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单词 Frailty
1. This is a reflection of their frailty.
2. Despite increasing physical frailty, he continued to write stories.
3. She died after a long period of increasing frailty.
4. Increasing frailty meant that she was more and more confined to bed.
5. Though ill for most of her life, physical frailty never stopped her from working.
6. Tolerant of human frailty in whatever form, she almost never judged people.
7. His impatience was sharpened by the girl's frailty.
8. Most important is the factor of human frailty.
9. We are moving into an era when frailty, fragility and powerlessness are simply not enough.
10. As frailty increases that kind of basic tending by the family may ease the terminal phase for everyone, practically and emotionally.
11. There may be concern about Alec Stewart's frailty against the spinners.
12. Despite his frailty he represented virility, he got results, he at least reacted mIghtily.
13. Frailty can interfere with body posture and gesture and therefore with body language.
14. Physical frailty and disability varies across the different sectors, being least in public residential homes and highest in a hospital long-stay population.
15. The recent riots are evidence of the frailty of the peace agreement.
16. Reagan saw the depth of human frailty but appealed to the better angels of our nature.
17. Private nursing homes have higher levels of frailty than residential homes but not usually as high as long-stay hospital care.
18. In contrast, policies that recognise human frailty and try to ameliorate it seem to succeed.
19. Despite his frailty, however, he prevailed on them to let him journey to Fort Kaskaskia in southern Illinois.
20. As a further guard against human frailty the hardener, and occasionally the glue, were dyed characteristic colours.
21. Love is noblest frailty of mind.
22. Beneath the silken sheets his father lay there naked, the frailty of his body revealed.
23. For sheer bravado, hard-nosed business sense and a cunning understanding of human frailty, Agnes deserves admiration.
24. These demographic variables are experienced in addition to high levels of physical dependence, frailty and mental health problems.
24. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
25. Those glimpses express our hopes and dreams, our failures and frailty.
26. Mr. Zimmer is still alert, despite his age and the frailty of his body.
27. The dependency of the old person may emerge gradually with increasing frailty or suddenly, as after a stroke.
28. Her humor always made us, in some sense, realize the frailty of our human life.
29. Ahead of him, Peng Yu-wei strode purposefully up the path, his long legs showing no sign of human frailty.
30. He sat watching Casey's face for several minutes, her frailty causing him concern.
1. This is a reflection of their frailty.
31. We triumph over each other with human frailty.
32. Frailty, your name is woman!
33. Conceals own frequently frailty, good laborious.
34. Frailty, the name is woman.
35. Love is the noblest frailty of the mind.
36. This is only a reflection of their frailty.
37. Frailty, thy name is woman.
38. He paused and suddenly all the frailty and fatigue showed.
38. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
39. The dollar's frailty is making policymakers outside America increasingly nervous.
40. Your age and frailty are giving him cause for concern.
41. The model which stress was cash floe, and explaining the frailty of financial system with over-finance conception were the new developments of modern finance unsteady theory.
42. It is related to transformation of macro-politics and social management, frailty of rural economy, quality of cadres and grassroots and unsoundness of legal systems etc.
43. Moonrise Kingdom, like most of his movies, is a meditation on the poignant frailty of family life.
44. We assessed frailty as a risk factor for adverse outcomes after cardiac surgery.
45. Changefulness and the complexity of network environment, as well as the frailty of information system, have decided the objective existence of network safe threat.
46. God also gave me female frailty, sensitivity, peacockery and even selfishness as all women has.
47. Whereon they all did thumbs-up and "Have a good day".Meg Wilkes is right: admit frailty and hands reach out.
48. If you love someone, you should give him more tolerance for his temper, his self-will, his improper words, and his frailty.
49. Perfect men, however, do not readily believe every talebearer, because they know that human frailty is prone to evil and is likely to appear in speech.
50. Whether fortuitously or inevitably, I've come to meet them again and record their life experiences and their situations, perceiving through this the frailty and tenaciousness of life.
51. Do you look forward to old age, or do you dread frailty, loss of memory and dependence on others?
52. Don't always confide your trouble to your friends and show your frailty.
53. Her beauty did not greatly suffer from her frailty, but gained a new dimension from it, a ghostly glow, a poignance.
54. But I now suspect that Dr. Liew was just showing a common human frailty.
55. Wetlands protection means important ecological value to humanity, and its frailty needs special legal protection.
56. But we must recognize that our human frailty makes it challenging to mete out true justice.




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