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单词 Upon this
1, I look upon this as an absolute necessity.
2, I look upon this as my home.
3, He looks down upon this kind of work.
4, I came upon this beautiful vase in the attic.
5, If there were time, I could dilate upon this subject.
6, I came upon this book in the attic - would you like it?
7, Depending upon this determination, we develop appropriate emotional responses.
8, A later chapter will seek to enlarge upon this.
9, Why, then, would I choose to embark upon this course myself?
10, Seizing upon this opportunity, the Santanistas worked night and day to undermine the Herrera administration.
11, I think I settled upon this last gesture as my train stopped at Greenwich this morning.
12, Superimposed upon this will be a general decline in performance due to loss of sleep and fatigue.
13, The double standard of morality relied upon this separation between the public and the private.
14, Recent judicial decisions have thrown doubt upon this point, as indicated in the following hypothetical discussion.
15, Every April, hordes of noisy invaders descend upon this otherwise peaceful town of 60, 000 and proceed to spread destruction.
16, There are some legal niceties attendant upon this definition with which it is fortunately not necessary to deal in the present outline.
17, Melville feels that he must insist upon this reality, otherwise,(http:///upon this.html) the entire story would be misinterpreted.
18, Mabel sat, vastly patient, waiting to see if he was going to enlarge upon this.
19, The mass is politically apathetic and impotent, and policy is imposed upon this large proportion of the population.
20, Get as many intelligent citizens as you possibly can to write urgently upon this subject to their representatives and Senators in Congress.
21, In short, we have not as yet experienced the full extent of the social dislocation consequent upon this period of unemployment.
22, Certain other arrangements which I must make naturally turn upon this.
23, What might Johnnie say after such a long hiatus, looking upon this transformation?
24, All our interpretations about what happened in the past must ultimately rest upon this evidence surviving from the past.
25, Even in his ignorance, Lucien saw at once that it was essential he make a favourable impression upon this man.
26, And look, how many Grecian tents do stand Hollow upon this plain, so many hollow factions.
27, I will be bright, and shine in pearl and gold, To wait upon this new-made empress.
28, The two lazed variously upon potato sacks, sharing a Woodbine and musing upon this and that.
29, That is when I would hope to be able to draw upon this philosophy and see the bad times through.
30, It is not the purpose of this chapter to provide a comprehensive survey of the empirical work undertaken upon this topic.
1, I look upon this as an absolute necessity.
2, I look upon this as my home.
31, Surrealist photography indeed developed techniques that self-consciously played upon this juxtaposition of the real as signifier and the signifier as real.
32, Finally-and Stillman dwelled upon this at great length-whoever looked upon the ruins of the Tower was believed to forget everything he knew.
33, It puzzled him beyond measure that the boy should have stumbled upon this private area.
34, Scholarly ink, mixed with scholarly gall, was poured forth upon this fascinating and wholly insoluble mystery.
35, As the years progressed, poets like Virgil and Dante built upon this belief.
36, If the government acted upon this report the Raika stood to gain certain privileges.
37, The material form of the surplus-product has an important bearing upon this.
38, In section 3.4, we listed three constraints upon this expansion.
39, Comment upon this would be to paint the lily.
40, I've come upon this word several times.
41, The client may now act upon this returned value.
42, Make war upon this bloody tyrant Time?
43, Make war upon this bloody tyrant,() time.
44, You must not refine too much upon this charade.
45, It is Ashtar's compassionate discourse upon this subject.
46, Many movements in psychology, education, and training are focused on an enlarged self-consciousness. Most popular self-help literature also focuses upon this capacity.
47, He had thrummed upon this topic till it is threadbare.
48, Something of awe now stole over me ,(Sentence dictionary) as I gazed upon this inflexible iron animal.
49, You don't look down upon this action, the mirror finish later, when you do something very inconsistent when it will urge you persevering.
50, More refined interpretations of the sanitary quality of water were based upon this knowledge.
51, Red Nations peoples were incarnate upon this land and refused to provide this mineral unto Atlantean governance for any price .
52, Based upon this equation, the theory of Slantwise Vorticity Development (SVD) proposed by Wu et al.
53, The game's afoot, follow your spirit and upon this charge, by God, for Henry, England and Saint George!
54, Astronomer Art Hoag first asked this question when he chanced upon this unusual extragalactic object.
55, If the Chinese perceive that a foreigner is ignorant of the responsibility of his employe's, or disregards it, it will not take them long to act upon this discovery in extremely disagreeable ways.
56, Convergence and divergence of infinite series depend upon this concept.
57, I tell you the truth, all this will come upon this generation.
58, Instead, we are now "engaged" and abjectly dependent upon this fascist beast for so many or our essentials and for the support of our currency and fiscal recklessness.
59, Based upon this, we design a model machine and successfully sample the ECG signal, which is very important to design the high-accuracy and auto-analysis embedded ECG sampling system.
60, The accounting principles based upon this foundation provide guidelines or directives to accounting practice.
61, What was the matter with these women, always set upon this marrying notion?
62, My countrymen, one and all, think calmly and well upon this whole subject.
63, Mr Forster and his guide entered upon this portion of the glacier.
64, The games's afoot, follow your spirit and upon this charge, by God, for Henry, England and Saint George!
65, Beautiful wife serve a milk with good smell, lovely child is be fast asleep, warm lamplight cast light upon this scene harmoniously.
66, And so much rancour remained on the spirits of the gracious Duncan upon this occasion.
67, I say to you, you are Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church, and the gates of the netherworld shall not prevail against it.
68, Came upon this one corpse, some axeman had taken his whole arm off at the shoulder.
69, Earth does not require some initiate to amass a fortune to fulfill upon this.
70, But woe unto them that are with child, and to them that give suck , in those days! for there shall be great distress in the land, and wrath upon this people.
71, My prompter, like a true devil, set me upon this innocent creature.
72, The use of partitioning features on the base table does not need to take into account whether MQTs will be built upon this table.
73, Upon this, the dialectical relation between red tide and eutrophication is thoroughly discussed.
74, I stumbled upon this curious blend of biology and fable during a wintry campus visit to Harvard's Farlow Reference Library and Herbarium a few years ago.
75, Upon this frame, use matrix Lie group to express the rotation space, then base on Bayesian estimation framework, calculate the minimum mean squared error bounds which use the matrix Lie groups.
76, Expanding upon this idea, John D. Fullmer of Brigham Young University offered that Xenocentrism results from an attempt on the part on an individual to correct his or her own ethnocentrism .
77, Networks execs may then change the course of a storyline based upon this fan mail.
78, Many sentient civilizations gave of their DNA to have representation of their coding upon this planet./upon this.html
79, But the independence of autonomous system brings some troubles to the network. The information inquiry system based upon this has many troubles, too.
80, Upon this the goat without any more ado leaped in.
81, Only as long as I keep my finger upon this artery stop the blood gushing out.
82, Discuss the relative influence of Roman and Germanic traditions upon this development.
83, We can then build upon this base with the PBE Patterns and Guidelines and the associated PBE Practice.
84, It is upon this experimentally confirmed ability to antagonize histamine that the indications for Antistine are based.
85, But how strange it was that the creative instinct should seize upon this dull stockbroker.
86, Thy sunbeam comes upon this earth of mine with arms outstretched and stands at my door the livelong day to carry back to thy feet clouds made of my tears and sighs and songs.
87, No Derivative Works. You may not alter, transform, or build upon this work.
88, To comment upon this would be to paint the lily.
89, But the race of inferior Houyhnhnms, bred up to be servants, is not so strictly limited upon this article: these are allowed to produce three of each sex, to be domestics in the noble families.




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