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单词 Each month
1 It is best to settle the account each month.
2 Each month the total prize kitty is £13.5 million.
3 Ten pounds are allowed each month for pocket money.
4 I saved part of my salary each month.
5 I always settle my account in full each month.
6 I'm paid at the beginning of each month.
7 Save a small amount each month; it'll soon add up.
8 We've got just enough money coming in each month to pay the bills.
9 The company keeps 5% of his salary out each month.
10 We're trying to put a little by each month for a new car.
11 Add up the bills for each month. Take this away from the income.
12 Each month thousands more swell the ranks of the unemployed.
13 The money will be debited from your account each month.
14 She applied a portion of her salary each month to savings.
15 He puts half of his salary each month towards the skiing holiday he's planning.
16 He pulls in a lot of overtime pay each month.
17 Paying a little each month can help you manage your money.
18 Each month we reconcile our check book with the bank statement.
19 The group presents lectures and workshops once each month.
20 10,000 men had volunteered by the end of September; thereafter, approximately 1,000 men enlisted each month.
21 When one buys something on hire purchase, one has to pay out each month.
22 The amendment provides that you can no longer ship after the 10th of each month.
23 The brothers chip in a certain amount of money each month to hire a home health aide.
24 Thank you for a most entertaining magazine, which I read avidly each month.
25 Its monthly reports on program trading usually come out about three weeks after each month ends.
26 The factory's output is now up to 150,000 units each month.
27 Heretofore, we sent out bills on the first of each month.
28 Gains and losses average out to a large profit each month.
29 She sends a small remittance home to her parents each month.
30 The embezzler was severely punished and enjoined to kick back a portion of the stolen money each month.
1 10,000 men had volunteered by the end of September; thereafter, approximately 1,000 men enlisted each month.
2 When one buys something on hire purchase, one has to pay out each month.
3 The amendment provides that you can no longer ship after the 10th of each month.
4 He pulls in a lot of overtime pay each month.
5 The embezzler was severely punished and enjoined to kick back a portion of the stolen money each month.
31 The balance must be paid in full each month.
32 An average of 90 items need updating each month.
33 He usually just pays the minimum each month on his credit cards.
34 The ring leaders, using runners to deliver their goods on the streets, sold about 100 phones each month.
35 Work out how much money you have to spare each month. 3.
36 Each month, the company's new products are presented to the sales people by the marketing teams.
37 We need people each month to help us in our lively, action-packed office.
38 You produce a good magazine each month; the readers' letters alone are worth the annual subscription.
39 Costs can be reduced if films are supplied under contract for a set number each month.
40 People might spend $ 300 for an Internet device once, but they pay for their Internet connection each month.
41 During the middle of each month the full moon was attacked by a colossal sow and ravenously devoured.
42 Each month during 1991 saw average ozone levels reach new highs.
43 With thousands of new residents arriving in Las Vegas each month, the housing market is booming.
43 try its best to collect and make good sentences.
44 The actor can play a different person each month and still be considered a good actor.
45 The writer of the best letter each month will be presented with a Montblanc Solitaire fountain pen.
46 We've all been setting aside a little money each month for a trip to Disneyland.
47 Work out the amount you spend each month on food and clothes.
48 It is intended that these articles should be in addition to current missionary writing which appears in the magazine each month.
49 But we do know how many people die each month and of what.
50 The fixed interest rate means you know exactly your commitment each month, which saves problems with forecasting your cashflow.
51 The monthly repayment will be £356.67, a saving of £176.66 each month and £10,599.60 over the full five-year term.
52 This meets informally each month to monitor progress and drive the agenda forward.
53 Try not to regain weight, and go for an overall loss by the end of each month.
54 Each month, the writer of the best letter will receive a special book prize.
55 About one hundred and fifty wounded patients are treated and eighty major operations conducted each month.
56 Certainly, one can not expect the forecasted figures to be completely accurate for each month.
57 Each month we will take you through the major wine-producing areas of the world, highlighting the leading grape varieties.
58 Each month the district officer spent a whole day writing a full report to the political secretary in the provincial capital.
59 Subscribers indicate the areas in which they are interested and the relevant lists are sent each month.
60 The actual weight at the end of each month can then be filled in as the weight control regime progresses.
61 She can pencil in the weight she hopes to be at the end of each month.
62 He spends about 10 days each month back in Hong Kong, supervising projects in the works at his production company.
63 The Whale and Dolphin Conservation Society, only four years old, is recruiting about 1,000 new members each month.
64 Agenda Brugge is a useful free guide to what's on each month.
65 On the fourth Tuesday of each month Speakers are invited to meetings of the Society.
66 The eastern regional news programme includes a series of short features screened on the last Wednesday of each month.
67 And, you can usually arrange sickness or redundancy benefit to cover your monthly repayments, for a small premium each month.
68 The rates will be set on the fifth business day of each month.
69 Of course, it's come a long way since then - full colour on every page, two Megatapes each month.
70 The last trading day in each month.
71 Fulfill bank reconciliation form each month.
72 You'll find that local zoos, aquaria or crocodile farms will almost certainly not be interested in your animal - nor the dozens of similar animals they are asked to take each month.
73 A company type stock exchange shall file with the Commission the monthly accounting report of the previous month before the tenth day of each month.
74 There are major releases for each month, a total 12 a year plus weekly cycles, as well as stand-alone, emergency, and urgent test releases.
75 Each month I set aside a little money against a rainy day.
76 I like Server clinic to show working code each month.
77 The department store closes the books on the 26 th of each month.
78 Other people have health insurance. They pay insurance premiums each month to insurance companies.
79 You have a nice salary, but you still feel short of money. At the end of each month, you often ask yourselves, "Where has all my money gone?"
80 Financial advisors admonish clients to bills each month to avoid interest and finance charges.
81 Review and analyze manufacturing variance accounts each month and prepare reconciliation reports.
82 The IRS now takes $133 each month from her Social Security disability check.
83 Second be stare charge cards that require payment in full each month.
84 How much money does a grease monkey make each month?
85 Any change in issuance data for the preceding month shall be entered into the GTSM-designated information reporting website within 10 days after the end of each month.
86 At the end of each month, management should again estimate the probable amount of uncollectible accounts and adjust the Allowance for Doubtful Accounts to this new estimate.
87 The quantity of Copepoda occupied a considerable proportion in each month.
88 Each month, we'll explore design patterns, principles of reliable software design, and why "best practices" are best, with an eye to how they are applied to real problems.
89 Even a major enterprise like the city's metal refinery has not paid salaries since 2007, she and others said, though workers there collect 10 days worth of food rations each month.
90 All purchases and sales records will be booked into Purchase Day Book and Sales Day Book respectively and will submit them to you at the beginning of each month.
91 Each month, anywhere from 15 to 25 people show up at the library meeting to share their stories, suggestions, struggles and goals for living a simpler, more eco-friendly life.
92 By the end of each month my bank account always seems to be in the red.
93 The price includes 10 hours each month of one-on-one live support and a course adviser.
94 The total days frequency of heavy fog of each month presents the double-peak pattern. The polynomial regression analysis result indicates that the annual change of...
95 Prepare reimbursement requisition in the second Tuesday of each month.
96 Tabitha says that girls are forced to miss school each month because they have no way of controlling their monthly menstruation.
97 Party A shall submit monthly report of construction progress on the 25th of each month; Party A must pay for the audited progress payment of 95% within 5 days.
98 These treatments block ovulation so that both the uterine lining and the endometrium bleeding each month.
99 Each month report the actual numbers versus the budget and track how you are doing against each key business metric and line item in the budget.
100 Have a specific amount taken from your checking account each month and put into an index fund, low-fee variable annuity, or diversified mutual fund.
101 The basic salary of weak electrician is 2700 Dirham each month; the unskilled laborer is 2200 Dirham each month. The bonus will depend on the quantity and quality of finished works.
102 Because of the product special nature, each month of date settled account last month the loans.
103 At the end of each month, the cost accountant will issue a cost statement to reflect the cumulative cost situation of the current month and year.sentencedict .com
104 This progress report is updated on the last trading day of each month.
105 She told the children to return the thirteenth of each month.
106 D . Postmenopausal women should perform breast self - examination on the same day of each month.
107 Article 118 An insurance company shall submit to the financial supervision and regulation department its business statistics statements for the preceding month by the end of each month.
108 Multiple applications had to be updated each month to incorporate the U.S. government's export control lists' to their localized copies.
109 I rented a house for myself, 500yuan RMB each month that doesn't include the water rate and electricity fee.
110 The accrual concept demands that expenses be kept in step with revenue, so that each month sees only that month's expense applied against the revenue for that month.
111 You have to kick two jiao in each month for the cooperative medical service fund.
112 Prepare statement to customers and make reconciliation at end of each month.
113 How many unique visitors do your domains receive, each month?
114 Iraqis even now live under daily threat of violent death: hundreds are killed each month.
115 To take the domestic and international express in time and finish the payment each month and the statistical report of the express fee of each department.
116 Observations of the Moon were made from Mount Macedon in Victoria, for around three days each month when the Moon was rising or setting.
117 "The number of new mortgages being approved each month is less than half the number of new sellers," said Miles Shipside, Rightmove's commercial director.
118 Pick one timesaving principle each month and put it into practice.
119 This report is updated on the last trading day of each month.
120 The meeting of the Executive Council shall be held at least once each month.
121 Direct Loan Repayment Plans: i have 800CNY from my family and 250CNY as an English tutor each month. i can save 400 from my living fees, so i can return 650CNY by adding the 250CNY salary every month.
122 Seeing exactly where your hard-earned money goes each month will reveal where you can cut the fat and how much you can safely stow away in savings.
123 Article120 An insurance company shall, at the end of each month, submit the operational statistics of the preceding month to the insurance supervision and administration department.
124 The initial stock-index futures will expire on the third Friday of each month, starting with contracts in May, June, September and December.
125 The embezzler was severely punished and enjoined to a portion of the stolen money each month.
126 Your payment will be 196 . 67 yuan each month.
127 The Delaware depository, one of the five major ones in the country, charges $6 each month for a 1,() 000-ounce silver bar and $12 for a 100-ounce gold bar.
128 A Cognitive Scientist Answers Questions About How the Mind Works and What It Means for Your Classroom, typically posts on the first and third Mondays of each month.
129 On average, at least 95 % of the rent roll is collected each month.
130 The Global Coalition Against Child Pneumonia says pneumococcal pneumonia kills 4,000 children each month, mostly in developing countries.
131 On the occasion of the spring season, we BBT-11 will sum up the past quarter's work and elect the production stars of our inventory team for each month .
132 The rent is payable monthly in one lump sum, before the tenth day of each month.
133 "Each month includes a biography of the woman featured that month, as well as a significant date in technology history(Sentencedict), " Bernhardt said.
134 A typical design for a database with monthly roll-out based on sale_date, would be to use sale_date as the table partitioning key and create a separate partition for each month.
135 At GoldStar, more than 1, 000 new accounts are opened each month to purchase coins in retirement plans, compared to about 100 a month in 2006.
136 Now you can ditch it and replace it with what you should have held all along: a low-cost index fund (or if you do not invest regularly each month, an exchange-traded fund).
137 His best stories, essays, and poems went begging among them, and yet, each month, he read reams of dull, prosy, inartistic stuff between all their various covers.
138 If this loan had called for the accrued interest to be paid on the last day of each month, SW's balance sheets would include no liability for accrued interest payable.
139 T-ball games at the White House will take place each month during the baseball season for the next four years.
140 They avoid interest charges if they pay their bill in full each month.




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