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单词 Significant
1. The amniocentesis test carries a significant risk of miscarriage.
2. Penicillin was an extremely significant medical discovery.
3. A small but significant number of 11-year-olds are illiterate.
4. The move was regarded as significant in Japan.
5. This is a significant contribution to knowledge.
6. This is a significant piece of legislation.
7. Today is a significant day for me.
8. His most significant political achievement was the abolition of the death penalty.
9. A significant number of indecent assaults on women go unreported.
10. The Chinese Dragon Boat Festival is a significant holiday celebrated in China, and the one with the longest history. The Dragon Boat Festival is celebrated by boat races in the shape of dragons. Competing teams row their boats forward to a drumbeat racing to reach the finish end first.
11. There has been a significant increase in the number of women students in recent years.
12. He has won over a significant number of the left-wing deputies.
13. There are no significant differences between the education systems of the two countries.
14. They have had a significant change in policy on paternity leave.
15. Recent elections have shown significant gains by right-wing groups.
16. Crime figures showed significant percentage increases.
17. The results are not statistically significant.
18. Share prices showed significant advances today.
18. try its best to collect and build good sentences.
19. Her appointment was a significant,() though/albeit temporary success.
20. He gave her a significant look.
21. There were significant similarities between mother and son.
22. He gave me a significant look.
23. Gay men are a small but significant minority.
24. The talks represented the first significant move towards peace.
25. I don't think that is significant.
26. One of the best memories I have of him was when I first got him. It is a very significant moment in my life.
27. Persistence is the common trait of anyone who has had a significant impact on the world.
28. A small percentage reduction in the cost of materials would mean a significant increase in profit.
29. high-talent people lazy by nature, if, that is, not from efforts to develop his talents, his achievements would not have significant, sometimes, rather it would be better than him at the day low.
30. Their change of plan is strange but I don't think it's significant.
1. The amniocentesis test carries a significant risk of miscarriage.
2. A small but significant number of 11-year-olds are illiterate.
3. The move was regarded as significant in Japan.
4. This is a significant contribution to knowledge.
5. This is a significant piece of legislation.
6. Today is a significant day for me.
7. His most significant political achievement was the abolition of the death penalty.
8. A small percentage reduction in the cost of materials would mean a significant increase in profit.
9. A significant number of indecent assaults on women go unreported.
10. There has been a significant increase in the number of women students in recent years.
11. He has won over a significant number of the left-wing deputies.
12. There are no significant differences between the education systems of the two countries.
13. They have had a significant change in policy on paternity leave.
14. Some of the most significant issues were neglected.
15. I haven't noticed any significant reduction in the performance of my car since switching to unleaded fuel.
31. The decision affects a significant proportion of the population.
32. The tax brought about a significant redistribution of wealth.
33. There remained one significant problem.
34. How historically significant is this discovery?
35. The difference in price is not very significant.
36. This decision represents a significant departure from previous policy.
37. They didn't pose a significant risk to safety.
38. Your work has shown a significant improvement.
39. The rise in temperature is not statistically significant.
40. The variation is not statistically significant.
41. These differences are not statistically significant.
42. They have made significant inroads into the European market.
43. Taken together, these factors are highly significant.
44. This development proved highly significant for the whole town.
45. Some of the most significant issues were neglected.
46. She cast him a significant smile.
47. The results of the experiment are not statistically significant.
48. The opinion polls show a significant fall in her popularity.
49. She looked at him across the table and gave him a significant smile.
50. The navy played a limited but significant role in defeating the rebellion.
51. The firm should concede a significant salary increase to its employees.
52. Do you think it's significant that he hasn't replied to my letter yet?
53. The study showed a significant correlation between the baby's sleeping position and the risk of cot death.
54. The moment marked a significant shift in attitudes to the war.
55. Is there any significant difference in quality between these two items?
56. Please inform us if there are any significant changes in your plans.
57. The institution of a Freedom of Information Act has had a significant effect.
58. The difference between the two samples was not statistically significant.
59. It is significant that the writers of the report were all men.
60. There was a significant decline in the size of the business as the company transitioned to an intellectual property company.
61. The accident is already shaping up as a significant environmental disaster.
62. Britain's negotiators had ensured that the treaty which resulted was a significant change in direction.
63. You can look forward to a significant cash return by saving from as little as £10 a month.
64. A significant cause of stress in the workplace is a sense of powerlessness and lack of control.
65. As young people started to have more money(), a significant youth culture developed.
66. Research in the field of genito-urinary medicine has led to significant health advances in the last decade.
67. As a boxer, his long reach gives him a significant advantage.
68. They have the aircraft capable of doing significant damage, because most of those aircraft are capable of launching anti-ship missiles.
69. There are no significant differences between the two groups of students.
70. A significant number of drivers fail to keep to speed limits.
71. A significant exhibition of contemporary sculpture will be on view at the Portland Gallery.
72. You have all invested significant amounts of time and energy in making this project the success that it is.
73. The new law gives local governments a significant measure of control over their own finances.
74. She suffered a significant loss of hearing after the operation.
75. I haven't noticed any significant reduction in the performance of my car since switching to unleaded fuel.
76. The research is too unfocused to have any significant impact.
77. Do you habitually use display screen equipment as a significant part of your job?
78. Economic factors have played a significant part in Britain's decline as a world power.
79. Police said there had been a significant development in the case.
80. A significant part of Japan's wealth is invested in the West.
81. These views are held by a significant proportion of the population.
82. It was clear that there was significant support for the Islamists.
83. Today's Security Council resolution will be a significant success for American diplomacy.
84. When she died in 1946,[http:///significant.html] her friends wanted to memorialize her in some significant way.
85. The company looks poised to make a significant breakthrough in China.
86. This government has presided over some of the most significant changes in education this century.
87. The mass media have been vested with significant power as social and political agents in modern developed societies.
88. He is seen as having made a significant contribution towards the eradication of corruption.
89. It is significant that he changed his will only days before his death.
90. The talks between the USA and the USSR were very significant for the relationship between the two countries.
91. Your success today may be significant for your whole future.
92. There has been significant progress in in understanding the HIV infection.
93. This treatment represents a significant advance in the field of cancer research.
94. There have been significant computer developments during the last decade.
95. Susan nodded sagely as if what I had said was profoundly significant.
96. The result is highly significant for the future of the province.
97. You may remember the way each scene ended with someone looking pensive or significant.
98. If all the coronary arteries are free of significant obstructions, all parts of the heart will receive equal amounts of oxygen.
99. I think it was significant that he never knew his own father.
100. The Hubble Telescope has allowed astronomers to make significant discoveries about our galaxy.
101. Air pollution has become one of the most significant health problems of our time.
102. The drug has had no significant effect on stopping the spread of the disease.
103. It is significant that girls generally do better in examinations than boys.
104. There is a significant difference between the number of home births now and ten years ago.
105. The laxity of export control authorities has made a significant contribution to the problem.
106. 7th May, 1999 was a very significant date in my life.
107. In recent months, the rebels have scored some significant victories.
108. There have been significant changes in the power structure of the company.
108. try its best to gather and build good sentences.
109. The learner's attention needs to be directed to the significant features.
110. The offer of talks with Moscow marks a significant change from the previous western position.
111. Lotus make luxury cars for a small but significant niche market.
112. The treatment of diabetes reached a significant milestone in the 1970s.
113. The discovery marks a significant technological advance.
114. The symbolic act could not have been more significant.
115. Significant questions will go unasked.
116. Such a treatment would still be a significant advance.
117. Belfast is attracting significant new private investment.
118. Conversely, there was no significant association with portal hypertension.
119. Murray's accomplishments in this book are significant.
120. Are most significant social changes directly attributable to violence?
121. His influence on deputies is significant, but it will be Mr Yeltsin's performance that will swing the balance.
122. As the dust settles, significant advances can be seen in three areas.
123. Where significant differences arise these are investigated to see how they arose.
124. If there is a significant amount of blood in the urine.
125. But if there is a significant improvement then the programme can be continued until the problem reaches an acceptable level.
126. Expenditure on research assistants might also save a significant degree of time and money in the long run.
127. Occasionally labour-only sub-contractors develop into large organisations or agencies with a significant control of a trade in a geographical area.
128. Most large cities with a significant at-risk population now have such a centre.
129. Providing insurance for their artists is a significant part of this innovative and holistic approach.
130. Where two continents collide neither experiences significant subduction but some crustal thickening occurs and a mountain belt is formed.
131. Morgan etal observed significant improvements in antenatal care throughout pregnancy when computer generated protocols were used in this way.
132. Since Wilder announced his candidacy in September 1991, his campaign had failed to acquire any significant momentum.
133. Sears Roebuck bucked the largely bleak holiday sales trend, reporting significant increases in apparel sales.
134. Votes can be appreciated more than any amount of money, especially if they can be produced or denied in significant blocs.
135. Raising additional funds on this narrow tax base will mean very significant increases in the tax.
136. The terrorist group is believed to have significant quantities of guns, ammunition, and explosives.
137. Giving your children a first-hand look at your work can have a significant impact on their career aspirations.
138. The mass payback soon rises above 1: 1 and after several missions is showing a significant mass advantage.
138. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
139. So to avoid significant arbitrage profits, the futures and spot prices must converge.
140. Dietary purine intake may provide a significant source of uric acid.
141. In addition, government policies on taxation and welfare benefits will have a significant influence.
142. The significant discontinuities elsewhere support the thesis of adversary politics.
143. The only significant advance in guitar design, perse, in the last thirty years has come from Ned Steinberger.
144. This is a significant achievement when figures show 87 percent of those locked up re-offend.
145. For ears treated surgically there was no significant advantage of adenoidectomy alone over the baseline category of tube insertion alone.
146. Significant excretion of solute-free water can not occur unless significant amounts of solute and water reach this point.
147. We feel it offers significant opportunities for the betterment of our future.
148. Incumbents retain a significant fund-raising advantage over challengers, particularly in the House.
149. They will have to agree the plan and will no doubt wish to have a significant part in discussions.
150. I remember thinking that, and may have made a significant advance toward weaning myself away from childish ways and thoughts.
151. This is a very significant advantage as discussions about different weightings are not held up while new calculations are made.
152. The only significant association was an increased risk of leukaemia and non-Hodgkin's lymphoma associated with first pregnancy.
153. The ultimate aim of the counselling process is to achieve significant improvement in the social and interpersonal relationships of the counsellee.
154. This was a significant achievement in the highly competitive situation to which I have referred.
155. Already in the background there were the significant achievements of the newly developed science of geology.
156. First and most significant is the possibility of some kind of nuclear war or accident that would destroy the human race.
157. When considering bids, preference will be given to bids involving significant employee participation.
158. Land could be sold off or developed, causing significant harm to present areas of natural beauty and important wildlife habitats.
159. The geographical context is not all that matters, but it is the most significant.
160. A modest journal article might have produced for the author a significant learning experience.
161. However, the rewards of spending a significant amount of time with your offspring brings great spiritual benefit.
162. It was a significant archaeological enterprise advancing into unknown territory in the small towns of Roman Britain.
163. This afternoon his doctors performed angioplasty after a diagnostic test showed significant narrowing of one coronary artery at two different sites.
164. It is therefore a significant achievement and bound to be considerable commercial value.
165. Like forest manipulation(), afforestation also modifies the environment and must thus be regarded as a significant agent of environmental change.
166. The presence of significant amounts of haemoglobin F has a protective effect against sickling and such individuals express relatively mild disease.
167. There is, it is heartening to note, quite widespread acceptance that language is significant in all subject areas.
168. Other new appointments made in response to the changing balance in international relations between economic and political considerations were less significant.
169. One very significant change from Morgan we can attribute to Marx.
170. Significant moments in history do not happen without some kind of advance warning.
171. Assumptions about the rate of payment by debtors may have a significant bearing on the expected profitability of the project.
172. In accordance with Wyatt etal we found a significant association between the extent of gastric metaplasia and microscopic signs of duodenitis.
173. Every man who knows how to read has it in his power to magnify himself, to multiply the ways in which he exists, to make his life full,[http:///significant.html] significant and interesting. Aldous Huxley 
174. There were no significant differences in the serum lactate, pyruvate, or alkaline phosphatase concentrations between the treatment groups.
175. Pumps in the backpack circulated water round the pipes without loosing significant amounts.
176. Women worried about the cosmetic effects of insect bites on the face make up a significant proportion of those seeking medical assistance.
177. This specifically educational definition has of course continued, but its adoption by artists marks a significant shift.
178. The economic case for substantial immigration is thin, and there are significant ecological and other arguments against it.
179. There are, however, significant differences between the political affiliations of 585 and 587.
180. Rivers, through his marriage to the heiress of the Scales barony, held a significant block of land in Norfolk.
181. Conversely, we found a highly significant association with the severity of liver disease as measured by the Child's classes.
182. There is no significant attempt to assess the validity of existing spending patterns.
183. Even after prolonged secondary hyperaldosteronism, human sweat still contains significant amounts of sodium.
184. Defining rigorously what constitutes a clinically significant depressive illness is problematic, regardless of the age range under consideration.
185. However, in these scenes you will present the non-drinking alternatives prior to the client experiencing any significant uncomfortable or aversive reactions.
186. Where a convergent or divergent margin has a significant transform component it is appropriate to refer to it as an oblique-slip margin.
187. These changes also had a significant impact at the political level as government sought to introduce reforms to accommodate these changes.
188. Coordinators' unanimity about attitude change in their schools is significant for two reasons.
189. Their minds have never been sufficiently clear of the substance or process of addiction to be in any significant degree of recovery.
190. In certain branches of engineering, liaison with clients and their sites can mean a significant amount of travelling for the engineer.
191. Obviously, such a drastic revision created a significant amount of tension at the plant.
192. However, I wish to address one potentially significant impact of the Act in relation to secure accommodation applications in civil proceedings.
193. This regime should have been more than adequate to demonstrate any significant short-term effects of reduced sleep.
194. Although anorthosite and basalt are the dominant rocks on the Moon, significant amounts of several other related rock types occur.
195. Some 30 Conservatives abstained, as did a significant number of Labour backbenchers.
196. Atheists are people who think for themselves and defenders of reason, and their conviction that God does not exist is making a significant contribution to the development of thinking, rational and open- minded people. Dr T.P.Chia 
197. The significant main effect of junction type for both descriptions and potential risks is difficult to accommodate within this framework.
198. Today is particularly important because it marks the three-quarter stage of a very significant goal achievement.
199. The proximity, both geographically and chronologically, of such similar structural arrangements is, clearly,[] very significant.
200. Most 11-year-olds are not being encouraged to develop advanced reading skills; a small but significant number are illiterate.
201. Helicobacter pylori is recognised as a significant cause of chronic antral gastritis and important in the aetiology of peptic ulceration.
202. Those economies which have successfully switched underemployed agricultural labour into manufacturing and service activities have generally achieved significant real economic growth rates.
203. Reaching this third week is a very important and significant achievement.
204. Counties are also bracing for the brunt of federal welfare reform, expected to mark a significant loss of federal aid dollars.
205. Two decades of crushing debt and adjustment programmes have had a significant hand in perpetuating this tragedy.
206. One significant advantage of electric vehicles is that their widespread use would make far better use of off-peak electricity.
207. The survey is perhaps also significant for the total absence of any importance being placed on welfare law work.
208. Although the patients in remission showed a slightly higher absorption of PEGs, this rise was not statistically significant.
209. His most significant literary achievement was his involvement with two important periodicals.
210. Palatine shareholders are being offered a significant increase in capital value and income, plus a substantial premium over net asset value.
211. But several businesses and consulting groups have made significant progress in the area of assessing qualitative costs.
212. It was also a result of the government's willingness to accept significant amendments to the bill.
213. The Governments' primary aim is to see significant reductions in the amounts of waste requiring disposal.
214. They are eagerly awaited, for even a partially effective vaccine could have a significant impact on the virus's spread.
215. Again, neither involvement nor perceptions of threat has any significant association with the attitudes measured by this factor.
216. Substantial balances have come from new customers while the overall average balances are higher than Gold 90 balances which are themselves significant.
217. However, further studies are required to be able to reach significant conclusions on the economics of such an attempt.
218. In fact this seems to be the critical variable, and statistical analysis of sign measures proves significant.
219. Cumin makes the significant point that employers appoint school leavers to posts before examination results are known in any case.
220. Unlike Chan etal, we found no significant relation between alcohol consumption and arterial P co 2.
221. These particular fatty acids can play a significant role in preventing heart disease and clogged up arteries.
222. As a source of meat, buffalo has significant advantages over beef.
223. I believe the local economy can only change when the city makes significant efforts to attract high-technology businesses to the area.
224. Amongst other new orders Sekers has secured a significant contract to supply the automotive industry with fabric for car interiors.
225. That bill, approved Wednesday afternoon on a 64-32 vote, still faces significant opposition in the House and from President Clinton.
226. No other significant association between gastrointestinal symptoms and a specific organism was found.
227. In HIV-1-infected patients, positive toxoplasma-specific in-vitro antibody production was rarely associated with a significant rise in serum antibodies.
228. We are beginning to see significant signs of restoring a balance to this overemphasis on left-brain skills.
228. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
229. Indeed, a significant part of it concerned the relevance of depreciation accounting.
230. It is not our purpose here to instruct you or anyone else in what is to be regarded as a significant event.
231. If you learn to anticipate the future and shape events rather than being shaped by them you will benefit in significant ways.
232. And even if it is not significant, it has the potential to be so-which amounts to the same thing.
233. But if marriage patterns were to be drastically altered, significant changes in the social structure would occur.
234. During the last few years our strategy has been clearly focused on those businesses where we have significant competitive advantage.
235. Work Wage Equity A significant issue addressed by the assessment team was employee reaction to Hanes's work wage equity program.
236. By the early nineties a significant proportion of young radicals had adopted Marxist ideas.
237. What is significant, as Kee points out, is that the Roman Church assented to the role Constantine arrogated to himself.
238. Locked still in ancient forest dreams, they stand at significant points in the landscape.
239. The drainage of peatbogs for forestry and agriculture is making a significant net contribution to greenhouse gas emissions, the report concludes.
240. Formally, it was parliamentary and the approval of the Supreme Soviet was needed for all significant laws and appointments.
241. Despite significant advances in family planning, the report said, birth control had become a matter of global survival.
242. Buoyed by critical acclaim for the 1970 Brooklyn season, Alvin and his dancers faced a year without any significant employment.
243. However, she had a number of significant achievements that she could use in a new job.
244. Materials Technology Division showed significant advances over last year which are particularly gratifying given the management attention focused on this business.
245. The spousal notification requirement is thus likely to prevent a significant number of women from obtaining an abortion.
246. The law would grant indigenous communities significant autonomy in the way they run their communities.
247. We should reclaim our leadership position by immediately sending a significant amount of food aid.
248. Barker etal also failed to find a significant association between birth weight and wheeze.
249. Thus the fact that the tsar possessed a large army did not mean that he could risk significant external commitments.
250. These practices are highly significant for attempts to assess the way in which trusts were interpreted.
251. It marked a recovery of lost ground rather than any significant advance to new territory.
252. In the 1830s this provoked significant tension between antislavery parliamentarians and activists in the country.
253. Significant achievements in technology in 1992 are covered later in the individual business reports.
254. For Matt and Angela,(http:///significant.html) postponing parenthood also had significant advantages.
255. All church buildings are subject to normal planning control over, for example, changes of use and significant alterations.
256. That is a significant achievement, of which the hon. Gentleman should be aware.
257. Corepressor binding does not cause significant structural change in the protein, though it greatly increases the affinity for the operator.
258. Surprisingly, perceptions of bias never had a significant impact on usefulness-ratings.
259. Most significant for a county player was the opportunity to have a benefit match.
260. Research processes vary between and within discipline; most really significant advances in knowledge come about through the application of several techniques.
261. Should voters behave in this fashion, the contents of the Opposition's election manifesto become less significant in deciding the result.
262. There was no significant difference between the linoleic acid and the eicosapentaenoic acid supplemented groups.
263. Working Conditions Education administrators hold management positions with significant responsibility.
264. His death was the second significant blow to the country's security apparatus within three months.
265. Personal Factors Every individual is different; individual characteristics influence behaviour in complex and significant ways.




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更新时间:2025/3/14 19:19:47