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单词 Knitting
1 The knitting should be 120 stitches wide.
2 Weaving and knitting are traditional cottage industries.
3 What ply do you need for that knitting pattern?
4 She's knitting the baby a shawl.
5 She's knitting herself a sweater.
6 Sew the two pieces of knitting together.
7 She's busy knitting baby clothes.
8 I had to undo several rows of knitting.
9 Lucy was sitting on the sofa, knitting.
10 My knitting has unravelled.
11 She had been sitting with her knitting at her fourth-floor window.
12 Her mother counted the stitches on her knitting needles.
13 The child unraveled grandma's knitting.
14 She learned sewing, knitting and embroidery.
15 She sat doing her knitting while she watched television.
16 She's knitting a jumper for one of her grandchildren.
17 She takes her knitting with her everywhere.
18 Sophia jumps up and throws down her knitting.
19 She was knitting, with the television on.
20 The parties concerned are knitting an agreement.
21 When knitting(), try to keep the same tension throughout.
22 Mary is progressing in the art of knitting.
23 Oh dear, I've left my knitting on the bus!
24 He models cardigans in knitting books.
25 I wish Mrs Reese would stick to her knitting.
26 You need 3 balls of any 4-ply knitting wool.
27 She's good at knitting stockings out of wool.
28 I'll give a quick demonstration of some knitting techniques.
29 Mother is knitting a sweater.
30 Take up a relaxing hobby,[] such as knitting.
1 The knitting should be 120 stitches wide.
2 Weaving and knitting are traditional cottage industries.
3 What ply do you need for that knitting pattern?
4 She's knitting the baby a shawl.
5 She's knitting herself a sweater.
6 Sew the two pieces of knitting together.
7 She's busy knitting baby clothes.
8 I had to undo several rows of knitting.
9 Lucy was sitting on the sofa, knitting.
10 She had been sitting with her knitting at her fourth-floor window.
11 He models cardigans in knitting books.
12 Mother is knitting a sweater.
13 Her ball of knitting wool fell on to the floor.
31 She's knitting a jumper in pure wool.
32 Mother is knitting wool into stockings.
33 I have already started knitting baby clothes.
34 My knitting was in a terrible snarl.
35 She's very dexterous with the knitting needles.
36 His sister took to knitting in her spare time.
37 I'm hopeless at knitting.
38 You should roll the wool into a ball before you start knitting.
39 Her ball of knitting wool fell on to the floor.
40 He once seized my knitting, flinging it across the room.
41 The cat pawed at the ball of knitting wool again and again.
42 She's knitting a sweater.
43 Purl and plain are the two main stitches in knitting.
44 She asked the salesgirl to lay away the rest of the knitting wool.
45 It was like a long knitting needle.
46 Some women love dressmaking or knitting.
47 When this happens, knit four rows of plain knitting.
48 Winnie resumed her seat and her knitting.
49 I was well into hand knitting then.
50 Continue in plain knitting with dark colour.
51 A knitting needle, in this day and age!
52 The pattern in memorised electronically when you start knitting.
53 It starts pattern knitting at the first point cam.
54 Penny sat down with her knitting.
55 Experience of hand knitting is a help here.
56 Knitting, he thought, was a comfort to the soul.
57 They had a steel knitting needle.
58 However, next month we will actually start knitting.Sentence dictionary
59 Do you just want to run knitting design software?
60 Try knitting each variation in the same design.
61 A column of figures and a knitting pattern.
62 One old dear was doing her knitting.
63 Machine knitting can convert innovative ideas into wearable artwork.
64 This gives an all-over multicoloured effect to the knitting.
65 We sorted out the knitting next morning.
66 I won a Bond Elite knitting machine.
67 The band is quietly leading a sincere revolution, knitting a genuine boyish irony and bookish intellectualism to instantly memorable songs.
68 Jewel and Esk Valley College has a variety of machine knitting courses which begin in August, so hurry to enrol.
69 If she is serious about knitting for other people she must do four things.
70 In reality, one finds people reading newspapers, knitting and drinking cups of tea, but this constitutes rather dull television.
71 Cloth manufacture and the knitting of garments became separate industries, though close working partnerships remained essential.
72 I find knitting from a pattern in the Design Controller even easier than knitting with a mylar sheet.
73 It boiled, and she laid the knitting aside and made tea.
74 After knitting the welt, transfer all the stitches to the main bed.
75 It would be like knitting in the middle of a giant car park.
76 This is best understood by doing some exercises without any knitting on the machine.
77 Teign Machine Knitters welcome visitors to the area who are missing their knitting to join them for an evening.
78 She found Alice knitting in a pale sitting room whose window was a gigantic cloudburst of primrose and grey.
79 As with any pattern knitting, you must use the claw weights at the edges of the knitting.
80 Chunky Leaflets Spectrum are now publishing hand knitting pattern leaflets.
81 If she comes to sit on the front steps, she carries her knitting or mending.
82 In deaf clubs and institutes throughout the country, there was also much fund-raising and knitting for the armed services.
83 Take yarn under the needle in E position nearest to the knitting.
84 Peg sat rigid her basket on her lap, knitting forgotten, keeping in check the smouldering anger inside her.
85 Having hit a bad patch, financially, I decided I must try for some paid work with my knitting machine.
86 On the wrong side of the knitting, this looks much neater and stops little fingers getting caught!
87 After knitting some simple woven fabrics using a single colour of weaving yarn, why not experiment with different yarn combinations.
88 Knit a few rows of plain knitting and prepare to try Card No. 18.
89 Nina Miklin will be there with her complete range of coned yarns for machine knitting in all the latest fashion colours.
90 Pull the ends of the yarn down between the beds and continue knitting.
91 About this time machine knitting was becoming more popular and articles about how to make money from it were appearing.
92 Continue knitting these 35 rows, alternating the direction of the motif on each repeat.
93 Half-finished knitting dragged off its needles and wrapped in its knitting pattern.
94 It was an evening when I knew Lily went to a weekly patriotic sewing and knitting circle in a near-by parish hall.
95 However, I have not found this method so good with pattern knitting.
96 The next few days she stalked the flat with a hot knitting needle.
97 Our automatic knitting machine, for example, has full orders for the next five years.
98 Visitors and holidaymakers who suffer from machine knitting withdrawal symptoms are welcome at the meetings!
99 Winnie picked up her knitting again, determined to remain cool-headed over the whole affair.
100 On Brother and Toyota machines it positions itself automatically when left to hang freely between the yarn mast and knitting.
101 Remember too, when knitting for children and busy mums, garments must be machine washable!
102 These three rows, selecting the needles and knitting two rows between have created a sloping repeat motif across the row.
103 No, it was the knitting machines sending messages to one another.
104 And in the remaining bed a grey-haired woman was busy knitting, listening to the radio through headphones.
105 I have met knitters with bad backs, frozen shoulders, tennis elbows and so on from doing to much knitting at a time.
106 As I've said, the YC6 can be used for changing colour when knitting single bed Fair Isle.
107 Normally on these machines, we start knitting from the right and patterns are worked out accordingly.
108 Kathleen Kinder has written a book on Mosaic Knitting which is a particular form of striped slip.
109 This is a practical knitting course with a minimal amount of theory.
110 They only transcribe into knitting instructions when entered, calculated and displayed on the console of your machine.
111 Rows 31-120 white in feeder 1 and dark colour in feeder 2. Continue in plain knitting with dark colour.
112 That is, you have to imitate the main carriage knitting at Main Tension plus 4.
113 She was knitting a cloth with gold and silver thread.
114 As before, any shaping must be conducted at the opposite end of the knitting to the carriage.
115 So again if you're unfamiliar with this yarn and needle arrangement, start by knitting stripes in full needle rib.
116 Each garment piece can have a different knitting method and different stitch pattern allocated to it.
117 All those years of possible double jacquard knitting missed, because I thought it would be too difficult!
118 It was a real pleasure to win something for a change but unfortunately I don't like knitting.
119 This came quite naturally,[http:///knitting.html] I hadn't even thought about the gender of a knitting machine.
120 I remember knitting my daughter a summer top in a colour that was fashionable at the time.
121 Knitting as much as possible with the garter carriage is not always the quickest way to complete a garment.
122 Rowan Knitting Book 11 costs £4.95 from Rowan stockists and bookshops.
123 Stocking knitting had been removing to the east Midlands from the last years of the preceding century.
124 Finally, the rib transfer carriage can be used for pattern knitting, for knitting what is known as shadow lace.
125 I understand that in conjunction with the Design Controller it will select the needles for intarsia knitting.
126 This option can be used to draw any design, but should not necessarily be used for the knitting.
127 Now we start to look at the same stitch types again, but this time used as a double bed knitting techniques.
128 Dimity's knitting had been hastily put aside when she answered the door, and decorated a low table near the fire.
129 She spent most of her time knitting during press conferences and chasing Dennis Rodman around.
130 Interest in knitting began at the age of nine and resulted in many short stripy scarves!
131 You will find that the stitches do not knit cleanly off and you will get patches of bad knitting.
132 For evening wear, using a gold or silver thread instead of cotton can add sparkle to your knitting.
133 They also run evening classes from time to time, specialising in a particular aspect of Machine Knitting.
134 Static electricity of this intensity is unbearable and I suffered from it before I began machine knitting.
135 Mrs Massey has a wide selection of machines and is very involved with machine knitting in Nottingham.
136 On Brother and Toyota machines, just let the yarn hang between the yarn mast and the edge of the knitting.
137 And you've even got to give up a coupon for two ounces of knitting wool as well.
138 His mother would sit with him, knitting, occupying a rocking chair which creaked regularly as she moved it.
139 Knit an even number of rows without weaving before knitting another two-row woven stripe.
140 The basic outline of the beaded sample was worked with a plain crochet chain sewn with slip stitch to the knitting.
141 Cornelius observed that these corresponded in size to the diameter of a number thirteen knitting needle.
142 A human population of about sixty people make their living from crofting, knitting and a small amount of lobster-fishing.
143 This is the method used to cross two or more sets of stitches during knitting to form rope-like patterns.
144 They want me to help make their lives trouble free so that they can stick to their knitting.
145 My people have just finished their knitting and a thousand dishcloths are on their way to you.
146 This is simply because the second, or front, bed makes knit and purl knitting possible within the same row.
147 This is ideal for thick yarns and pile knitting, but not for ordinary work.
148 This way one feels much more invigorated when returning to the knitting machine.sentence dictionary
149 Backstitch a little larger than required size of buttonhole, taking a stitch into each stitch of knitting.
150 When the yarns are different colours, or different textures, this can lead to the knitting having a streaky appearance.
151 I look at both my sewing and knitting as wonderful gifts that I will never tire of.
152 In the early years they manufactured and supplied both hand and machine knitting yarns in natural fibres, principally wool and mohair.
153 The point cams mark the limits of the pattern knitting.
154 With the needle changed, she cast on, went into pattern and had perfect knitting!
155 The first time I came across the problem I was knitting a tuck stitch sweater.
156 The routine for knitting double jacquard is to start with the carriages at the right and threaded with the background colour.
157 I find many knitters will have a go at Fair Isle knitting, but then stop there.
158 The only patterns available were for hand knitting and no one had mentioned mock rib or using waste yarn.
159 Whilst knitting your designs you might spare a thought for Giant Pandas now very much an endangered species.
160 Do something with your hands, tapestry work or knitting, change your daily routine or try relaxation exercises.
161 Everything about it has helped me to grapple with the intricacies of machine knitting in this, my second year.
162 Some folk use machine knitting because they can not, or do not wish to, hand knit.
163 But once she was alone with her knitting depression crept up on Leonora like an incoming tide.
164 The rib transfer carriage is lowered on to the needlebed to the right of the knitting.
165 Transfer the stitch from needle 1 to needle 2 and continue knitting.
166 A word of advice - don't sit for hours at the knitting machine, particularly if you are a comparative beginner.
167 Most hobbies cost some money, some a great deal, why not occupy time with machine knitting?
168 Share your thoughts with other readers by writing to Anne at Machine Knitting Monthly.
169 Three and four colour knitting is usually more successful using full needle rib and fine yarns with the ribber.
170 I can not say that any of my knitting has ever graced the shelves at Harrods, but my crochet has!
171 Bond Bags Peggy La Riviere is well known for her wide variety of made-to-measure knitting machine and accessory covers and cases.
172 The evening cape illustrated in Figure 1 is straight piece of knitting, using 16 rows each of purl and plain stitches.
173 The knitting correspondent was taking a well-earned break from the strenuous world of woollens, courtesy of her travel editor.
174 My granny took to her knitting, and we spoke a little of everyday things.
175 Usually it brings fine weather and it starts the new knitting year.
176 They attend a knitting class every Friday beginning at 9 a. m. They rise at 5 a. m. to get ready.
177 I do believe that in years gone by they paid the annual rent for Low Birk Hatt by spinning and knitting.
178 In the April issue, I explored the use of basic slip stitch designs for knitting fabrics.
178 is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
179 I taught on all makes of machine and have also worked in stores and at exhibitions, selling knitting and sewing machines.
180 Liz Norton Both the YC-5 and YC-6 can be used for double bed knitting.
181 Is everything preformed from the beginning, or is development more like the knitting of a fisherman's net?
182 However choosing the best position for the N1 cam applies to all types of pattern knitting.
183 Rows 56-120 cream, or other pastel colour. Continue in plain knitting with dark colour.
184 With six machines it is an entertaining and educational experience for singletons, pairs or knitting club groups.
185 They taught me darning, knitting, embroidering, mending, solitaire, palm-reading, whatever they knew.
186 Even the simpler types, such as circular, or tubular, knitting is again a slip stitch.
187 Once you have completed a few rows of plain knitting, you can prepare to start.
188 When allocating time for the garter carriage, first decide whether it is possible to leave it knitting all night.
189 The same is true of almost all pattern knitting, from the most heavily textured designs to really delicate lace.
190 Don't measure the edge of your knitting as this is inaccurate.
191 We have just started a knitting club in Snaith which we call Knit and Nag.
192 If you have the YC5 model, as we saw last month, it can be used for single bed knitting.
193 I continued knitting until I had about twenty centimetres, eight inches, and removed the stitches from the machine.
194 Most standard gauge machines like these acrylics, knitting art about tension six or seven, according to the make of machine.
195 A colour changer will appeal to anyone who likes to use a lot of colour or different yarn textures when pattern knitting.
196 However, there is no mention of hand knitting needles these days!
197 She is seeking funding for a range of projects from tailoring and knitting bazaars to poultry raising.
198 Mr Davidson was battered to death while his daughter's eye was pierced with a knitting needle.
199 She wants to try out everything - sculpting, knitting, clay-modelling, sketching - you name it.
200 Start at base of face. 2 Knit three rows of plain knitting.
201 For this design knit the single teddy starting on the seventh stitch to avoid knitting part of the balloon.
202 Shelagh Hollingworth One of the popular reasons for buying a knitting machine is to be able to knit very quickly.
203 I have a distinct memory of my grandma sitting in the rocking chair, knitting.
204 True, the programme will not actually run the Duomatic machine, since this is a mechanical selection knitting machine rather than electronic.
205 When knitting double jacquard, the cam lever is set to the jacquard or slip position.
206 We're usually knitting with a card that was designed as single-colour tuck or slip.
207 Out of it she drew a little distaff, much as we would draw out a pair of knitting needles.
208 Some of you may have seen leaflets about the knitting competition which is being run on behalf of the Stroke Association.
209 She had been knitting a similar pair when she sat chatting with Rosa in Dinard.
210 At least when you're knitting on the bigger gauges you have fewer rows to knit than on a fine or standard gauge.
211 Her aide, Fiona Shurll, the ex-editor of an obscure knitting magazine, was unbelievably like an owl.
212 Let's consider a person knitting to be a machine.
213 Can you help me to untangle this knitting wool?
214 She is good at knitting a sweater.
215 manipulative skills such as typing and knitting.
216 She's knitting her husband a pair of socks.
217 Electric permeability tester can detect knitting, woven fabric, non-woven fabrics and other textile materials in certain pressure on the permeability properties.
218 She was busily employed in knitting sweaters for her daughters.
219 The Allegro may have had a strangely square steering wheel and a gearbox that felt, in the words of one owner, "like stirring a bag of marbles with a knitting needle".
220 The first one she did was knitting. But you get too many stitches on the needle.
221 It is investigated the influence of base Stocks and additives on lubricity, washability and reserved time of film, the semi-synthetic knitting oil for computerized flat machine is developed.
222 The mellowing of raw silk is an important process before knitting, which plays a large role on the product quality.
223 The cam is a crucial part of the Knitting Machine manufactures the pipes reinforced layer.
224 She found knitting a comfortable employment in her idle hours.
225 One of my favorite things to do is making things. I really like knitting and crocheting.
226 Discover how to do the purl stitch from an award-winning knitter in this free video on knitting techniques.
227 She won't finish the scarf on time because she broke her knitting needle.
228 This paper studies the principle of the 3 D knitting technology of little caliber circular knitting machine.
229 Yiweida employs two production lines(), one for tatting and one for knitting.
230 According to production practice, a proper spinning technology is the guarantee of quality for knitting yarn.
231 This paper introduces the general method of how microcomputer controls the guide bar motion of warp knitting machine.
232 Show me how to splice together knitting wool, will you ?
233 'she never missed before,'says a knitting - woman of the sisterhood.
234 The text introduces the basic structure and the normal kinds of single round knitting machine.
235 The Knitting materials used are polyester fibre, acrylic, viscose rayon, wool, etc.
236 Confuse your knitting skirt with shoulder - straps to match jacket of brief paragraph bull-puncher, can says the most classical popularity is dressed up.
237 Materials can be made in several ways: by felting, bonding, knitting and weaving.
238 The Chinese style clothes were manufactured on Chinese flat knitting machine with spun silk material. The design thought was introduced,[] and the garment manufacture process was expounded.
239 Learn how to do this bind off with expert tips in this free knitting video.
240 Perhaps nudism is my new untapped outlet, ready to occupy the empty space in my life between knitting and Netflix.




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