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单词 Ralph
1 Ralph tapped me on the shoulder.
2 Ralph gave me some pointers on my golf swing.
3 Ralph gasped in amazement.
4 Ralph grew increasingly monosyllabic as the evening progressed.
5 Ralph tried to hail a cab .
6 Ralph was waiting for a chance to introduce himself.
7 Ralph has withdrawn from the other kids.
8 Surely the blame rests squarely with Sir Ralph?
9 Ralph rolled onto his stomach.
10 Ralph paced up and down the room,[] looking worried.
11 Ralph received the full measure of his mother's devotion.
12 Sir Ralph was becoming maudlin after his third glass of claret.
13 A stone over the door bears the initials "R.P.", which stand for "Ralph Piggot".
14 Ralph was luxuriating in the first real holiday he'd had in years.
15 Ralph Lauren debuted his autumn collection in Paris last week.
16 Ralph vegged out in front of the TV all day again.
17 Ralph patted the sofa to indicate that she should join him.
18 So I launch into my story of Ralph Nader.
19 Ralph sat slouching at the dining room table.
20 He reports directly to State Street president Ralph Verni.
21 Ralph dressed carefully for the visit, in clean clothes.
22 Ralph nodded, beamed, situated his hat.
23 Ralph mooned harder, with oedipal glee.
24 About half and half, Ralph figured.
25 Ralph dived into the icy water.
26 Ralph picked a pencil out of her pencil cup.
27 Ralph lay awake in the dark, wide-eyed.
28 Walking home, though, Ralph was less sanguine.
29 In fact, Ralph did have misgivings about switching careers.
30 I know from personal experience that you can't trust Ralph.
1 Ralph tapped me on the shoulder.
2 Ralph gave me some pointers on my golf swing.
3 Ralph gasped in amazement.
31 Ralph is making a big mistake.
32 Ralph squinted, straining to see the speedometer.
33 And yet Ralph appreciated his visits.
34 Ralph retreated upstairs to his room.
34 try its best to gather and make good sentences.
35 Well done Ralph, and full marks Henry.
36 Ralph would compose himself, at the ready.
37 Uncle Ralph was always a good-natured sort.
38 Ralph read, an arduous process.
39 As a boy(), Ralph delivered newspapers on a bicycle.
40 Ralph Gibson L.J.'s observations seem equally applicable to libel.
41 Ralph pretended to be scared until Mona grew bored.
42 Sir Ralph, he thought, was probably a miser.
43 He received the same message as Sir Ralph.
44 Ralph launched his slipper across the room.
45 One evening, Ralph was talking about hiring an employee.
46 Ralph, though, was in no position to be picky.
47 You are an iconoclast, Ralph.
48 Kilmer's attorney, Ralph Loeb, said that his client should not have to pay the government anything.
49 Sometimes it seemed to Helen that the real Grover lay between her and Ralph, in the aisle between their beds.
50 Just strolling through, Ralph found his eyelashes coated, his teeth gritty.
51 Ralph had no interest in business matters, which was evident at the cotton mill this morning.
52 It would be in breach of the law to accept that argument, Lord Justice Ralph Gibson said.
53 Ralph, just inside the area, knocked the ball across goal for Whelan to steer it home past Moore.
54 Now, when, at the mention of Grover, no one continued, Ralph looked to see what the women meant.
55 Ralph built Grover a doghouse with windows and a hinged door.
56 Ralph Castaneda, a West exercise rider and friend of the owners, recommended his boss.
57 Ralph heard the metallic scrape of a car starting up outside the waitress, leaving.
58 Helen and Mona and Callie bobbed on the springy front seat with Ralph.
59 You'll be glad to hear that Ralph and I, with my father's consent, are engaged to be married.
60 Its chairman, Ralph Hinchcliffe, said the price fully reflected the value of the businesses.
61 Wright State has settled a lawsuit filed by Ralph Underhill agreeing to pay the former basketball coach about $ 125, 000.
62 Ralph is now all alone against Jack's hunters, who tower above upon Castle Rock.
63 Sir Ralph, wearing his County Show tweeds, noticed with some satisfaction a general turning of heads.
64 Ralph even tarred the roof gutters and fixed a leak by the chimney.
65 Up until now Piggy has kept Ralph steady, reminding him of his responsibilities and priorities.
66 Ralph Moore is on saxophones, Bobby Hutcherson great form on vibraphone.
67 Even more telling is the example of Ralph Snaith, the bailiff of Pontefract.
68 Gary wears regulation Levi 501 jeans and a Ralph Lauren polo shirt.
69 This also suited Ralph, who was getting on in years.
70 Consumer advocate Ralph Nader wrote to me recently to urge I abandon my advocacy of legal reforms.
71 Grover might be rubbing off on Ralph, but Ralph was still Ralph.
72 Ralph drew back his window curtain, moved his desk so that the sun kept his tea warm.
73 Ralph watched as she took two steps, gazed up with rapture at the tree branches, then took another two steps.
74 But when Grover ordered bacon and eggs, Ralph did too.
75 Ralph doubled up his blankets and put them at the foot of the bed.
76 Ralph, the first boy to come into contact with Piggy did not try to be friendly towards him.
77 Ralph proposed with a family ring Theresa had brought over, a single piece of spinach-green jade set in white gold.
78 As well as buying paintings, furniture and porcelain, Sir Ralph was a keen book collector.
79 Ralph pulled, and the lock came away in his hand.
80 Each day bulked, a wrong guess, a thing Ralph had failed to take into account.
81 Every time Ralph saw Old Chao, he seemed to be orbiting the halls over his ever more significant findings.
82 The last poet they had had, had been Ralph Hodgson, before the war.
83 We heard the bed springs sigh as Ralph lay down.
84 Helen and Ralph furrowed their brows for a long time.
85 These consisted of a vague meander across the fields surrounding the company premises, along a route apparently chOsen by Ralph.
86 Ralph Lauren's bright orange jacket worn with taupe shorts with cargo pockets. 3.
87 None the less, former project manager Ralph Allen believes he was laid off for speaking up.
88 Lord Justice Ralph Gibson said arguments put forward had spelled out a powerful case for changing the rule.
89 Rhoda had died a year or two ago, and we had heard that Ralph was at loose ends.
90 Through a chink in the shutter we could see Ralph.
91 And now Ralph spent whole evenings admiring Pinkus's house, a handsome three-window-wide brownstone on a clean street.
92 Ralph tried to sound hearty and enthusiastic, but his voice struggled from him like a half-drowned river rat.
93 Among others pledging to fight corporate welfare were consumer activist Ralph Nader, Sens.
94 When she let herself into the flat,[http:///Ralph.html] Ralph was waiting in the hall.
95 But Ralph Perry is urging the chairman to review sentencing policy.
96 June's husband Ralph is an air-filtration engineer and her daughter Jill is a professional dancer and secretary.
97 Ralph had tipped Grover off about the developer being in over his head.
98 Ralph swivelled in his chair and looked directly at Meg.
99 Ralph Berger assessed the effects of meaningful verbal stimuli on dreaming.
100 Ralph can be very mean sometimes. It's one of his less endearing characteristics.
101 Coincidences with Ralph the Talespinner's story to be noted, but too many alternative possibilities for definite conclusions.
102 Watch too for button-down shirts on a Ralph Lauren tip at £69.
103 So it went, back and forth, Ralph playing at husband(), Helen at wife.
104 Ralph winced, turned his attention to another man, a man drawing a woman over to his stool.
105 Mama served Ralph an enormous dollop and gave him an extra scoop of clotted cream.
106 Instead Ralph pressed his fingers together and let the girl teeter on.
107 Sir Ralph Grunte had gone to some trouble over his constituency dinner party, La Noblesse being by no means cheap.
108 Piggy always kept clear minded and never got confused like Ralph did.
109 He is shown receiving a cheque from Ralph Ellis, Chief Executive.
110 Still Ralph heard every word of every speech as though it were the crystalline note of an ice chime.
111 Ralph Fiennes takes the hunky Heathcliff role in a story of love, passion and vengeance set in the wilds of Yorkshire.
112 It was a matter of faith; and of imagination, a thing Ralph had never considered before.
113 She has graduated from the brown velvet hot pants of her stockbroker days to Armani, Ralph and Prada.
114 The fire which ironically had the purpose of killing Ralph and the island, saved them as a seaman spotted the smoke.
115 Rhoda and Ralph had lived together in Eufaula, Alabama, where they had run a boardinghouse.
116 There are, as always with the work of Ralph Gibson, images that stick in the mind.
117 Ralph could hear himself telling this story to some lost soul in a diner.
118 Ralph waved at the empty street awhile; even the gas fumes seemed to be evaporating before he was ready.
119 It must have been odd for Ralph, I thought, to feel like an intruder in his own library.
120 Alice had to figure out how to pay the rent after Ralph spent the money on another of his hare-brained schemes.
121 Ralph, a 45-year-old computer-systems analyst, works at a large electronics company in the Bay Area.
122 His new personality had a great dislike of Ralph and Jack ordered a hunt to be started out after him.
123 On the other hand, there was Ralph Reed, sitting right next to Abrams on the dais.
124 Ralph asked their father as he did every time the family came out all dressed up.
125 The smoke began seeping through the now closed door so Ralph hurried towards the other exit.
126 Ralph, unlike Jack,[http:///Ralph.html] is becoming maturer and is starting to respect Piggy and his realistic views.
127 Ralph Lauren's Polo aftershave came galloping into the kitchen, followed shortly by a now fully clothed Lee.
128 Ralph his son and now his wife all began to climb the stairs to bed.
129 But they want a pink one, so Ralph takes out a pink one, bites his tongue.
130 Ralph had no idea what she meant, but he listened as though trying to discover his essential human worth.
131 Ralph Grunte woke late in his room on the top floor of the Grand Hotel, and broke wind.
132 Ralph could only ogle, though, helpless with envy, as Grover baIled up his napkin.
133 All they would talk about would be the even more boring Sir Ralph Grunte and the plot to de-select him.
134 Dry and fed, Ralph settled himself in front of the telephone.
135 Ralph would be an excellent person to represent my district.
136 Ralph smiled brightly and moved into the pantry with the borax.
137 Our oldest pensioner(), Ralph was formerly Branch Manager in Aberdeen.
138 Among his other endearing qualities, Ralph was an exceedingly patient man.
139 I think he thought he was going to get somewhere with Ralph.
140 Her clothes were sticking to her, but the humid air didn't seem to bother Ralph.
141 Another time she saw Ralph swinging something on a rope, around and around his head, like a lasso.
142 Football columnist Ralph the Rover, for example, and his junior colleague Wanderer.
143 Ralph and his wife decided to take the plunge into business.
144 With early detection, survival chances are better than 90 percent, actress Sheryl Lee Ralph points out.
145 Denise and Ralph Bulger talk frankly about the joy they feel over the new baby in a magazine article published tomorrow.
146 As opposed to Ralph, who, head tilted, mouth slack, looked for all the world like some one in love.
147 Ralph was the only person she knew who believed that the special offers in magazines actually were special.
148 Now Ralph knew better than to let his hopes swell but still they surged like a rain-drunk river.
149 Ralph lowered his legs; the jump seat popped right back vertical as though it had already forgotten him.
150 As Ralph had predicted, the most productive workers began to drift off to new employers who promised greater security.
151 It's the second time in a year that the haulage company Ralph Davies of Cheltenham has had fruit cargoes destroyed.
152 Ralph Ellison captured it perfectly for the black man with the metaphor of invisibility.
153 Every day Ralph ran to his mailbox, only to find it empty.
154 Ralph wants faster growth, so Steinmetz recommends a tougher investment strategy with an 8 percent return.
154 Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
155 The kitchen was where Ralph spent his free time too, learning to cook.
156 Ralph would be able to explain this a lot better than I can.
157 By the day of the decision, Ralph had talked himself out of wanting to be a professor anyway.
158 Himes' friends and acquaintances included small-time Cleveland hustlers and great artists such as Ralph Ellison.
159 Ralph Nader may have had a few, but then again far, far too few to mention.
160 In 1955 he married her cousin, Mary Katherine, daughter of Ralph Wedmore, a businessman.
161 Newry clinched the points with almost the last kick of the game, Ralph scoring after sub Gary Hughes put him clear.
162 And now the Napoleon of hip-hop is taking on Ralph Lauren.
163 Ralph Connelly is going to be spending the money he earns from it pretty soon.
164 The Dome itself, designed by Ralph Tubbs, looked as if it had descended from Mars.
165 Ralph Ellison is a famous contemporary African American writer.
166 You insulted Ralph when you called him a pig.
167 Ralph is a good egg.
168 This is something that happened to Ralph Ellison.
169 One evening, Ralph articulated his love to the princess.
170 Ralph is pitching their advertising campaign to Lola.
171 Ralph Waldo Emerson was an American essayist and poet.
172 Ralph and Lola are preparing for the press conference.
173 Ralph had two theories about this intervener.
174 Ralph is equally astute in machinery and crop management.
175 Ralph the Rover was walking on the deck.
176 Ralph took his refreshment wherever he could find it.
177 Richard Wright and Ralph Allison were two famous contemporary American black novelists.
178 No one could spot a gentlewoman quicker than Father Ralph.
179 B. 1880) was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1906 for successfully ending the Russo-Japanese war and for his interest in arbitration, Ralph Bunche (A.
180 The other 5m crowns went to Ralph Steinman, from Canada, who discovered the role of dendritic cells in activating some of the immune system's main cellular troops, known at T-lymphocytes.
181 Time dissipates to shining ether the solid angularity of facts(Ralph Waldo Emerson.
182 Ralph pulled himself out of the water, stood facing Piggy, and considered this unusual problem.
183 This was, in fact, a period of great actors with Laurence Olivier, Ralph Richardson, and Donald Wolfit as well as John Gielgud appearing on the stage.
184 Accommodations include 36 Ralph Lauren-designed oceanfront guest rooms,[Sentencedict] 90 luxurious villa rooms and suites or a selection of 27 private 2 - 6 bedroom Signature Villas – most with private pools.
185 "Invisible Man" is universally regarded as a masterpiece of contemporary American literature, this is owing to Ralph Ellison's unique artistic style.
186 As the philandering Duke of Devonshire - Ralph Fiennes, The Duchess.
187 When the next met, Ralph discovered the trick we had played , and Osborne was laughed at.
188 You know when Ralph Chestley comes around, isn't he a swell fellow.
189 Ralph resented this charge with more apparent earnestness than he commonly used.
190 Once more Ralph dreamed, letting his skilful feet deal with the difficulties of the path.
191 As Ralph Gomory has made clear, economic theory has been shattered because there is no longer any connection between the profits of American companies and the welfare of Americans.
192 I had tremendous respect for Ralph Noyes, who I met on several occasions.
193 "It's really just kind of a fun fact, " planetary scientist Ralph Lorenz with Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory told Discovery News.
194 Ralph Waldo Emerson: The dice of God are always loaded.
195 Ralph, Jr. skateboards by. The teenagers watch him from behind the tree.
196 Ralph Waldo Emerson , American Author, Poet & Philosopher, ( 1803~1882 ).
197 Ralph Allison not only locates a way of expression of life philosophy in Blues, but also comes to an awareness of literary potentiality in black music.
198 Ralph hauled himself on to this platform, noted the coolness and shade.
199 The Sam Le Bion played a French engineer who she finds a loved one, Tim Ralph plays her late husband's death.
200 The outlooks on the universe and life by Ralph Waldo Emerson, the key originator of American Transcendentalism in the 1840s, remarkably parallel those of Lao Zi, the sage of ancient China.
201 The Invisible Man by Ralph Ellison is a masterpiece of symbolism.
202 Ralph Lorenz, a scientist at Johns Hopkins University, offers a new explanation.
203 Jack and Ralph smiled at each other with shy liking.
204 A man may build himself a throne of bayonets, but he cannot sit on it---William Ralph Inge, English author.
205 Lack of money was an important reason for Ralph Ellison becoming a writer.
206 Ralph is on my hit list for contributing money for the orphans.
207 Ralph was standing by a contraption of palm trunks and leaves.
208 In Invisible Man, the American black novelist Ralph Ellison displays the protagonists journey to seek his own ethnic culture and to establish his identity.
209 The brown-haired tot is nearly always wearing designer duds, including a floor-length gown designed by Ralph Lauren.
210 The names of those who have practiced my profession ring like a hall of fame for humanity...Booker T. Washington, Buddha, Confucius, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Leo Buscaglia, Moses and Jesus.
211 Ralph stood up, feeling curiously defenseless with the darkness pressing in.
212 Ralph Waldo Emerson and other Transcendentalist philosophers thought schooling and rigorous book learning put unnatural restraints on children.
213 I'm alive on my beatitude Project, beats de dre, and you could accept one, Polo Ralph Lauren pas cher, too!
214 Ralph, Jr. smiles with self-satisfaction. He stops and opens his mouth to speak, but instead a ferocious SNEEZE escapes,[http:///Ralph.html] sending FLAMES shooting out of his nose.
215 Mr. Kloppenberg compiled a long list of people who he said helped shape Mr. Obama's thinking and writing, including Weber and Nietzsche, Thoreau and Emerson, Langston Hughes and Ralph Ellison.
216 Ralph Vaughan Williams (1872-1958) was deeply influenced by English folk music, as is shown by his variations on the old tune "Green-sleeves" (which most people consider a folk song).
217 Twain taught American authors from Arthur Miller to David Bradley, Ralph Ellison, Ursula Le Guin, Toni Morrison, and countless others important lessons about the craft of fiction.
218 Ralph and Edna were both patients in a mental hospital.
219 Mason Wyler : Ralph Woods , it had to be 10 or 11 inches.
220 Governor Kaine formed an independent panel to investigate Monday's rampage in Blacksburg, polo ralph lauren pas cher, Virginia, by 23-year-old student Cho Seung-hui.
221 Once unleashed by its gloomy keeper Hades (Ralph Fiennes), the squirmy sea monster is ready to devour Princess Andromeda (Alexa Davalos) and destroy the rebellious city of Argos.
222 As Father Ralph came in holding Meggie's hand, her malevolent gaze beat the child's down.
223 Ralph Ellison's classic novel about racial prejudice should not be missed.
224 Ralph Sacco, president of the American Heart Association and chairman of neurology at the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine.
225 Our German guide, Ralph, had just handed me the Mauser rifle we would have to use if a polar bear attacked him first.
226 Invisible Man, the masterpiece of American Negro writer Ralph Waldo Ellison (1914—1994), is a perfect transcendent unity of moral and art.
227 "A friend is a person with whom I may be sincere. Before him, I may think aloud" (Ralph Waldo Emerson).
228 The race crisis revealed by Ralph Ellison constantly reminds America that the black problems cannot be ignored in the 21(superscript st) century.
229 Mimi: OK, thanks, Ralph. But can I ask why you're such an eager beaver?
230 Former NBA and Virginia star Ralph Sampson has agreed to plead guilty to mail fraud and serve two months in jail.
231 African American writer Ralph Waldo Ellison and his novel Invisible Man always come to the front when one looks through the twentieth century American literature and the world literature.
232 The introduction provides some background knowledge about Ralph Ellison and his Invisible Man, and makes a review of the criticisms on this novel since its publication.
233 I should never presume to condole with Mr. Ralph; we're not on those terms.
234 "Will you do this for me, Leo? It's the only way."— 'It's highly irregular. Ralph.'.
235 Ralph Chaplin, the famous poet, artist, writer, and organizer for the Industrial Workers of the World , wrote "Solidarity Forever" on January 17, 1915.
236 Ralph crammed for the test and got a good grade, but his knowledge of the lesson is only skin-deep.
237 In 2000 he participated in Trondheim Chamber Music Festival, where he played Tristan Keuris' Concerto for Two Cellos together with Ralph Kirshbaum.
238 Ralph, Jr. skates down the street, carrying a grocery bag and drinking a coke.
239 Immune system researchers Bruce Beutler of the U.S. and Frenchman Jules Hoffmann shared the medicine prize Monday with Canadian-born Ralph Steinman, who died three days before the announcement.
240 RALPH , JR .'S FINGER? Pushes " EJECT " on his VCR and the RAMBO TAPE emerges.
241 Projected on the window of the Ralph Lauren Madison Avenue store is a 67-inch image of items including polo shirts and tennis ball boy or ball girl uniforms.
242 Invisible Man, writen by American black writer Ralph Ellison, is a typical picaresque novel.
243 In a recent Open Minds article on Ralph Noyes, Antonio Huneeus, suggested that some of the responses Noyes received from the MOD might have actually been authored by Pope.
244 Internally, the fit out by Ralph Applebaum Associates will offer an interactive experience[http://], and a dynamic lighting design will reveal the exposed lattice shell of the structure.
245 Ralph , Jr. looks back at her and laughs idiotically.
246 The youngest, Ralph, is odd, locked in a sealed, symbiotic clutch with his girlfriend that is literalised when they install a deadbolt on their bedroom door.
247 Ralph and another operative head to the location interrogate T - Bag.
248 Ralph Waldo Emerson was an American philosopher, lecturer, essayist, and poet, best remembered for leading the Transcendentalist movement of the mid-19th century.
249 The vulgarians with whom Lily and Ralph grapple unsuccessfully are accurately and acidly observed.
250 Adjustment of pay rate, usually based on performance, Polo Ralph Lauren Jerseys, cost of living, or promotion.
251 The web-based test asked participants to rate the face for traits such as dominance, longing, wealth, faithfulness, commitment, ralph lauren pas cher, parenting capabilities, and warmheartedness.
252 Her adoration of Father Ralph had turned into an ardent, very girlish crush.
253 The novel Invisible Man by Ralph Ellison is a record of the nameless narrator's journey in contemporary America, from South to North, illusion to reality.
254 "You have to embrace the totality of his evilness. He's like the devil. " — Ralph Fiennes on playing Voldemort.
255 Ralph Waldo Emerson was born on May 25, 1803 in Boston, Massachusetts.
256 Some, like African-American writer Ralph Ellison, be-lieve that jazz captures the essence of America. For good reason, for in jazz all of the characteristics I mentioned above come together.
257 For this reason, she intrudes upon the religious forbidden zone fearlessly, fights for Ralph with God.
258 Ralph Waldo Emerson, the leader of the Transcendentalists, moved to Concord where he met Thoreau.
259 It didn't make Gilbert look better to sit for half an hour with Ralph.
260 Ralph, owned by Pauline Grant, who hit the headlines at the start of the year is his stepbrother but is dwarfed by his half-sibling.
261 Maurice flashed a smile at Ralph who slid easily into the water.
262 "The decision to award the Nobel Prize to Ralph Steinman was made in good faith, based on the assumption that the Nobel Laureate was alive, " the assembly explained in a statement.
263 Ralph set his sights on ( getting ) a law degree from Stanford.
264 On Monday, the Nobel committee named Ralph Steinman, a biologist with Rockefeller University, and scientists Bruce A.
265 Invisible Man is the masterpiece of American black writer Ralph Ellison.
266 However, the decision to awardthe Nobel Prize to Ralph Steinman was made in good faith, based on theassumption that the Nobel Laureate was alive.
267 As the film begins, the Ministry of Magic is crumbling in the malefic grip of Voldemort (Ralph Fiennes), and Harry has a price on his head.
268 Here is the simulcast I done for the Utah Pride Center when I introduced the 2008 Grand Marshall of Salt Lake City, Mayor Ralph Becker!
269 Invisible Man, the masterpiece of the eminent black writer Ralph Ellison, is noted for its superb use of different literary techniques.
270 So what appears to be a short, fat love seat is really a lightweight wicker sofa , plumped up with pillows and embroidered Ralph Lauren pillowcases.
271 the decision to award the Nobel Prize to Ralph Steinman was made in good faith, based on the assumption that the Nobel Laureate was alive.
272 Young Felicity Nyikadzino Berold and Ralph , enjoy a of Scrabble near Johannesburg's Zoo Lake.
273 If a prank ends up costing the corporation in cost of money, polo ralph lauren, injuries alternatively a staff member's layoff then it has worked too far.
274 Jack and Ralph turned the shoulder of the mountain together.
275 Unwillingly Ralph turned away from the splendid , awful sight.
276 Ralph Waldo Emerson was a great thinker[sentence dictionary], essayist and poet in the American literary history.
277 She is talking to her marketing manager, Ralph, about a new product.
278 Mr. Ralph Allwood, an internationally famous conductor, is using his masterful skills in conducting the boys, who are singing an almost perfect chorale.
279 Bill will come on then maybe Ralph, then Bobby and Johnny doing their hits.
280 As a teenager Barack sometimes skipped homework and buried himself in the works of black authors: Langston Hughes, Ralph Ellison, James Baldwin, Richard Wright, W.
281 Ralph lay in a covert , wondering about his wounds.
282 Although the wound wasn't serious, this time Ralph didn 't get well.




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