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单词 Kennedy
1. Did you ever swallow the conspiracy theory about Kennedy?
2. Jack Kennedy embodied all the hopes of the 1960s.
3. Kennedy exhorted his listeners to turn away from violence.
4. Edward was the youngest of the Kennedy brothers.
5. Kennedy was struck down by an assassin's bullet.
6. Mr Kennedy said that progress on reforms would be incremental.
7. He hoped to unnerve Kennedy and force him into concessions.
8. Kennedy was outclassed 06 06 in the final.
9. To people of our generation Kennedy was a god.
10. Kennedy edged out Nixon in the 1960 presidential election.
11. He's a politician in the tradition of Kennedy.
12. This placed Robert Kennedy in a dilemma .
13. Who succeeded Kennedy as President?
14. Mark Kennedy is the new boy in the government.
15. Kennedy and Johnson were the first 'dream ticket'.
16. Kennedy seemed to glide through life.
17. John F. Kennedy(), Jr.
18. Dr Kennedy has been adopted as the party's candidate for South Cambridge.
19. Jackie Kennedy, as she then was, was still only in her twenties.
20. The lawyer told the judge that Kennedy had no previous convictions.
21. Kennedy, who divorced wife Joan in 1982, was tipped as a presidential possible.
22. President Kennedy made his reputation with his handling of the Cuban missile crisis.
23. Kennedy arrived at the same conclusion by a different route.
24. The assassination somehow transfigured Kennedy into a modern American saint.
25. Despite my attempts to get him to call me by my Christian name he insisted on addressing me as "Mr Kennedy".
26. In the sixties there were the deaths of the two Kennedy brothers and Martin Luther King.
27. The victor in/of the 1960 US Presidential election was John F. Kennedy.
28. He believes there probably was a conspiracy to kill President Kennedy in 1963.
29. He was in London publicizing his new biography of Kennedy.
30. The assassination of Martin Luther King in 1968 was followed by that of Robert Kennedy.
1. Did you ever swallow the conspiracy theory about Kennedy?
2. Jack Kennedy embodied all the hopes of the 1960s.
3. Kennedy exhorted his listeners to turn away from violence.
4. Edward was the youngest of the Kennedy brothers.
5. Kennedy was struck down by an assassin's bullet.
6. Mr Kennedy said that progress on reforms would be incremental.
7. He hoped to unnerve Kennedy and force him into concessions.
8. Despite my attempts to get him to call me by my Christian name he insisted on addressing me as "Mr Kennedy".
9. Kennedy edged out Nixon in the 1960 presidential election.
31. Many people still remember the moment when they heard that President Kennedy had been assassinated.
32. John Fitzgerald Kennedy was often known by his initials JFK.
33. John Kennedy was a handsome man.
34. This also placed Robert Kennedy in a dilemma.
35. Malcolm Kennedy claims he was framed by police.
36. The new Kennedy administration had decided to cancel Skybolt.
37. Kennedy won the election by a narrow margin.
37. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
38. John Kennedy cheated on his wife.
39. The bookstore has many different books on Kennedy.
40. In mid-April 1961, Kennedy ordered the invasion to begin.
41. Few Presidents have had the charisma of Kennedy.
42. After demanding the weapons be removed, President John F.. Kennedy ordered a naval blockade of the island.
43. But a California court rejected the argument, and Kennedy settled.
44. My theory is we're going into this horrible downward spiral and Clinton is a poor imitation of Kennedy.
45. At a photo-session violinist Nigel Kennedy would initially only pose with a one-stringed acoustic guitar.
46. Kennedy because he was said to lack the punch and aggressiveness defined as essential Kennedy traits.
47. After being elected to the Senate, Kennedy and Nixon had offices across the hall from each other.
48. On her way home, she tossed her diaphragm in the first bin at Kennedy Airport.
49. Kennedy and other opponents of habeas corpus reform made a last-minute appeal to have the provision stripped from the bill.
50. Kennedy was understandably wary and disposed to explore other options.
51. The shuttle was then loaded atop a converted 747 jumbo jet and flown back to Kennedy.
52. Joe, on the other hand, was a close friend of Jack Kennedy, and an even closer friend of Jackie.
53. Desmond Morris and Sarah Kennedy tour Britain investigating our relationships with animals, wild and domestic.
54. The families at Kennedy Airport sit in the hotel ballroom and receive regular reports on the search for wreckage and bodies.
55. Edward Kennedy, D-Mass., also argued that increased fines were needed as a way to pressure businesses into compliance.
56. Background noise levels at New York's J. F. Kennedy international airport are between 51-98 decibels.
57. The Kennedy and Reagan tax cuts came at a time when the economy was under-performing.
58. Dubois was identified by immigration control, and arrested at Kennedy airport.
59. He was doing investigative work on that case, too, on Kennedy.
60. The switchboard put me in contact with the site advanceman at the Kennedy Center.
61. Kennedy, seeking to deflate the pressure, resorted to a tricky tactic.
62. Fears of conflict in Congress, particularly with southern Democrats, made Kennedy hesitate to bring forward civil rights legislation.
63. Beryl was an air hostess belonging to a rival airline he had met at the John F. Kennedy Airport.
64. Mr Kennedy said there was no legal requirement on the council to carry out sound-proofing work or provide grants.
65. Edward Kennedy would either be persuaded to declare himself a candidate or that a draft could be generated.
66. President Kennedy glossed over the racial animus in Mississippi as he let the issue die by moving on to other concerns.
67. The Liberal Democrat leader Charles Kennedy will undoubtedly do his best.
68. The board is responsible for releasing documents on the 1963 Kennedy assassination that do not endanger national security.
69. Nixon believed to his dying day, and with good reason, that Kennedy had stolen the contest(), especially in Illinois.
70. Edward M.. Kennedy, D-Mass., from attaching a minimum-wage increase to the immigration bill.
71. Edward M.. Kennedy, D-Mass., laid out an alternative approach that would provide vouchers for families to buy insurance.
72. J., who joined in a news conference with Kennedy and other lawmakers to denounce the downing of the civilian aircraft.
73. Many people today, worldwide, remember exactly what they were doing when John F Kennedy was assassinated in Dallas.
74. John Kennedy was even more ambivalent about the Shah than Eisenhower had been.
75. In addition, a special award was made to Ludovic Kennedy for his outstanding contribution over many years in exposing miscarriages of justice.
76. Robert Kennedy, however, continued to insist on a less belligerent initial response.
77. Or that tax breaks for college tuition should go to everyone, even the next Kennedy entering Harvard.
78. Kennedy has long held a fascination for Jimi Hendrix, who died from a drugs overdose in 1970.
79. Was President Kennedy killed by a lone gunman, or was there a conspiracy?
80. John F.. Kennedy won by a hair and under questionable circumstances, yet his presidency was never considered illegitimate.
81. Oliver Stone, operating under a hail of criticism, was finishing a revisionist movie about the Kennedy assassination.
82. Robert Kennedy was assassinated in the kitchen following his greatest political triumph.
83. John Kennedy broke the barrier against Catholics, Ronald Reagan against the divorced.
84. Atlantis, resting on a Kennedy Space Center launch pad in Florida, has similar boosters.
85. Jack Kennedy summoning Robert Frost to deliver an inauguration poem and confer a bardic benediction on the new administration.
86. At that time, Robert Kennedy was head of the Justice Department.
87. Edward M.. Kennedy, the younger brother of the slain president, would be his 1972 rival.
88. Behind the scenes Pilger, still fuming from the Kennedy Hotel showdown, was working separately.
89. Lorna met me at Kennedy, warned me to ease off.
90. Kennedy responded that marshals would be removed when state officials kept order and conformed to federal law.
91. He urged Kennedy to untie the knot rather than pull it tighter.
92. Various members of the Kennedy family were at the funeral.
93. Everything in the Kennedy record pointed to increased aid to Diem, and nearly everyone in the Kennedy administration supported the decision.
94. President Kennedy assured Wallace that federal troops would be used only if the state abdicated its responsibilities.
95. George McGovern sought to become the leader of the delegates that had favored Kennedy.
96. Kennedy and Wilson had both aroused expectations, which had not been fulfilled.
97. Kennedy, for his part, seemed open to the reasonable accommodation.
98. Kennedy again called upon a federal judge in New York to have his client released.
99. After massive press coverage, Attorney General Robert Kennedy asked the state to give the riders protection.
100. He would neither confirm nor deny that Smith was the officer accused by Kennedy.Smith has not been a prominent officer.
101. Rosen has worked politically for Kennedy since his 1980 presidential primary run and developed a close friendship with the senator.
102. The fog bank was unattainable and rather than surrender, Kennedy opened fire against both vessels with his antique and wholly inadequate guns.
103. President Kennedy was welcomed in the summer of 1962 by a cheering crowd estimated at more than 1 million.
104. Generally Kennedy did better than expected in foreign affairs by those who considered him green behind the ears.
105. The D-777 is controlled by a tiny remote the size of a Kennedy half dollar attached about half way up the earphones chord.
106. In second grade my class was sent home from school for the afternoon when John F.. Kennedy got shot.
107. Mark Kennedy, who'd been accused by his manager of not working hard enough, earned his reward for this shot.
108. Edward M.. Kennedy and an adviser to presidential contender Jesse Jackson.
109. The next day Kennedy was addressing a meeting in a black church in Los Angeles.
110. That was to bring employment below levels of the Kennedy administration.
111. Instead he should press Kennedy to honour Eisenhower's unwritten pledge to provide Polaris as an alternative to Skybolt.
112. Kennedy was shocked at some of the goings-on at the school.
113. He said the phone then rang and Maher took Mrs Kennedy into the front bedroom to answer it.
114. The death of President Kennedy almost 40 years ago still lives in the national consciousness.
115. Beltre, 28, played for Kevin Kennedy in Texas two years ago after a couple of years with the White Sox.
116. Kennedy formally recognized a new provisional government on the seventh, a mere two weeks before he himself was murdered.
117. Tell us what you think about interracial dating, legalizing marijuana, who killed Kennedy.
118. The tour buses stop at the center as part of their tour of the Kennedy Space Center.
119. Nixon because he felt excluded from it, Kennedy because he considered it beneath him.
120. Kennedy, the other newcomer, remains silent, his blank, hooded eyes seeming quietly amused by something.
121. Even now I find it harder to conjure up memories of Kennedy, harder to fall back under that inexplicable spell.
122. As Kennedy said throughout the recall campaign, water rates had to be increased to finance needed improvements in the system.
123. She needs guidance, direction from somebody, and boy does she get it from Kennedy.
124. Presidents Truman and Kennedy, for instance, each granted more than 40 percent of all clemency requests.
125. Kennedy, like any president, tried to juggle the pressures brought on him by different aides.
126. Chelsea Clinton seemed to take her evening inspiration from Carolyn Bessette Kennedy in adopting a sleek, minimalist style.
127. Justice Anthony M.. Kennedy jumped in and attacked Davis at one point for the inconsistency of his rhetoric and logic.
128. Soon,(http:///kennedy.html) the desegregation of education became front-page news again and forced the Kennedy administration to respond with force.
129. By focusing on the educational needs of the poor, the act avoided the religious controversy that killed its proposals under Kennedy.
130. There could hardly have been a greater contrast than that between Kennedy and his successor.
131. She said, I will tell you this Bobby Kennedy is right up my alley.
132. John and Robert Kennedy, his two most famous uncles, died from assassins' bullets in the 1960s.
133. First Kennedy, then Johnson, had placed themselves firmly on the side of fair play and integration.
134. Kennedy wanted to be able to respond to Communist aggression at any level.
135. The police stated that they were examining the evidence to determine whether to file obstruction-of-justice charges against members of the Kennedy household.
136. Kennedy is one of the combatants in the Congressional struggle to reform federal law covering both illegal and legal immigrants.
137. My first executive assistant was Hu Tsang, a thirty-three year-old graduate of the Kennedy School.
138. It is the newest tourist attraction at the Kennedy Space Center.
139. I told Mr Kennedy to put them in the kennels last night.
140. But in the electoral college, Kennedy won by a comfortable 303 votes to 219 votes for Nixon.
141. Kennedy, who wrote his own dialogue, appears as chairman of a Senate subcommittee on health care reform.
142. The official report on the Kennedy assassination was whitewash.
143. The purely ceremonial aspects of official visits bored Kennedy.
144. Kennedy himself characteristically shrugged and decided to go ahead.
145. Kennedy, a federal civil service employee, was fired after accusing his superior of illegal activities.
146. Kennedy went over the draft with special care, strengthening some points, toning down others.
147. Kennedy was confronting the first drastic decision of his administration.
148. Soon Brown himself came back for consultation and received the usual rapid - fire Kennedy interrogation.
149. For his part, Kennedy was sure that we had enough for nearly any conceivable contingency.
150. He looked at Kennedy with some uncertainty and much desire.
151. The President called Kennedy in and suggested he terminate his association with the glamorous movie star.
152. Mrs. Kennedy then attended the swearing - in ceremony for Mr. Johnson.
153. Joseph Kennedy, the clan's patriarch, communicated with Bobby in a series of notes.
154. Would the USA be radically different today if Kennedy had not been assassinated?
155. Mr Kennedy nailed his colours to the mast of the single currency.




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