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单词 Stream-of-consciousness
1. The novel is an intensely lyrical stream-of-consciousness about an Indian woman who leaves her family home to be married.
2. Sometimes he'd ooze out all of those stream-of-consciousness words about bad women and liquor and death.
3. Like Joyce, Brown employed the stream-of-consciousness technique and captured the Dublin culture in his use of humor, language and unique character description.
4. In stream-of-consciousness texts, past perfect tense serves to shift perspective space, switch narrative focus and reverse temporal space.
5. stream-of-consciousness films are one of the most original style films in the world.
6. The libretto, mostly numbers, solfege syllables and quirky, stream-of-consciousness spoken texts, works its own hypnotic spell.
7. It can be seen as a stream-of-consciousness story as the boy's flow of thoughts and images leaps when he is looking at the circus.
8. He is noted for stream-of-consciousness novel which displays a totally new pattern and style from content to form, which changes the concept and style of novel writing.
9. Most admired for her brilliant stream-of-consciousness novels, Woolf (1882-1941) also worked as a publisher and wrote short stories, criticism, reviews, and volumes of lucid, imaginative essays.
10. Stream-of-consciousness has been widely adopted in modernist fiction, but its application to the stage demands both courage and skills.
10. try its best to collect and build good sentences.
11. The modern stream-of-consciousness technique was also frequently and skillfully exploited by Faulkner emphasize the reactions and inner musings of the narrator.
12. We're thinking sparse, direct to camera, stream-of-consciousness stuff. But only if Gibbo well and truly lets those barriers down.
13. Stream of consciousness: "Stream-of-Consciousness" or "interior monologue", is one of the modern literary techniques.
14. As a narrator, Stella gives James Joyce a run for his stream-of-consciousness money.
15. The paper analyzes the historical and cultural backgrounds of the stream-of-consciousness novels,() and reflects the psychological and social realities that reside in them.
16. The revelation of "inward turning"is the appearance of psychological novel and stream-of-consciousness novel.
17. Alfred Prufrock, a poem which is lauded as marking the beginning of modern poetry for its stream-of-consciousness use of uncanny images.
18. As to the representative figures of modern Engish novels, besides D. H. Lawrence, James Joyce can also be regarded as the master of stream-of-consciousness novels.
19. Mr. Starr , who was driving around near his hometown, wrote in Twitter's characteristic staccato, stream-of-consciousness style about picking up some chicken wings and getting a new haircut.
20. I held the phone away from my ear as my mother went into a stream-of-consciousness curse that embarrassed me.
21. But we cannot neglect the following devices in it: sudden switches of scene, stream-of-consciousness device, motifs from classical and medieval myth, abundant allusions and marvelous symbolic images.
22. Virginia Woolf, the famous English authoress in the end of 20th century, is one of the most important representatives of the stream-of-consciousness novel, and also a feminism critic.
23. The treatment of time plays a vital role in The Sound and The Fury, an outstanding classical stream-of-consciousness novel by William Faulkner.
1. The novel is an intensely lyrical stream-of-consciousness about an Indian woman who leaves her family home to be married.




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