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单词 Hawthorne
1. Rickman worked as a dresser to Nigel Hawthorne.
2. Judge Hawthorne was chosen to head the team investigating the allegations of abuse.
3. Did Mr Hawthorne stand to gain from a hoax?
4. Tom Hawthorne was at the Social Security office picking up paperwork for a disabled associate when the bomb exploded.
5. Unlike the contemplative Hawthorne, Dickens could not wait to see the Falls.
6. Alice Hawthorne sold ice cream cones and root beer floats to the people of Albany, Ga.
7. The Hawthorne effect would seem to confirm this but for two other findings.
8. He said Mr Hawthorne had attacked him first, striking him with the crowbar on the hand.
9. But Hawthorne wrote great stories, you see, and we still read them now, more than a hundred years later.
10. The Hawthorne experiments demonstrated that work and worker / manager relationships were more complicated than that.
11. Alice Hawthorne died almost immediately after the bomb went off.
12. Hawthorne said she fired the gun as a reflex when her husband shouted.
13. Puritanism influenced Nathaniel Hawthorne greatly.
14. Sam Hawthorne , in the jargon of the times, was a Renaissance man.
15. Nathaniel Hawthorne was the pioneer of romanticist and psychoanalytic novels in the history of American literature.
16. I wrote about Dickens and Hawthorne, having to re-read the latter and discovering anew my hatred for his old-school misogynist claptrap.
17. Those others - Hawthorne, Melville, Henry James - are sceptical of their compatriots'confidence in moral progress.
17. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
18. In this taut, subtle novel Hawthorne solves almost all his problems.
19. Let Hawthorne but find a usable symbol, and he would erect it into a story.
20. Hawthorne is a pious Christian, and is deeply influenced by the theology.
21. Temperamentally, like Hawthorne, he preferred a plot out of the past.
22. Nathaniel Hawthorne is an outstanding representative of romanticism writers in latter 19 th century in America.
23. Any very strong interest or emotion, for Hawthorne, is next door to mania.
24. The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne is characteristic of its psychological description.
25. For a moment it looked as if Lilian Hawthorne would explode.
26. Hawthorne and Melville mingled freely with Emerson's circle of New England Transcendentalists.
27. The social context of the workplace was particularly evident from interviews the Hawthorne researchers conducted with supervisors.
28. Today, we complete the story "Rappaccini's Daughter. " It was written by Nathaniel Hawthorne. Here is Kay Gallant with the second and final part of "Rappaccini's Daughter. "
29. He then won a big victory in the general election over the candidate of the Whig Party, General Winfield Scott. One of Pierce's friends, the writer Nathaniel Hawthorne, helped him with his campaign.
30. Again and again. with the inexorable pertinacity of a child intent upon some object important to itself, did he renew his efforts(Nathaniel Hawthorne.
31. American romantic writer Nathaniel Hawthorne created a series of images of natural man in his many novels.
32. Since Hawthorne treats them as examples of error, their diabolism is often unconvincing ; nor is it possible to take very seriously such objectives as a Great Carbuncle.
33. Hawthorne attempts to dissociate himself from the headlong calamity which he, too, records.
34. TNT is a bit more powerful than the ammonal (only 94% as powerful as same weight of TNT) which was the explosive used in the Hawthorne Mine).
35. The introduction section describes the relationship between the novel and canonicity, and briefly systemize the current research of Hawthorne.
35. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
36. For a moment it looked if Lilian Hawthorne would explode.
37. Zoologist Harris Hawthorne Wilder developed this conceptual framework, which he called "Cosmobia" , to understand certain developmental abnormalities.
38. Nathaniel Hawthorne ( 1804 - 1864 ) and Emily Bronte ( 1818 - 1848 ), are both full of romanticism.
39. In The Marble Faun Hawthorne said of a building in Rome.
40. The Scarlet Letter of Hawthorne and The Awakening of Kate Chopin, simply speaking, both tell the stories of extramarital love.




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