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单词 Generalize
1. It's impossible to generalize about children's books, as they are all different.
2. They hope to generalize the use of this new soap.
3. It is impossible to generalize about such a complicated subject.
4. You cannot generalize about the effects of the drug from one or two cases.
5. She has a tendency to generalize from her husband to all men.
6. It is dangerous to generalize about the poor.
7. We cannot generalize from these few examples.
8. One cannot generalize from a few examples.
9. Perhaps you oughtn't to generalize about that.
10. It's hard to generalize about Cole Porter because he wrote so many great songs that were so varied.
11. It is inadvisable to generalize from the results of a single experiment.
12. It's far too risky to generalize from one set of results.
13. It is impossible to generalize about children's books, as they are all different.
14. When we use " he " , we generalize for both sex.
15. You can't generalize about a continent as varied as Europe.
16. It would be foolish to generalize from a single example.
17. We are now in a position to generalize the lessons we have learnt.
18. It is unfair to generalize from these two accidents and say that all young people are bad drivers.
19. But the latent inhibition effect did not generalize.
20. To generalize is to be an idiot. William Blake 
21. Even for the reader who can generalize, it is difficult to be objective about something like a cat.
22. It has always been difficult to generalize about China because it's such a huge country.
23. I know I shouldn't generalize, but I do think men find it hard to show their feelings.
24. They must be able to generalize from specific to general categories.
25. We can generalize from the samples and conclude that nitrogen levels have increased.
26. Since I do not know the details, I can only generalize about the matter.
27. It is customary for the teacher to provide grammar notes to help the student generalize what he has learned.
28. When you reduce some-thing to its most elemental state, its nuclear core(), you can generalize from there.
29. There are cogent reasons why the constitution drafters decided to generalize rather than to particularize.
30. Secondary teachers only were included, since the case studies about which the survey seeks to generalize were of secondary schools.
1. It's impossible to generalize about children's books, as they are all different.
2. They hope to generalize the use of this new soap.
3. It is impossible to generalize about such a complicated subject.
4. She has a tendency to generalize from her husband to all men.
31. One can not generalize about a greater receptivity among Protestant clergy toward the new cosmology.
32. As a child becomes better able to generalize across stimuli, schemata become more refined.
33. We can generalize from the example that we have studied.
34. Not to generalize, but men want everything and want to commit to nothing.
35. We can only generalize, and leave the composer to adapt the ideas put forward here to his own needs.
36. Many of the results which are found to hold in the more familiar game theoretic environment will generalize to such a framework.
37. But to generalize from such sensational particulars as these is to ignore both commonsense and political geography.
38. It can recognise classes, and distinguish between them, and generalize from its training set, just like a perceptron.
39. It is impossible to generalize about so complicated a subject.
40. It is clearly a mistake to generalize from a few examples.
41. Physicians are still debating whether to generalize the data on aspirin to women.
42. The context of anthropology is that of a discourse that attempts to generalize and encompass other discourses, such as those of myth-telling.
43. She's always quick to generalize and put people into categories.
44. The study group was very small, and it's hard to generalize from just a few cases.
45. It's difficult to generalize about a subject as broad as world history.
46. The polls show that it is difficult to generalize about which issues were most important to voters.
47. In this way, the organism is able to differentiate between stimulus events and to generalize.
48. It is usually nonconstructive, inelegant, hard to generalize.
49. Don't generalize a conclusion from a few examples.
50. We generalize the previous RVUU model to he able to identify the isospin degree of freedom of particles.
51. Objective To evaluate and generalize the application of intermaxillary fixation screw in the jaw fracture.
52. It is more difficult to generalize about this subject in the period after 1940.
53. This article, based on the analysis of translating examples, sets out to generalize practical translation method of soft news(), and also exploits the theoretical basis of that method.
54. The theory is an effort to generalize about relationships that occur regularly, not about coincidental happenings.
55. Objective To generalize the synthetic methods of phospholipid analogues and polymers and to review their applications to drugs based on crude phospholipids.
56. Metaphorizing as a language-game of training transfer then helps people to generalize their primary knowledge about language and world.
57. To support this effectively(http:///generalize.html), I need to generalize my performance monitoring information and allow for tracking performance nested within an operation.
58. We study the regularity of right SF-rings whose every maximal right ideal is a quasi-ideal. Some new characterizations on the regularity of right SF-rings are obtained, which generalize some results.
59. In Chap. 6 we shall generalize the discussion and take up angular momentum.
60. Carisiti's coincidence theorems for fuzzy mappings in probabilistic metric space is given. The main theorems improve and generalize the corresponding results.
61. I'll also look briefly at the issue of operator precedence and generalize the treewalking code into a full-fledged recursive routine that's able to handle arbitrarily complex parse trees.
62. Using Taylor Theorem, we generalize the second sufficient conditions for extreme point and inflection point, and give the classification for a large class of stationary point.
63. The course of abstract and generalize is just the course of managing the abstractive thinking, and is also the course of form our art languages and art symbols.
64. In chapter 6,1 generalize the developmental history and features of ESOP in our country.
65. "Buyers market ", "excess economy", "inadequacy of effective demand ", and "currency deflation"are insufficient to generalize Chinese macroeconomic situation.
66. This paper, we generalize definition of recurring constant, and discuss the line integrals of a function on non-simply connected region with infinite number of holes.
67. These results generalize and improve some known results about both neutral and delay difference equation.
68. Experiments prove that this hot pressure welding control technology has obvious advantages in precision welding areas and is worth to generalize the use of it.
69. Objective To generalize a better repair from the experiences on the repair of perioral scar contracture-caused deformities.
70. However, many fuzzy mappings are not convex. People start to generalize the convexity of fuzzy mapping in different ways.
71. Objective : To generalize the biological function of hepatitis C Virus ( HCV ) core protein.
72. First. using generalization method, we generalize the role of energy transfer and dissipation from broad experimental data on ER mechanisms which plays in ER response.
73. The article generalize the usage of chitin, chitosan and its derivatives in food industry.
74. In this paper, we generalize the intermediate value theorem from continuous to discontinuous. The method used here is also useful in other field like number theory.
75. Then we can generalize domain knowledge rules via the sign test, a statistical non - parameter method.
76. Noting the above draw back, we generalize the polynomial method and chose a new polynomial.
77. Since this method is based on the structure of the generalize side lobe canceller, it is convenient to use its partial adaptive processing to reduce the computation load.
78. In tis paper, we generalize and improve some recent results on estimation of the eigenvalues of the product of a positive semidefinite matrix and a Hermite matrix.
79. In this paper, we present some criteria for the oscillation of a class of the second order nonlinear differential inequation with Perturbation. The results generalize the known results.
80. Don't over - generalize. One or two setbacks are not a sign of permanent failure.
81. China's Department of aviation and spaceflight is striving to research, exploder(), and generalize HLA .
82. The first part is to find a systematizing method to generalize pattern language by inviting experts to join a design workshop to edit a series of systematic pattern language through the discussion.
83. In order to generalize relativity, it is necessary to think about observations in noninertial.
84. It is difficult to generalize about job trends in the West.
85. These results are all based on elliptic equation and we generalize common situation.
86. In this paper we systematically analyse and generalize the Boson Realization Method proposed by the author for constructing indecomposable representations of Lie (super) algebras.
87. We obtain some results about the ruin probability and the expected life time of insurance company, which generalize the relative results in ruin model with no investment factor.
88. Does a pair programming experiment with students generalize to professional developers?
89. The conspectus: across-the-board summarize and generalize forefather's research on the poesy and poetics theory of B.
90. The children could also generalize their speech production to words that were not practiced during the therapy.
91. At last, this paper analysis the advances of this model compared with the geometrical optical method and the methods to generalize it in the case of oblique incidence.
92. So the first step to doing that is I want to just generalize our results so far for a Carnot cycle.
93. These pricing formulas generalize the corresponding ones about European compound option pricing on jump-diffusions, which are obtained by Gukhal and Li, etc.
94. This paper tries to generalize the throwing objects from the one dimension pin to the convex curve in two dimension, and even the three dimensional regular tetrahedron and regular hexahedron .
95. The second part of thesis generalize Fangweng's feature of mind from three aspects: quiet, crankiness, enterprisingness.
96. In this paper we generalize the theory of local duality and discuss the homological dimension of modules of finite length.
97. And even if the results don't generalize quite so strongly to others, the data indicate a trend that suggests there continues to be benefits of journaling — whether public or private.
98. We generalize Non-oscillatory, Non-free parameter Discrete scheme(NND) for the first time and apply it to the conservative form of MHD equations.
99. Can we generalize common solutions to apply to similar problems?




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