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单词 Public sector
1 It is essential that the public sector orientates itself more towards the consumer.
2 The public sector borrowing requirement is expected to rise.
3 Rocard set himself to reform public sector industry.
4 This is a double wham-my for public sector workers.
5 Salaries in the public sector are expected to fall by 15% this year.
6 Public sector pay is also in line to be hit hard.
7 The scale of public sector employment is very considerable.
8 Then he got the public sector borrowing requirement wrong.
9 Since 1979, public sector housing has been severely curtailed.
10 The public sector is primarily composed of nonprofit-making organizations.
11 Its use subsequently spread to other public sector analyses involving a comparison of costs and benefits over time.
12 Cuts in benefits and a public sector pay freeze are thought to be likely.
13 The dichotomy between private and public sector is not so clear cut as it may appear.
14 The public sector continued to grow through a process of bureaucratic accretion financed by economic growth.
15 Attention is focused on the programme of public sector renewal initiated by Prime Minister Rocard, its underlying values and intellectual coherence.
16 Some critics of the public sector maintain that it is inherently inefficient and unable to control its expenditure.
17 However,[] the standard of internal audit in the public sector is not generally very good.
18 In public sector higher education there is also a steady stream of requirements for special lists or figures.
19 The new government's policy is to transfer state industries from the public sector to the private sector.
20 The new salary deal for railway workers will be a bench mark for pay settlements in the public sector.
21 Regrettably, he resorts to the familiar numbers game when he boasts that fewer than 300 state enterprises currently remain in the public sector.
22 The Government is making the taxpayer pay to fatten up a public sector business for private sale.
23 The preliminary results reinforced what many people had suspected about the state of private and public sector housing.
24 Community businesses, it was suggested, should develop links with the trade union movement and the public sector.
25 Afterwards a rally is being staged at the Assembly Rooms against Government policy on public sector pay.
26 For years the economics of the nuclear power industry were concealed within the overall accounts of the public sector electricity industry.
27 This general approach to efficient emolument packages is markedly absent from the reward structures of public sector companies.
28 This is achieved by professional workshops where students working in groups address problems taken from industrial, commercial and public sector organizations.
29 On the other hand, cash flow accounting is practised in many public sector and non-profit organizations.
30 We need to look elsewhere, therefore, to understand how public sector auditing differs from private sector auditing.
1 It is essential that the public sector orientates itself more towards the consumer.
31 In 1979, 32 percent of dwellings in Great Britain were in the public sector.
32 Throughout, the operation of the Tube will remain in the public sector, with the rights workers currently enjoy protected.
33 This is ironic, given all the rhetoric about the incompetence and irrelevance of the public sector.
34 In the next chapter we examine why the public sector may wish to produce private goods.
35 The White Paper marks a step change in our programme for reforming the public sector.
36 This is particularly so where it is taxpayers' money being used to fix public sector systems.
37 In many of the large public sector industries, major investments in ReD are a relatively new phenomenon.
38 We will seek fairer and more rational ways of determining public sector pay within clearly defined budget limits.
39 If the building society had used the additional deposit to buy public sector debt, then the consequence would have been avoided.
40 She is particularly worried that a freeze on public sector pay will cause outcry among doctors, nurses and hospital workers.
41 Decentralisation Finally we need to spend some time considering the role of decentralised administration in the public sector.
42 The public sector, after years of commercialisation, is not coping well.
43 At that point, the public sector deficit was estimated to be around £45 billion.
44 The economic literature largely ignores the fact that the public sector has devised its own alternative modes of efficiency incentive.
45 The problem is that a large number of environmental black spots inevitably fall within the public sector.
46 However, in the public sector, resource management considerations are usually much more difficult to disentangle from policy.
46 try its best to collect and make good sentences.
47 In the public sector there is also the added dimension of the politician-official relationship.
48 It has gone on reducing the fantastic levels of public sector borrowing requirement that were reached under the last Government.
49 Are we not talking about undermining the power of the public sector?
50 Public sector unions are likely to oppose Blair's move away from government investment in health and transport.
51 Leftist labor unions and their statist allies may scream but the public sector needs pruning.
52 Private sector firms tend to be more efficient than public sector firms, provided both operate in markets facing strong competition.
53 Many were in white-collar jobs, often in the public sector.
54 The report highlights large variations in early retirement dates throughout the public sector.
55 It also refers to some recent developments in funding public sector projects.
56 The tight control on public sector pay is crucial and underlines the fact that the Government intends to practise what it preaches.
57 This is in effect saying that the policy makers for the public sector were indeterminate, at that time.
58 It reformed the judicial system, buttressing its independence, and introduced parliamentary scrutiny of important public sector contracts and appointments.
59 The head of a public sector institution is usually called the director or principal.
60 The size of the public sector deficit is one of them, the unemployment rate is not.
61 Will he see what he can do to persuade the public sector to follow the private sector's practice in this case?
62 Beyond the public sector, the cave becomes increasingly difficult, and is accessible only to experts.
63 He said spiralling public sector borrowing was the greatest threat to a sustained economic recovery.
64 They are paid on the basis of their superiors' assessments of performance, as in the public sector.
65 A national mobility scheme operates within the public sector, and some social housing is constructed beyond the cities by housing associations.
66 Public sector borrowing requirement is forecast to rise from £37 billion this year to £44 billion next year.
67 Ronald Reagan often argued that by cutting public sector spending, we could liberate voluntary efforts from the oppressive arm of government.
68 The growth of public sector unionism raises starkly the issue of alliances between workers as producers and working people as consumers.
69 The three E's audit in the public sector receives most attention in the literature.
70 He was asked to resign after pressing for cuts in retirement benefits paid out to employees of the public sector.
71 Tuesday's edition offers jobs in the public sector and the legal profession.
72 So for him the public sector has proved useful and at present he is a non-executive director of the Defence Research Agency Council.
73 The threatened public sector pay freeze follows Mr Major's decision to preserve capital spending projects to help Britain out of recession.
74 My worry is that the clamp on public sector pay rises may spark a winter of discontent.
75 There was, however, evidence that public sector homes have been poorly maintained and that councils had spent their money elsewhere.
76 However, there are also two general principles which seem to signal a particular emphasis in the public sector.
77 The wages of public sector employees were increased by up to 200 percent, with 350 percent increases for health and education workers.
78 The 1990/91 budget, presented on March 17, 1990, allocated 1,500 million afghanis for development expenditure in the public sector.
79 Is there anything distinctive about motivation and morale within the public sector?
80 Third, a large public sector aids economic decline since it does not create wealth whereas the private sector does.
81 I've worked in the public sector all my life, mainly in local government.
82 Many people understand the need to deregulate the private sector, but few apply the same thinking to the public sector.
83 The journal Public Money and Management contains topical articles covering the whole of the public sector.
84 The sports hall of a public sector facility is used more for aerobics classes than was the case ten years ago.
85 The incentive package for management similarly differs quite substantially between the public sector and large private sector companies.
86 Hence, many public sector operating statements do not only show actuals but also budgets and comparisons of actuals with budgets.
87 These views stress the difficulty of harmonizing essentially private sector norms with traditional public sector concepts and constitutional requirements.
88 It recognised the significant contribution to the quality of the environment made by members in the public sector.
89 Many difficulties faced in the public sector will stem from the formal, hierarchical structure within which such relationships take place.
90 Application of these methods to a large database consisting of career histories of employees working in the public sector.
91 Conversely, state hospitals in the National Health Service involve public sector production of private goods.
92 The Cabinet is set to impose strict limits on public sector pay.
93 The Government are committed to a publicly funded health service, firmly located in the public sector.
94 It would be hypocritical to assert that the public sector provides better standards.
95 The major techniques Different public sector organizations adopt different accounting practices.
96 The 1970s saw the beginning of serious and substantial attempts to understand and improve the financial reporting practices of public sector organizations.
97 Politicians also need to respect the motivations of those who work in the public sector.
98 The project aims to contribute to increasing understanding of industrial relations in the public sector.
99 Mr Patten hinted that extra cash for public sector housebuilding will go where shortages are greatest.
100 Public sector pay and the unpredictability of pay settlements have always posed a major threat to public expenditure control.
101 In the 1980s Conservatives have been more likely to evaluate the mediating institutions according to whether or not they are in the public sector.
102 The report stressed that the original intention of right-to-buy legislation was to enable public sector tenants to purchase the houses they occupied.
103 Sales of state assets helped the government to reduce the public sector borrowing requirement.
104 Nevertheless, obsession with the size of public sector borrowing requirements began at this time.
105 A public sector pay freeze and a squeeze on benefits are thought to be among the main items in the package.
106 Another area where there has been an advance of market coordination in the 1980s is the public sector.
106 is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
107 What is true of schools in the public sector is true also, to a lesser extent, of independent schools.
108 At root the managerialist approach assumes that private sector managerial techniques can be smoothly implanted into the public sector.
109 This study involves an examination at three distinct levels of the action of those in the public sector.
110 What conclusions should we draw as feminists concerning housing policy in the public sector, and what demands should we make?
111 Conclusion Commitment and firm action are necessary in order to improve the standard of financial accountability in the public sector.
112 Management in the public sector is a highly political process, operating in the full glare of political debate and public attention.
113 In order to understand fully the effect of resource issues on the public sector we need to examine what happens in practice.
114 Throughout the public sector individuals exercise discretion over a wide range of issues.
115 Best workplace nursery provision is to be found in the public sector - local authorities, hospitals and colleges.
116 Almost without knowing it, they have begun to invent a radically different way of doing business in the public sector.
117 Finally, the Government's proposals to achieve savings by cutting public sector pay are mean and cowardly.
118 Small farms in the public sector have been grouped together in cooperatives to gain all the benefits possible from size and concentration.
119 Because of the wide range of problems that the public sector faces there will be different approaches to planning in different situations.
120 The relevance of SSAPs to the public sector has never been entirely clear.
121 Last year, it won large outsourcing contracts worth more than Pounds 700m-mostly in the public sector.
122 In the public sector, sources of money will often be precise and known for the forthcoming year.
123 They also sold infrastructure and public sector housing land to the councils at historic cost plus interest rather than developed land value.
124 The Labour Party is largely a trade union party in which unions from the public sector play an increasing role.
125 Second, a structured postal questionnaire survey was conducted addressing relevant public sector groups.
126 Will those relying on the home market, particularly in the public sector, be ready to face the new competition?
127 Sociologists and political scientists have devoted much time to developing a variety of theories on the determination of public sector expenditure.
128 About 10 percent of the private sector and 37 percent in the public sector are unionized, according to the AFL-CIO.
129 It forbids bribery or kickbacks in any form to anyone in the public sector.
130 In 1989, a government decree banned the creation of any new posts in public sector institutions and companies.
131 Although the operational framework may differ, the opportunity cost of capital is equally relevant to investment decisions in the public sector.
132 We could assume that everyone in the population is a user or a potential user of the accounts of public sector organizations.
133 He set up a powerful board of directors to represent a cross section of business, political and public sector interests.
134 This will provide the information necessary to examine the context, origin and establishment of the linkages with public sector science.
135 The speculation had an even more profound effect on the public sector.
136 Some activities of government must always be provided in the public sector.
137 Lamont limits public sector pay to 1 Public sector pay settlements have been limited to a maximum of one point five percent.
138 In many cases private monopolies have replaced the public sector, resulting in higher prices and poorer service.
139 The other development which caused consternation was the beginning of large public sector deficits.
140 However, there are many public sector organizations which are unlikely to adopt current cost accounting.
141 Without the sale of company securities, other things being equal, the public sector would have had to issue government securities.
142 The main source of work here is public sector employment.
143 Only time will tell if this is a serious effort at improving both public sector accountability and overall performance.
144 Differences such as these create fundamentally different incentives in the public sector.
145 In the public sector, scarcity is more important than price.
146 No more universities would be created, either as new foundations or as promotions from the public sector.
147 The private-sector contribution to these schemes was intended to be several times larger than that of the public sector.
148 While many public sector organizations divide their budgets into the activity centres that they operate, they do not undertake programme budgeting.
149 Law-and-order was one thing; the novel idea of the public sector providing parkland for the people was quite another.
150 In the public sector, many managers have liberal arts degrees in public administration or one of the social sciences.
151 The public sector has the worst record for absenteeism through sickness.
152 The Gladstonian principle that public sector budgets should be balanced - increased expenditure met by increased taxes - was the accepted rule.
153 If that can not be achieved through the public sector, they will go private.
154 A major policy aim of the government has, therefore, been to reduce public sector borrowing.
155 The intention was to meet housing need through public sector construction.
156 It regards the private sector as the source of wealth creation, part of which is used to subsidize the public sector.
157 Industrial ReD in the public sector is a relatively new phenomenon and the expectations from it are not very clear.
158 It is important that we bear these differences in mind when we attempt to analyse the formal nature of public sector organisations.
159 Focussed semi-structured interviews of industrial and public sector research staff, liaison officers and management will be conducted.
160 Budgets in the public sector should serve a number of purposes rather than the single and rather narrow concept of compliance.
161 Most of the public sector and service industry jobs taken by women are in cleaning, catering and laundry work.
162 Predictably, this putative development has aroused considerable opposition within public sector higher education.
163 Yet a large public sector appeared to be an almost inevitable part of the modern economy.
164 In other words, Howard proposes to infuse the public sector with private sector values.
165 Leasing schemes will allow large-scale investments to be financed at relatively little cost to the public sector borrowing requirement.
166 This resulted in a marked reduction in the construction of dwellings in the public sector.
167 In public sector schools in the late 1980s,[http:///public sector.html] shortages of government funding were bringing pressures to charge fees.
168 In the public sector, the coal industry and the whole sphere of public administration and defence both appear.
169 In other words, the decline in profits preceded rather than followed the expansion of the public sector as regards both employment and expenditure.
170 Public sector workers tried to hit at the state with minimum disruption of services to consumers.
171 In-depth analysis of all aspects of public sector management including civil service, health and education, local government and parastatal organizations.
172 For different distribution relation of power in different public sector there are various problems of moral risk of trustor and agent in various power structure.
173 They have frequently left devastation in their wake and have treated the public sector as dumping grounds for airy-fairy ideas such as "transformation" that have been rejected by the private sector.
174 In addition, the public sector typically has more explicit and stringent value systems that emphasize legislatively based notions of ethics and codes of conduct.
175 An unappetizing prospect is one of creeping nationalization, in which only the public sector creates employment.
176 Telecom industry is the first natural monopoly in public sector where the structural reform is implemented.
177 First, it is necessary to consolidate and develop unswervingly the public sector of the economy.
178 The Government were prepared to keep a tight hold on public sector pay rises.
179 The large number of mostly unemployable graduates cannot be absorbed by either the private sector or public sector capacity.
180 As for the collective action failure implicit in the Keynesian savings paradox and the Fisher debt deflation mechanism, governments solved it by dissaving and debt accumulation by the public sector.
181 The distinction between credit and sovereign risk is blurring as losses that would otherwise be taken by the private sector are reallocated to the public sector.
182 Public sector unions face managers who have an incentive to give into them for the sake of their own survival.
183 Old growth drivers were already faltering, the unemployment rate was close to double digits, public sector debt was growing rapidly and the country's external balance was threatened.
184 Agricultural research in the LAC region is still largely in the public sector.
185 The flat tax rate on certain professional groups and public sector allowances, which ranges from 5 to 20 percent, will be abolished.
186 It unwaveringly consolidates and develops the public sector of the economy and unswervingly encourages, supports and guides the development of the non-public sector.
187 Whatever the merits of this argument, three things seem clear. Unions have suppressed wage differentials in the public sector.
188 Moreover, the idea of human resources management, which first took shape in the industrial circles, was later introduced from the private sector into the public sector.
189 In ordinary times, apolitical bureaucracies do most of the actual work of the public sector.
190 In the past 30 years and more of China's reform and opening up, we should recognize that big development has been achieved in both the public sector and the nonpublic sector of the Chinese economy.
191 Driven by the Chief Secretary for Administration, the public sector will undertake an Enhanced Productivity Programme.
192 The public sector accounts for about a quarter of the fees Hays receives worldwide.
193 Accrual Accounting & Financial Reporting in the Public Sector: Reframing the Debate.
194 Uniquely in the public sector, royal civil list finances are negotiated – and debated by MPs –only once every 10 years.
195 Workers marched to the parliament in the Greek capital Thursday, and transportation and other public sector employees went on strike throughout the country.
196 Yet Sweden's public sector accounts for 30 % of total employment, twice the share in Germany.
196 try its best to gather and create good sentences.
197 So so much redundancy yet tell a public sector worker he is laid of... cant do that !
198 The forum will also encourage dialogue between the private and public sector in order to foster partnerships for developing competitive agro-industries.
199 An overweening public sector has stifled growth in jobs in service industries.
200 Effective servant merit system should be established in optimizing common merit rating mechanism, based on its particular attributions of human-capital in public sector.
201 In the public sector, the main reason is that funders don't want to be thought to be wasting tax - payers' money on blue-sky work with no chance of success.
202 That's why the private sector under-invests in basic science — and why the public sector must invest in this kind of research.
203 This is the first time the East to set up independent operation of the public sector.
204 Incentive is the important part of the personal management in public sector.
205 One explanation for the country's progress is that the public sector apparatus continued to function amid turmoil, says World Bank Nepal country director Susan Goldmark.
206 This section mainly explains the benefit of virtual team work system to public sector management innovation.
207 Social democracy seems inevitably associated with high taxes and obstructive and overbearing public sector trade unions.
208 He shackled private enterprise with Byzantine controls and denied autonomy to the public sector.
209 An inverse association was found between country income level and the availability gap between groups of medicines, particularly in the public sector.
210 You may also wish to take a copy of the Railway Bye-laws which are available from the Office of Public Sector Information website.
211 The public sector is against him. His approval ratings are at rock bottom.
212 If we don’t think twice about carrying a boatload of debt in our personal lives, we will elect people who don’t mind carrying debt into the public sector.
213 But, as so often with Thatcherism, behind the private sector promise lay a public sector bung.
214 Tareen mentioned to cut down non-development expenditures like vehicles and petrol usage and foreign visits, involving the private sector in executing public sector development program.
214 try its best to gather and create good sentences.
215 Such financing can't come from the public sector alone so governments need to better leverage their resources to attract private financing.
216 Although debt problems traditionally originate in the private sector, the public sector cannot be held blameless.
217 Deeply indebted governments will also be seeking to squeeze public sector workers.
218 Ninety-three percent of all countries that reported data across all regions provided free HIV testing through public sector health facilities in 2008.
219 More than 40 percent of the Bank's lending operations now include public sector governance components.
220 Public sector in some areas of municipal ownership reform and franchising bidding, the existence of the loss of state assets, damage public interests and the interests of the workers.
221 "Many investors see the public sector (banks) in some countries as posing a potential systemic risk and hence contingent liability for the sovereign," Goldman Sachs analysts wrote in a recent note.
222 For instance, when you disinvest in a public sector company which is government property, you first seek Cabinet approval.
223 For the public sector, this challenge affects the choices of intervention currency, reserve currency and pegging currency.
224 Rebuilding public sector capacity to develop and test needed vaccines may be an important element of a public health strategy.
225 The web is largely divorced from government control and provides private-enterprise examples of large-scale undertakings that many statists claim can only be accomplished by the public sector.
226 So, forcing the creditors to take a hit will transfer the crisis from the public sector of the peripheral countries to the financial sectors of the core ones.




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