-up in 1991 to sixth this year.
168. The cab separated from the trailer which turned over on its side, sliding down the slope.
169. The boys amused themselves by sliding down the banister.
170. The company is sliding even deeper into the red.
171. Shock absorber sliding tube is correct extension and cleanliness.
172. Sliding doors move in grooves.
173. Until recently a beacon of Asian pluralism, Thailand is sliding into anarchy.
174. The test apparatus to friction disc of wet clutch in automatic transmission can change some test parameters, such as sliding velocity, turning inertia, normal applied force and lubrication volume.
175. A sliding mode observer is designed to estimate the angle of attack and flight path angle for a hypersonic vehicle.
176. And, across the world, ships were sliding out of Black Sea harbors.
177. Endoscopic gastroplasty has been performed in 7 patients with sliding hiatus hernia.
178. Dealers grew concerned over the sliding dollar and receding prospects for economic recovery.
179. The upset sent share prices sliding to their lowest level for almost 18 months.
180. He needs them to stop the country sliding into chaos.
181. Adaptive sliding mode control (ASMC) method was applied in satellite antenna tracking and pointing servo system.
182. If the oxide film is hard, sliding occurs on the outside thereof.




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