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单词 Odour
(1) The house was filled with foul odour.
(2) The whole herb has a characteristic taste and odour.
(3) An odour of corruption hangs about him.
(4) The air was permeated with the odour of burning rubber.
(5) He was acutely aware of the odour of cooking oil.
(6) The odour of food may be a trigger for man's appetite.
(7) The odour of vitamin in skin is repugnant to insects.
(8) Nobody told her she had a body odour problem.
(9) Anti-perspirants stop wetness, deodorants stop odour.
(10) She carried the odour of sanctity about her.
(11) The dump sent out an offensive odour.
(12) Her skin had a warm musky odour.
(13) A pungent odour met their nostrils.
(14) The unspeakable odour clung to the room.
(15) I'm in rather bad odour with my boss at the moment.
(16) Inside the room there was the unmistakable odour of sweaty feet.
(17) There is a strange odour in the air. The gas must have been escaping somewhere.
(18) The studio was filled with the rich odour of roses.
(19) The odour of pines pervades the air in the forest.
(20) The poor boy smelled the delicious odour of cooked meat.
(21) A strong odour of curry predominated.
(22) They are bland in flavor and almost odour free.
(23) Salivation. Offensive odour of mouth is marked.
(24) However, do notice whether there is a lingering odour of cooked food at other times.
(25) If you suffer from body odour, the first thing you need to do is control your sweating.
(26) The odour of must and the small waking cry of a child seep into the air.
(27) The taste is only slightly bitter, and there is little odour.
(28) The survey also provided information as to the types of development most likely to be refused planning permission due to anticipated odour emission.
(29) It was now three in the afternoon, and the offensive odour had been plaguing the neighbours since 10.30 in the morning.
(30) Most of these are water-based acrylic paints, are quick drying and have a low odour.
(1) The house was filled with foul odour.
(2) The whole herb has a characteristic taste and odour.
(3) The air was permeated with the odour of burning rubber.
(4) He was acutely aware of the odour of cooking oil.
(5) The odour of vitamin in skin is repugnant to insects.
(6) She carried the odour of sanctity about her.
(7) The dump sent out an offensive odour.
(8) The studio was filled with the rich odour of roses.
(9) The poor boy smelled the delicious odour of cooked meat.
(31) While on the subject of body odour, during the sixteenth century, valerian was a popular perfume.
(32) The place has given off a bad odour for years and I have always avoided it like the plague.
(33) The stench from the sink is almost unbearable, the sour odour of vomit, half-digested food and beer.
(34) Odour emissions are affected by wind direction, temperature inversion, ambient temperatures and humidity.
(35) But the odour of the colourless liquid was of bitter almonds, acrid and terrifying.
(36) Athelstan immediately closed his eyes and sniffed the sweet odour of fresh scrubbed parchment and vellum.
(37) After reports of Keanu's personal hygiene problem, much star bitching now focuses on body odour.
(38) Chlorinated phenols: Phenol agents are generally unsuitable for food use as they exhibit high odour characteristics and other undesirable effects.
(39) And the sickening clamour of street noises beyond the cloister wall, the sickening odour of those who made them.
(40) Consequently, the more odorous molecules adsorbed, the more the odour is removed.
(41) This crust prevents odours escaping and hence reduces odour emission.
(42) Aroma preference is also largely influenced by our body odour.
(43) However, conditions may be attached to any site licence which may have the effect of preventing any odour pollution from arising.
(44) He had stooped to kiss her cold cheek and smelt in the hollow of her neck the waxen odour of death.
(45) It is an invaluable source of information to those attempting to prevent or seeking to abate odour problems.
(46) In the United States, researchers are working to find the chemical responsible for odour changes. 6.
(47) It smelt not only of mud and rotting materials, but also the unmistakable odour of human waste.
(48) Body odour Like halitosis, body odour can be extremely unpleasant and embarrassing.
(49) Again these reports provide valuable information for those involved in odour control.
(50) The rank odour of sweat and urine made him wince.
(51) The faint smell of cannabis wafts up my nostrils(Sentencedict), as the stale odour comes from Clary.
(52) For the first time she could smell the dankness and the odour of rotting seaweed.
(53) So, it could be goodbye to body odour - but only in the right room.
(54) There was an unpleasant odour blowing along our road all next day.
(55) Suddenly, he felt a warning, just a hint of the sickly sweet odour he remembered so vividly from the marketplace.
(56) The room smelt stale and musty with the pungent odour of the fat tallow candles placed on the desk.
(57) And the odour can be carried as much as a mile away if the wind is blowing in that direction.
(58) He was passing the open door, caught the odour of cigarette smoke.
(59) Crushed coriander's heavy odour from black bread on the table.
(60) The odour of seaweed wafted from the cliffs beyond the harbour and mingled with the fragrance of Jo's cigar.
(61) Local authorities in industrial Teesside received many complaints about an unpleasant odour resembling decaying fish.
(62) We immediately noticed the heavy odour of opium in the room.
(63) I smelt the sour odour of sweaty robes and noticed a brazier of gleaming charcoal had been rolled in.
(64) The extent to which a person is annoyed by the perception of an odour varies.
(65) The odour may be objectionable to him but is it sufficiently so to amount to a nuisance at law?
(66) The disadvantage, however, is that odour is regenerated if the treated slurry is stored following aeration.
(67) He'd started burning incense to disguise the unmistakable odour of marijuana coming from his bedroom.
(68) I felt the shock of the old, of the Mummy smell, the atomised odour of atavism.
(69) It is treated with an odour suppressant at the mill and is best spread straight from the bag and immediately ploughed down.
(70) She sobbed into his cashmere overcoat, smelling the peculiar odour of him, Old Spice and cigar smoke.
(71) Von Frisch did not doubt the odour theory of how honeybees find food until the 1940s.
(72) It hissed malevolently into the tiny cubicle, its herby bitter odour masking a certain taste of earthiness.
(73) The stewardess came down the aisle,() a big-breasted young woman exuding a strong odour of perspiration.
(74) They couldn't detect the smell of cocaine through the more pungent odour of coffee.
(75) It is used at full strength for immediate odour elimination, or in a 6 to 1 dilution for ongoing preventative maintenance.
(76) Interestingly, scientists are now saying that odour is different in degree to memory rather than different in kind.
(77) The acrid odour of paraffin, winter-dead trees and hedges, and the strange warmth of a duffel coat.
(78) Left untreated, the disease produces massive skin folds, fissures and a weeping cauliflower surface that produces a terrible odour.
(79) The odour brought her vividly, almost tangibly before him.
(80) It has the odour of musk.
(81) Franz waited impatiently,(http:///odour.html) smelling the odour of the goat.
(82) Back odour: sandalwood and opopanax.
(83) Normally they use perfume to cover their body odour.
(84) For example, references to smell or odour are infrequent.
(85) There is no odour of religion about the book.
(86) The fetid odour sickened the hospital workers.
(87) Butyric. Rancid odour of some spoiled wines.
(88) Her nostrils was the odour of dusty cretonne.
(89) In her nostrils was the odour of dusty cretonne.
(90) The Parliament was in bad odour among the people.
(91) I caught a faint odour of violet sachet.
(92) The field gives forth an odour of spring.
(93) It avirulent , insipidity, do not light, excitant odour is not had in construction.
(94) Arrived in the still of night, alluring without alimental odour I, I am hungry also too strong, climb study again.
(95) But beware; after an hour or so's perusal in the sun/wind/strangely hypnotic odour, you may find your senses addling. In short, you may find yourself contemplating a snood.
(96) Herbaceous. Taste of the wine from certain cultivars. Characterizes a plant odour reminiscent of green grass, imparted by hexanol or hexanal.
(97) One hundred women were asked to indicate their preferences on six male body odour samples, drawn from 97 volunteer samples, before and after initiating contraceptive pill use.
(98) The person's feeling has a lot of planting, wait like touch, taste, smell, the form that can adopt feeling object, taste gustation path, smell its odour will feel an object.
(99) To the mosquito some people's sweat simply smells better than others because of the proportions of the carbon dioxide, octenol and other compounds that make up body odour.
(100) Term applied to wines which have undergone acetification and to the odour of such wines.
(101) The room held the faint, sweet odour of pipe tobacco.
(102) After leaving college, Jobs stuck to his weird, vegetarian diets, believing they would stop him having body odour.
(103) Specific cells in one of the three organs that make up the mosquito's nose are tuned to identify the different chemicals that make up human body odour.
(104) If the infant is long-term get the stimulation of camphorwood odour, also can appear harmful response.
(105) The plant has an unpleasant odour and an acrid taste.
(106) A colourless liquid with a Bland , sweetish odour, it is toxic and caustic.
(107) Prevent bacterial infection, eliminate off odour and cure colpitis, adnexitis and other gynecological diseases.
(108) Cross cultural studies show that meals are designed to follow strict progression of cues based on shape, colour, temperature, odour, or specific taste sensation.
(109) Suddenly the foul musty odour of the brutes struck his nostrils.
(110) Herbaceous. Taste of the wine from certain cultivars. Characterizes a plant odour reminiscet of gree grass, imparted by hexanol of hexanal.
(111) And walk in love, as Christ also hath loved us, and hath delivered himself for us(), an oblation and a sacrifice to God for an odour of sweetness.
(112) Indoor pollution falls into two categories, that which we can see or smell, and pollution which is invisible and produces no odour.
(113) As Dorian hurried up its three rickety steps, the heavy odour of opium met him.
(114) At meal times the odour of sauerkrant vies with that of garlic.
(115) More specifically, they wanted to find out if women prefer the body odour of men fed a vegetarian or a non-vegetarian diet.
(116) Allyl mustard oil is a mixed pungent odour flavour oil. In the paper, a technological process of allyl mustard oil from mustard seed (Brassica juncea) is described.
(117) Here, the reporter warns customer, can use when buying adhesive " hear nasally " method, if adhesive is sending out intense excitant odour, be harmful material content exceeds bid likely so.
(118) This essay mainly introduced the advantage of olfactometry measurement method in odour determination, comparing to instrument analysis method.
(119) The utility model provides an odour discharging device of a toilet bowl, which belongs to the technology of negative-pressure odour suction and water sealing.
(120) Avoid any whose odour, is in any way unpleasant, or that have soft spots and obvious sign of discolouration .
(121) Her time was running out , but she continued to sit by the window ,leaning her head against the window curtain , inhaling the odour of dusty cretonne .
(122) By courtesy of the mourner, he endeavours to devour the nourishing odour.
(123) " Jasmine said with her nose covered:"How come you have such a strong body odour?You smell so bad.
(124) However, they scored no more highly than the other men in terms of having a sexy voice or ‘attractive’ body odour, the journal Proceedings of the Royal Society reports.
(125) Commercial manufacturers see huge potential in clothes that glow, do not wrinkle or overcome body odour.
(126) Bouquet. Odoriferous quality of a wine, particularly the odour of fine wines acquired during aging.
(127) The colour and odour are produced by Bacterial action on chemical constituents.
(128) I love the delightful odour of freshly roasted coffee beans.
(129) Special formulated stain and scent remover takes the odour a puppy as well as yours.
(130) Scenting the unfashionable odour of catastrophism, many of Bretz's colleagues turned their backs on the flood.
(131) "Bad body odour will affect fellow colleagues in the narrow confines of a space shuttle, " he said.
(132) The odour brought her vividly, almost tangibly before him. The world of finance dwindled suddenly to a speck. And she was in the next room—twenty steps away.
(133) Acetic Term applied to wines which have undergone acetification and to the odour of such wines.
(134) MFK Fisher was right to note that the bivalve is a famous aphrodisiac thanks to its "odour its consistency and probably its strangeness".
(135) Taste of the wine from certain cultivars. Characterizes a plant odour reminiscent of green grass, imparted by hexanol or hexanal.
(136) No change of color or odour has been observed over time.
(137) Inside was a green paste, waxy in lustre, the odour curiously heavy and persistent.
(138) The colour and odour are produced by bacterial action on chemical constituents.
(139) Genes in the Major Histocompatibility Complex (MHC), which helps build the proteins involved in the body's immune response, also play a prominent role in odour through interaction with skin bacteria.
(140) Putrid. Term applied to a wine having a foul nauseating odour of organic decomposition.
(141) Even so,(http:///odour.html) there is a slight odour of potpourri emanating from Longfellow.
(142) In body odour poem, what be culvert life philosophic theory and author thought comes to realize.
(143) It's a bit like body odour on a cramped bus on a hot day.It's not going to kill you, but it's certainly going to get you off the bus pretty quickly.
(144) However, body odour and the pitch of the voice – other indicators of high testosterone exposure – were not found to be linked to the 2D: 4D ratio.
(145) Acetic . Term appied to wines which have undergone acetification and to the odour of such wines.
(146) Puiced. Term applied to a wine having a foul nauseating odour of organic decomposition.
(147) This article discussed the components of mutton odour, the relationship between mutton odour and component of mutton fatty acid, then outline the usual mechanism of de-muttony of mutton at present.
(148) Take off all clothes and swim and leaving body odour behind.
(149) At meal times the odour of sauerkraut vies with that of garlic.
(150) The result ? The researchers J Havlicek and P Lenochova found that women judged the body odour of men fed a vegetarian diet to be "significantly more attractive, more pleasant, and less intense".
(151) Proper when my scratch one's head over, paasche graceful explanation path: I am fumed by the odour of the tree.
(152) Germans were deemed to have bad body odour, Englishmen were accused of letting women do all the work, whilst Swedes were a bit too quick to finish.
(153) Carbolic acid( or phenol ):Organic compound, simplest member of the class of phenols. A colourless liquid with a Bland, sweetish odour, it is toxic and caustic.
(154) Clean, environmental protection, health, odour scent, no general animal glue the stink.
(155) Coffee can also cope with body odour, remove dead skin cells, nourish the skin, revitalise new skin cells, moisturize the skin, even helping to attenuate cellulite.
(156) Strong body odour is usually much less attractive than body scent you can just detect.
(157) UV curing inks offer many advantages in quick drying, non-clogging, even - flowing and non - odour. They are satisfied the requirements of modernized technology of screen printing.
(158) Humans choose partners through their body odour and tend to be attracted to those with a dissimilar genetic make-up to themselves, maintaining genetic diversity.
(159) Remove bacterium and unpleasant odour, bleach out stubborn sains of sweat, juice tea, blood, soy, etc.
(160) Step6: With tray Cheng Fangling's random bottle container canister, get ready for the guest brush towel, the odour of more ameliorable toilet after beautiful sweet candle is ignited.
(161) It contains a fireproof lining to extinguish cigarettes and lock in odour.
(162) Then took Mary a pound of ointment of spikenard, very costly, and anointed the feet of Jesus, and wiped his feet with her hair: and the house was filled with the odour of the ointment.
(163) A beautiful Akha girl had such bad body odour that no man would come near her. She died lonely and broken-hearted.Sentence dictionary
(164) Two other chefs said the cheeses had a heavy shan wei (muttony odour), an ancient term used by southern Chinese to describe the slightly unsavoury tastes associated with the northern nomads.
(165) Remain a few scattering hairpin only, the odour talcum powder.
(166) She flitted out of the room, leaving a faint odour of frangipanni.




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