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单词 Compare
1 Compare your grievs with other men's and they will seem less. 
2 It is interesting to compare their situation and ours.
3 Struggle comparing upward. Happy compare downward.
4 It is hard to compare.
5 Compare the two illustrations in Fig 60.
6 Do not always compare me with others, please.
7 This one cannot compare with that one.
8 The only person you should compare yourself to,[] is the person you were yesterday.
9 If you compare house prices in the two areas, it's quite amazing how different they are.
10 How does your new house compare with your old one?
11 Compare the two poems.
12 Statistical anomalies can make it difficult to compare economic data from one year to the next.
13 You can't compare them — there is a fundamental difference in kind.
14 Compare this new TV set with the old one, you will see which is better.
15 Compare the physical properties of the two substances.
16 Instant coffee just doesn't compare with freshly ground coffee.
17 Compare the areas of these triangles.
18 The loveliness of the scene was beyond compare.
19 Their prices compare favourably with those of their competitors.
20 Her beauty is beyond compare.
21 They don't begin to compare.
22 Compare the copy with the original.
23 Walking can't compare with flying.
24 These mountains do not compare with the Himalayas.
25 How does your bike compare with mine?
26 Cast iron cannot compare with steel in strength.
27 These figures compare favourably with last year's.
28 Some of us get dipped in flat, some in satin, some in gloss. But every once in a while, you find someone who's iridescent, and when you do, nothing will ever compare.
29 We don't have a common yardstick by which to compare the two cases.
30 How does this final presidential debate stack up and compare to the others, do you think?
1 It is interesting to compare their situation and ours.
2 Compare the two illustrations in Fig 60.
3 Do not always compare me with others, please.
4 If you compare house prices in the two areas, it's quite amazing how different they are.
5 Statistical anomalies can make it difficult to compare economic data from one year to the next.
6 We don't have a common yardstick by which to compare the two cases.
7 How does this final presidential debate stack up and compare to the others, do you think?
31 It's interesting to compare these two cars.
32 You should only compare like with like.
33 Our professional service promises you a wedding without compare.
34 These are precious jewels beyond compare.
35 It is particularly interesting to compare the two versions.
36 She is lovely beyond compare.
37 Will you please compare the adverb "well"?
38 This house doesn't compare with our previous one .
39 He just can't compare with Mozart.
40 Their competency doesn't begin to compare.
41 How do the samples compare in size?
42 Compare and contrast the two novels.
43 Few things compare with the joy of cycling on a bright, sunny spring morning.
44 Compare this system to the one shown in diagram B.
45 If you compare the two books side by side, it is clear that the author of the second has plagiarized .
46 The quality of English wines can now compare with wines from Germany.
47 Mother and Mrs. Barker like to compare notes about cooking.
48 What if you want to compare the actual contents of an object for equivalence?
49 Compare:I haven't been here for a long time and I haven't been here long .
50 Compare and contrast the main characters of these two novels.
51 He programmed his computer to compare all the possible combinations.
52 Compare and contrast the two main characters in the play.
53 If you compare her work with his/If you compare their work, you'll find hers is much better.
54 If you compare it to some of the other surveys that have been recently conducted, then it is in the general ballpark.
55 What is the world if compare to the least visible star in the firmament?
56 Note how smooth the skin of the upper arm is, then compare it to the skin on the elbow.
57 The point of the lesson is to compare the two countries.
58 We'd both been out with the same man at different points in our lives so it was interesting to compare notes.
59 Leading scientists got together in Paris to compare notes on current research.
60 Compare some recent work with your older stuff and you'll see how much you've improved.
61 The rides at the fair just can't compare with the rides at Disneyland.
62 How does life in Britain compare with life in the States?
63 Living in a town can't compare with living in the country in many respects.
64 Compare the short vowel in 'full' and the long vowel in 'fool'.
65 I can only compare the experience to falling in love.
66 The flowers here do not compare with those at home.
67 Scientists are attempting to compare features of extinct animals with living analogues.
68 Smoking is only allowed at the rear of the aircraft. It is more usual to talk about the back door of a house but the rear exit of an aircraft or public building. If something is behind something else it is near to the back of it but not part of it. Compare:Our room was at the back of the hotel and There's a lovely wood just behind our hotel.
69 You can't compare the two cities - they're totally different.
70 Childcare facilities in Britain compare unfavourably with other European countries.
71 Is the light good enough to take photos? In formal language you can also say that it is adequate, satisfactory or acceptable. These words on their own may suggest that something is only just good enough and could be better. Compare:This piece of work is satisfactory and This piece of work is very satisfactory.
72 How do the two techniques compare in terms of application?
73 Stars compare each centre under different headings.
74 Compare the clarity of the pictures of these TVs.
75 Stars compare each centre under various headings.
76 How does it compare with integrated or conventional systems?
77 The New Moms group allows us to compare notes.
78 Certainly they compare favourably with those of other professions.
79 How does the actual cost compare with the budget?
80 Consult and compare at your local travel agent.
81 Let's compare the prices of five different detergents.
82 The living horseshoe crab(), Limulus; compare with Fig. 38.
83 Compare the problems in Glen Nevis where in summer traffic all but grinds to a halt, to see the possible outcome.
84 I wanted the chance to compare notes and probe and ask questions, and with this approach I could.
85 This leads to the establishing of a model which attempts to identify and compare growth factors for the two business groups.
86 This can be used to highlight changes from year to year or compare actual and required staffing levels. 4.
87 But for the sheer number of performances, there has been nothing to compare with the serial trials of white collar criminals.
88 At this stage they are encouraged to compare and contrast the facilities and user interfaces provided.
89 Process assessments compare the documented care with what is accepted as optimum practice based on current scientific nutrition knowledge and expert opinion.
90 Compare that with the 3. 3 % growth rate registered in the last five years of the 1980s.
91 It is therefore possible to measure around an armhole curve and compare the measurement with that of the sleeve head.
92 To compare the effect of different substances on gastric acid secretion proper control solutions comparable with the test solution should be used.
93 When you are content to be simply yourself and don't compare or compete, everyone will respect you. Lao Tzu 
94 Firstly, unless and until definitions are agreed, we may be attempting to compare the incidence of different phenomena.
95 It is interesting to compare a modern computer with the Apollo system in a couple of key areas.
96 Will he confirm that many aspects of social security systems in other countries compare unfavourably with ours?
97 They bristle at attempts to compare their schools to others.
98 Students and lecturers should be able to use the system to compare notes and ideas.
99 Ask an insurance broker to obtain some illustrations for you to compare.
100 You should compare at least three or four computers before buying one.
101 Compare the prices of whole and cut-up chickens,[http:///compare.html] you can usually save pennies by cutting up whole birds.
102 The sales to total assets ratio in particular is often used to compare the structure and capital requirements of different industries.
103 A more extreme version would be to compare and explain budget and actuals only for an organization as a whole.
104 Extraction of helium-3 from the surfaces of asteroids is not likely to compare with that from the Moon.
105 For example is there something similar happening in their own country so that they might compare and contrast practice in one country and another?
106 Within months, the religious right had begun to compare her plight with that of civil rights activists in the I 950s.
107 Before you settle for less than the genuine article, compare the price.
108 The offshore industry has trained a handful of apprentices, but these do not compare with its labour requirements.
109 The use of graph paper makes accurate plotting possible - compare the tabulated results below and their plot in figure 14.
110 Compare brochures and shop around on price - many agents discount as much as £200-£300 on brochure prices.
111 They also needed to determine the genetic sequence of the virus so that they could compare it with known herpes strains.
112 Other strategies with similar popularity were: serial strategy, compare and contrast, and overall impression.
113 Do we really believe that the rights we enjoy under our laws compare favourably with those in other societies?
114 This does not compare with the ease of reference to actual original documentation in the manual system outlined earlier in this chapter.
115 The McNemar test was used to compare the incidence of failed peristalsis in patients before and after healing of oesophagitis.
116 If you compare rents in London with those in New York, you'll find they are about the same.
117 Its structure aims to allow the reader to compare and contrast aspects of environmental law between different jurisdictions.
118 Ask them to compare their papers in pairs and to make any corrections they think are needed.
119 Simulators are very realistic, but they don't compare to the actual experience of flying an airplane.
120 Step two of the process is to compare your performance with that of your co-workers.
121 It will analyze and graph your daily intake and compare it with the recommended dietary allowances set by the government.
122 How does the level of investment in this country compare with that of our major competitors?
123 They know that to compare that game to next Sunday's contest is to compare chalk and cheese.
124 Compare Boston Chicken to Mars, maker of the candy bars.
125 The unpaired t test was used to compare the mean levels of diabetic control in two groups by means of a two sided test.
126 The questions below, which asked pupils to compare fractions and decimals less than one respectively, had very low success rates.
127 Just compare Cosmos value - we are convinced you won't find a better deal anywhere!
128 I am eager to share my thoughts with you, to compare notes, and to get your opinions.
128 try its best to gather and build good sentences.
129 Compare the impact of the following feeble denouement with that of Oedipus who really was incestuous!
130 How well does older people's overall rating of their health status compare with the prevalence of acute and chronic health problems?
131 Look at how they compare with our normal everyday activities.
132 Let us compare that cost with the average cost in the Tennessee Valley of $ 166 per kilowatt of capacity.
133 Some empirical data compare levels of participation across many countries.
134 El Vino is unusual in offering so many traditional wines of a drinkable age, and prices compare well across the board.
135 We can compare this concept of distributive justice found in choice theories with an equivalent pattern found in interests theories.
136 And how might Fred compare his situation to that of his laid-off col-league, who became a free-lance entrepreneur?
137 But if you keep your on-line appointments diary up to date, a calendar on the network can compare everyone's schedules.
138 I hate the way you always compare me with your ex-boyfriend.
139 You can't compare Charlie Parker with John Coltrane. They were completely different musicians.
140 Hair is a marvellous natural fibre - you could almost compare it to pure silk thread.
141 Economics allowed investment banking recruiters to compare directly the academic records of recruits.
142 Between courses, Rebecca and I disappear into the toilet together to compare notes.
143 Compare, for instance, its use in free speech, free love, free dinner and free trade.
144 The dancing in the show had a beauty that was beyond compare.
145 The objectives were to obtain some feeling for this environment, and also to compare the readings at various angles of view.
146 The most serious problem arises when one attempts to compare surveys carried out by different organizations.
147 Having reached that stage, it may be useful to compare some rhythmic patterns in more detail.
148 One way of calculating this figure is to compare the dose from given levels of contamination of polonium-210 and iodine-131.
149 Compare the supply of aspirants willing to stand for Parliament with the demands of pa when adopting candidates for local constituencies.
150 Without it, in my opinion, the profit does not compare with that of dairy cattle.
151 Scholars compare to provide context, make classifications, test hypotheses, and make predictions.
152 One can compare the composition of the suspect piece with the range of composition of genuine pieces of comparable period.
153 There was nothing, not even that hotel sitting room, to compare.
154 Look at the following examples and compare your answers with them.
155 Flow does the development of education and urban centres compare with a similar development in the advanced industrial societies?
156 The journalists gathered in knots to compare notes and decide on the best angle on the story.
157 He called for additional dental records to compare with autopsy findings.
158 In subsequent years, the number of patients in the trial were too small to compare mean annual costs.
158 try its best to collect and make good sentences.
159 Their written language was the most advanced of the pre-Columbian scripts, and their astronomical knowledge beyond compare.
160 We chose a shopping basket of 29 items to compare them with Tesco and Sainsbury.
161 Compare the highlights of the recent Test series in New Zealand.
162 For convenience we shall compare the systems under four main headings, with indirect taxes considered first in each case.
163 When you compare the sorrows of real life to the pleasures of the imaginary one, you will never want to live again, only to dream forever. Alexandre Dumas 
164 All we've got to do is to take his fingerprints and compare them with the beauties on this envelope.
165 Musicians, critics and cultural commentators often compare recorded music unfavourably with live performance.
166 Nothing can compare with the exhilaration of riding a motorcycle as fast as you can.
167 Many wise words are spoken in jest, but they don't compare with the number of stupid words spoken in earnest. Sam Levenson 
168 Nothing can compare to the sense of well-being that washed through me at that filthy lunch counter.
169 To find out how different drinks compare for alcohol content, use the % alcohol column.
170 How does this technique compare with other non-operative treatments for gall bladder stones?
171 Do not compare yourself to others. If you do so, you are insulting yourself. Adolf Hitler 
172 How does the actual cost compare with the planned cost for meeting the objective?
173 He must read carefully, compare one passage with another and use all the aids he can.
174 Teaching tip Ask pupils to monitor the weather for a week and compare their observations with the local weather forecasts.
175 This was a secret she harbored, that she should dare compare her situation to something so horrible.
176 Case in point: Compare current photographs of George Benson with pictures from early in his career.
177 She went to her chamber and used every art she knew to make herself beautiful beyond compare.
178 Hellmann's have introduced five new salad dressings to tickle our tastebuds which compare favourably calorie-wise with lower calorie mayonnaise.
179 They want to know how school examination results compare, about the level of truancy and about the staying-on rate after 16.
180 Without other references to compare it with, the light seemed to drift around in the blackness.
181 Making international comparisons Great care should be taken in using real output percapita figures to compare different countries' standards of living.
182 They see our larger capacities, and compare our, to them, successful strivings with their unrequited ones.
183 Second, for those studies that compare few countries, is the most different systems design or most similar systems design used?
184 Scroll through a long document in a DOS word processor, then compare that to wading through a Word for Windows file.
185 Compare the people with one another and identify what they have in common, and what you approve and disapprove of.
186 The technology to implement the displacement of oil by burning coal with gas does riot compare in complexity with these wartime developments.
187 Back to back bar charts can be used as back to back stem and leaf displays were to compare two distributions.
188 A deprivation score was used to compare the relative deprivation or affluence of rural and urban areas.
189 It is crucial to distinguish between formal and informal styles of language before one can compare dialects in an accurate way.
190 How does the less drastic task of captaining a cricket team compare?
191 We are not told how these risks compare with, say, working as an air hostess, or as a policewoman.
192 Can he compare these facts about the national health service with the fictions put out by the Labour Front Bench?
193 Let us compare the sets in El delincuente honrado and La conjuracion de Venecia, when both protagonists await their execution.
194 Many employing organisations nowadays pay salaries which compare favourably with those paid to graduates in other employment sectors.
195 When we compare the political cultures of our five countries we shall have the occasion to discuss these questions again.
196 Compare carefully the costs of these link ups with the true costs of bringing people together physically.
197 It would be useful to have specific state and federal emissions standards for facilities like this, standards to compare against.
198 The Muses had no instrument peculiar to them, but their voices were lovely beyond compare.
199 These points values are also included in the Army List entries, but are repeated here so that you can compare them.
200 The Kruskal-Wallis test and the Mann-Whitney U test were used to compare groups as appropriate.
201 In this respect we compare very unfavourably with our continental neighbours.
202 This project will estimate the benefits and costs of wildlife habitats and compare the results using different valuation techniques.
203 Crawley will compare the ecology of engineered and conventional varieties of three crops: potatoes, oilseed rape and sugar beet.
204 Pupils could be asked to compare and contrast their own area with another different area.
205 Pupils will at first no doubt compare and contrast the past and the present.
206 It will compare different methods of recruitment, identify opportunities for involvement and stress the importance of a programme of social events.
207 Compare this with most mammals, in which mating is timed to coincide much more precisely with the release of an ovum.
208 Compare the formal Would you care for some coffee? with the informal Want some coffee?
209 Enemy models attempting to fight against the chariot in hand-to-hand fighting always compare their weapon skill against that of the crew.
210 One doesn't need to compare and contrast - It's a moment one can be justly proud of.
211 Oceangoers compare the diversity of techniques used in fishing plastic to that of fly fishing.
212 The frequency with Baidu actually creeping spider should compare an imagination medium fast, the occurrence time of the article can compare roughly judgement to get commonly.
213 Objective To compare the effect of minimally invasive surgery and open surgery for malleolar fracture.
214 The results of the comparison are shown in the Compare View as a simple list of entries for each of the corresponding properties that have been found to be different.
215 Objective To compare the efficacy and safety of potassium alginate and indapamide for hypertension.
216 An empirical research is taken with data from manufacturing in China to verify aforesaid postulation and compare with overseas practice.
217 Objective: To compare the impact of two different kinds of kinesiotherapy - jogging and dancing on bone metabolism and bone mineral density(BMD) in postmenopausal women.
218 But this living human of oneself, color paint down because more than a yearses, unexpectedly tin not compare with his heart bottom leftovers remaining write quite shallowly a put on defective track.
218 try its best to collect and make good sentences.
219 Objective To compare the cardiac functional effect of doxofylline and aminophylline on asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases.
220 To compare with examination and approval system, the file system of insurance clause and premium rate is favorable to improve supervision efficiency.
221 Objective To compare the incidence of postoperative myalgia (POM) in subjects receiving pretreatment with rocuronium or lidocaine to find a good way to prevent POM.
222 Objective:To assay and compare the in vitro antibacterial activities of silver nitrate eye drops and povidone-iodine eye drops, both of which are used for prevention of neonatal ophthalmia.
223 Purpose:To compare abdominal fibromatosis with extraabdominal fibromatosis and to study the CT findings of the latter.
224 Users must also be able to compare the financial statements of different enterprises in order to evaluate their relative financial position, performance and changes in financial position.
225 Compare medication administration record with scheduled medication list. If discrepancies exist, check against original physician orders.
226 Objective To compare the effect of collagen fiber staining between Sirius Red F 3B(SR) in saturated carbazotic acid staining and MASSON trichrome staining on rat kidney specimen.
227 The article though analyse and compare, proves the possibility of appling the data fusion method of BP neural network to processing multisystem's data of solid rocket motor.
228 Objective To evaluate and compare retroperitoneoscopic renal pedicle lymphatic disconnection with open surgery for chyluria.
229 AIM : To compare the kinetics of positive inotropism between ibopamine ( Ibo ) and ouabain ( Oua ).
230 Compare with traditional algorithm, the conversion speed is improved more4times while the input range of the decimal number is expanded.
231 Difference reports compare two sets of coverage data and report on how the coverage numbers have changed due to modifications in the source code or in the tests.
232 We'd have to compare notes on what we discussed during the day.
233 Compare exergy loss efficiency of multi-product system with heat electricity co-product system.
234 The text passed compare, replace and analysis typical faults of FUJITSU M2483 and M2488 series cartridge tape drives, find out bad component elements, final make fault was removed.
235 The World Bank used new tools to compare the economies and buying power of people in one hundred forty-six countries.
236 At present, Citigroup has 29 branches in mainland China and will open 10 more this year. Compare with HSBC Holdings which has 102 branches and SCB with 59 branches, a large gap exists.
237 To compare the long-term Pharmacia-economic effect of Aspirin with that of Ticlopidine in prevention of the recurrence of stroke.
238 Objectve To compare osteogenesis of heated autogenic bone at various temperature.
239 Homostyly The usual condition found in plants in which the styles of all flowers of the same species are about the same length. Compare heterostyly.
240 Objective To compare the clinical effects of transpleural and extrapleural ligation of patent ductus arteriosus in left oblique subaxillary incision.
241 Applied theory of proper fraction and subject reaction, measure quality of objectiveexandnation questions and compare the theory of two kinds. Some useful result a-re acquired.
242 You cannot compare the wiring of Michael Jordan's brain (a kinesthetic intelligence) to that of a Frank Lloyd Wright (spatial) or a Walt Whitman (linguistic).
243 Objective. To compare proliferation and expression of osteoblastic phenotype of cells derived from vertebral lamina and iliac grafting.
244 Objective To compare the result of Mynal and local block in treatment of thoracic outlet syndrome.
245 The research is favor to the operation staff to analyze and compare various spray methods, and is instructively significant to design and optimize air-cooled unit as well.
246 Objective To compare and analyse the results of continuous and instantaneous sampling of industrial noise.
247 When we used this technique with different neuroleptic drugs, we were able to compare the relative effectiveness of the various compounds.
248 AIM:To observe the clinical effect of surrounding electroacupuncture in treating injury of knee joint collateral ligaments, and compare the curative effect with that of filiform needle.
249 The objective of this research was to compare some chemical and physical characteristics of mechanically deboned and hand deboned turkey meat and beef.
250 Even so, seen through the eyes of the middle class, recent times compare favourably with the period of economic take-off in the 1960s.
251 But those who want an attention is, gules collocation is corresponding, for example big wall adds locker, or it is didymous vase, salver , compare aesthetic.
252 Researchers then compare the supernova's intrinsic brightness with its reduced brightness as viewed from Earth.




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