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单词 Spike
1. Yellowing receipts had been impaled on a metal spike.
2. Macmillan commissioned her to illustrate a book by Spike Milligan.
3. Finally, the spike terminates through a combination of events.
4. Back in the corridor she ran to Spike.
5. Spike There's something wrong with the goggles though.
6. Spike couldn't rant against the Prime Mover.
7. Spike turns and walks upstairs proudly.
8. With a spike in the butt.
9. Spike finally makes it-he's bright red from running.
10. Spike There's something wrong with this yogurt.
11. Spike heads for the toilet-undoes his zip..
12. Spike closed his eye and again lost consciousness.
13. A neon spike in the window announces the bar in lieu of a sign.
13. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
14. The murder weapon was a frozen spike and it melted in the steam room.
15. Anti-logging activists often spike trees to prevent them from being cut down.
16. Spike happens to be in the foreground of this shot.
17. Spike, still feeling in disgrace, comes in with her but lingers in the doorway.
18. The bottom line is, the latest price spike has left motorists feeling angry and political leaders looking for somebody to blame.
19. Place one cake on a serving plate, spike all over with a skewer and lace with half the kirsch.
20. Although you'd think business would have boomed during the war, there was only a small spike in interest.
21. I share the house with Jim, Ian and Sam, not forgetting Spike, the dog.
22. The dog was an ugly brute, answering to the name of Spike.
23. Her first major role was in Martin Scorsese's "Goodfellas" and she followed this with a part in Spike Lee's "Jungle Fever".
24. In the last six months, there has been a spike in unemployment.
25. From the centre of the rosette sprang a single five-inch stalk with a small spike of closed white flowers at its end.
26. But anecdotal evidence from marriage counselors and other professionals suggests that divorce rates spike when the first child leaves home.
27. Like traffic caught in rush hour, freeway construction moves glacially -- especially when well-organized locals try to spike it.
28. But in 1923, President Harding himself came here to drive the golden spike.
29. With a long broom handle, a kitchen fork fixed on its end, they spike away the loose, dry divots.
30. A roughly rectangular plate, hinged to the back of the shield, carries a sharp spike of a tail.
1. Yellowing receipts had been impaled on a metal spike.
31. The other may well have had something to do with a desire to spike police interference with football.
32. My horse got a spike in the belly, poor beast.
33. Her thoughts drifted back to Spike, the metal man, who had been killed less than an hour ago.
34. Who can forget the rage, the gait, the spike jammed into the fringed brow, the smoldering eyes?
35. This is nowhere near as dangerous as the spike itself, but still causes a strength 5 attack on any targets hit.
36. He pushed back a long, greasy spike of hair that kept slipping down and pricking his ear.
37. So she had concocted this marvellous plan to spike Jenny's guns.
38. By the time she got back, Spike had whittled his turnip just right.
39. Photic stimulation increases the occurrence of spike, or spike and wave, discharges in some patients with generalized epilepsy.
40. She had taken them off and Spike had squeezed the water from them.
41. At any moment he would slide a spike between her ribs.
42. After the price spike, the cost was around 14 to 22.
43. The speed of expansion, after an initial spike(/spike.html), is roughly constant.
44. My first salmon-rod was a thirteen-foot greenheart. With a spike in the butt.
45. The spike on the Goblin's head can pierce even the thickest dragon-hide and armour.
46. The Washington Monument would stick out of it like a spike in a railroad tie.
47. New Yorkers are being whipped into a frenzy for mo' Malcolm merchandise by shrewd businessman and film mogul Spike Lee.
48. When they change the law Spike and I will marry immediately.
49. But both are showing signs of life again, creating jobs and a spike in incomes.
50. A modern chair, for instance, is about as comfortable and as practical as sitting on a spike.
51. Spike knew that he was within a few moments of termination.
52. Their target was a specific spot where, earlier, a towed temperature probe had measured a spike of warm water.
53. People like Billy Crystal and Spike Lee kept wandering in.
54. Place the remaining cake on top of the cherries, spike and lace with kirsch as before. 7.
55. In 1987, Mr Salvigsen again hit a home run when he forecast that interest rates would spike up.
56. Every major city has two gay bars, the Spike and the Eagle.
57. StarKist had a sharp spike in its sales after it launched Tuna in a Pouch.
58. If I were you I'd change those spike heels for walking shoes and explore the place.
59. Marie said and hung up quickly as Astrid teetered back into the office on her gold spike heels.
60. In addition to this temporal patterning, each spike often displays a recurring spatial organization.
61. Spike looked at her as if she was a complete idiot.
62. In the dark she had hammered at him as if she were driving a spike.
63. A hard hat can protect you from having a metal spike go through your skull and into your brain.
64. For a moment he hesitated, savouring the moment, then centred the metal spike and pushed.
65. The bright red stool that sat closest to the register and the threateningly sharp check spike was the least used.
66. Patients with generalized epilepsy often show generalized spike and wave discharges.
67. And then Doreen entered the dining-room, walking carefully on her high spike heels.
68. In the street below the house with the dome people were pausing to look up at the arrows in the spike.
69. Spike grabbed both ants with his fingers and squeezed the heads until the bodies fell away.
70. It lasts 10-15 seconds during which time the EEG shows generalized 3-per-second spike and wave discharges.
71. The EEG typically shows a spike and wave pattern that is slower than the 3-per-second discharges associated with absence attacks.
72. Wright caught the eye of filmmaker Spike Lee, who featured him in a jeans commercial.
73. As she sits down, Honey leans towards Spike and whispers.
74. Prices often rally to retest spike day's high.
75. He's spoken the words of Shakespeare and Spike Lee.
76. Spike Frequency Adaptation and Negative Feedback Linearization.
77. A spike is quicker than a slam.
78. The hottest new zone for pirates is West Africa, whose oil-rich Gulf of Guinea has seen a spike in attacks this year.
79. Therefore the operator we seek is the differential of a spike.
80. The model can be used to forecast the system marginal price and price spike for.
81. TLS.AX) and Internet security specialists MessageLabs show a four-fold spike in the number of times employers have blocked access to social networking sites between June 2008 and April 2009.
82. Spike Milligan has finally got the gong he had been promised.
83. The seismograph showed a sharp spike in response to the temblor.
84. The advantages of using regular laser pulse spikes for drilling and the selection of pulse spike parameters are discussed.
85. The Decoction for Regulating the Flow of Qi and Removing Stagnation could enhance spike potential activities in abomasal pyloric antrum, duodenum and jejunum.
86. Certain street drugs, such as cocaine and methamphetamine, can cause a spike.
87. Here's why: Because the muesli (low-GI) breakfast was more slowly digested, it didn't spike blood-glucose levels as high as the cornflake (high-GI) breakfast did.
88. You can plant a Booby Trap on a Tiberium Spike.
89. Spike length increased exponentially with tiller height in an allometry way, and spike biomass increased linearly with tiller biomass in an isogony way in P. chinampoensis population.
90. In 1992, Spike Lee set off a bout of "Malcolmania," with his three-hour-plus film.
91. Avg. American college student produce 320 pounds of paper waste each year, and study shows significant spike in university solid waste.
92. One trader noted that while the spike in Italian yields was due to 'selling of specific short-dated issues ...
93. Spike Lee and Susan Sarandon expected at the Creative Coalition Party, and a Huffington Post party anticipating Halle Berry, Leonardo DiCaprio, Steven Spielberg, Sharon Stone and Stevie Wonder.
94. It resulted in at least a tenfold traffic spike for most of the 32 sites involved.
95. The vertical structure of spike biomass of growth anaphase was irregular diamond - shaped.
96. An influence on a post - synaptic neuron which reduces the probability that the neuron emit a spike.
97. The 2 Riflemen should protect your Tiberium Spike from Buzzer attacks.
98. He worked in the sort of way that makes Spike Lee wistful. He dazzled in the sort of way that inspires hateful chants and dejected dozens.
99. NSF hopes for a big funding spike in 2009 –11 to finish the job.
100. Two proteins of spike and one protein of nucleocapsid are identified.
101. The probability curve would have collapsed to a narrow spike.
102. The oxygen Jordan III have been also well-known using the humorous ads depicting Spike Lee as Mars Blackmon—the character he executed in his film 'She's Gotta Have It'.
103. The desired operator is the spike doublet of Figure 40.
103. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
104. In the scenario above it seems that there is a periodic event happening every 20 minutes that cause a spike in the load average chart.
105. A conductive spike is created thus causing a dead short.
106. The generous packages led to a huge spike in Nomura's costs.
107. The results indicate that both binomial distribution and Poisson distribution well fit the statistic characteristics of sea spike under lower false-alarm probability.
108. The spike of a helmet projected from the middle of his silken turban and he wore a shirt of chain mail.
109. With the same concentration, 75% tricyclazole WG was in advance of 75% tricyclazole wettable powder in the control of spike blast.
110. They'll do anything to spike the guns of the opposition.
111. Methods: By way of the electrophysiological recording technique, we observed the influence of L-NNA on orthodromic population spike(OPS) during anoxia in rat's hippocampal slices.
112. These would give importing countries confidence that supplies will always be for sale when prices spike, calming panic buying and reducing pressure to retreat into self-sufficiency.
113. In Yersa I noticed a spike on the peak of the pyramid - sharped roof of a church.
114. The proposed bi-directional converter has no high voltage spike problem and start-up problem, which are inherent in current-fed and voltage-fed hybrid type bi-directional converters.
115. In this case, we executed the Black Friday Cold Start benchmark described above and sustained 1,000 orders/minute order rate for a full hour, simulating the Black Friday opening hour spike.
116. At the same time, there has been a sharp increase in the supply of non-nuclear electricity (gas, coal and wind) from plants built to meet a wrongly predicted spike in demand.
117. To see whether hand-washing affects this justification process, Spike Lee at the University of Michigan first asked 40 students to rank 10 CDs by how much they liked them.
118. Spike Lee's first film to open at # 1 at the US box office.
119. A large, thickly muscled and leather-masked cultist draped a black, eyeless hood over the victim's head before pulling a foot-long spike from his sash.
120. The intensity modulation in analog scope let you distinguish 100 Hz ripple, switching ripple, and spike.
121. Place a Saboteur bomb on it in case your enemy tries to recapture the spike.
122. Grip the spike with your foot ! Okay, okay , okay.
123. The seismograph showed a sharp spike in response to the trembler.
124. North American orchid having a spike of violet-purple flowers mixed with white; sepals and petals form a hood.
125. The magnitude of the spike and of the reversal varies in different heart tissues.
126. Orderly flower or not orderly flower, bisexual or unisexual, platoon rank in all sorts of inflorescence , it is raceme or spike normally.
127. Dark fiber-rich whole wheat bread is lower on the index; its spike is slightly less sharp.
128. The latest celebrity news including the Desperate Housewives videogame, plus a live-action version of 'The Simpsons' and Spike Lee's latest.
129. Plaette tangs are also known as surgeonfish because they use a sharp spike on their tail for defense.
130. No matter how the caltrop tire spike was tossed on a roadway or airport runway, it would land with a tire-puncturing prong facing upward.
131. He didn't affect a swagger stick, but he did sometimes carry an ordinary wooden cane with a steel spike in the end.
132. Taobao efforts to carry out the "mobile school Taobao one yuan spike Big Three" activity is a major user group training initiatives.
133. Regular like spike wave and poly spike wave were found in mastication.
134. And at the age of 40,(Sentence dictionary) Halle Berry still has the striking good looks of the 24-year-old ingenue who made her movie debut in Spike Lee's film Jungle Fever.
135. A break in a SuperCable would collapse the surrounding magnetic field, creating a brief but intense voltage spike at the cut point.
136. The paper analyzes the cause of the breakdown of spike pulling travelling crane and suggests solutions to avoiding the hidden danger in possible accidents.
137. However, a problem of this kind of converter is that the output rectifier diodes suffer the parasitic oscillation and voltage spike caused by the reverse recovery of the rectifier diodes.
138. After Simon Cowell, the acid-tongued host of the television show "American Idol," called one singer "insipid," Merriam-Webster noticed a dramatic spike in the number of lookups for the word.
139. Director and New York Knicks super fan Spike Lee keeps his son Jackson, 14, on his toes at New York City's Madison Square Garden during the Knicks vs. Oklahoma City Thunder game last December.
140. But one of the screws has a star-shaped slot with a spike in the middle, which is designed to prevent repairs, as no available tool will fit it.
141. But there were obvious spring and strong photoperiodism tendencies among present big spike cultivars. These need to improvement.
142. Spike Lee has gone hard against Perry for years, with Perry responding in a way that shows that the criticism has really gotten to him.
143. Because experimental condition and analytic technique have been improved, "double spike" isotopic dating method of lead isotope and analyses calc.
144. The timing curve of this algorithm will present a spike pulse only at the right time, the resolution is greatly enhanced, so the symbol timing will be more accurate.
145. Eurasian orchid with showy pink or purple flowers in a loose spike.
146. , executive-produced by Friends actress Lisa Kudrow, seeks out the dead relatives of Sarah Jessica Parker and Spike Lee.
147. Convolution, correlation . Firing rate . Spike - triggered average.
148. Office of Management and Budget Director Jim Nussle says a slowing economy combined with the costs of an economic stimulus package, are the main culprits for the current spike in the deficit.
149. When I was running the urine, I found another spike that I couldn't identify.
150. The carmer low common or purple foxglove produces pretty flowers leaf stam, leafy stem called spike.
151. In the research of seismology for monitoring nuclear explosion, data quality checking is a basic step for seismogram automatic processing, spike is the main problem data.
152. It has many remarkable advantages such as simple auxiliary circuit, realizing ZVS in the wide load range, no voltage spike and surge of the transformer secondary side and easy to be controlled.
153. I averted my gaze as I heard the revolting squish of another spike sunk into willing flesh. My eyes fell on the robe of the lead cultist.
154. There is no high reverse recovery related voltage spike in the rectifier diodes.
155. End line: A boom or spike that hits an opponent in the face ( slang ).
156. The features of Surface Nuclear Magnetic Resonance(SNMR) signal for underground water and the sources and characters of the spike noise distortion are analyzed.
157. The method comes from the mechanism of reciprocal shift modulation, which transforms the measuring of eigenfrequency into measuring the spike pulse responding to ineffective-modulation optic power.
158. The common or purple foxglove produces pretty flowers a tall leafestam leafy stem a spike.
159. Wheat prices jumped to an all-time high yesterday as panicked buyers rushed into the market amid extremely tight supplies, raising fears of a global food inflation spike.
160. Iraqi officials reported a spike in civilian and security force deaths in July, although American officials dispute those figures.
161. There is a lengthy article on Spike Milligan in the Observer newspaper.
162. Doctors are already seeing a spike in illnesses like typhoid and shigellosis, which arise from contaminated food or water.
163. The paper mainly introduced the diseases, characters, pathogenic bacteria and the prevention and control method about rice spike,(Sentence dictionary) palea and shell brown rot.
164. The trigger system can trigger two thyratron at the same time, achieved the compact of the trigger system, and it can avoid the grid spike come into the inner circuit of trigger system.
165. The common or purple foxglove produces pretty flowers along a tall leafy stem called a spike.
166. The blinking neon light bulbs shows the direct and the back current spike flow.
167. There is the famous case of Phineas Gage, however, in which brain damage to the frontal lobes of the brain by a railfoad spike turned a sober, hard-working man into a lout.
168. A spike, a young buck, walks into a clearing near the feeder.
169. Condon's research also found that the spike in jellyfishnumbers is also turning the marine food cycle on its head.
170. Two guys working to spike the Maryland state water supply.
171. This an insulin spike and allow greater absorption of the creatine ( So more is stored ) .
172. Spike TV's new series, with the working title Car Lot Cowboy, will feature auto sales consultant Tom Stuker as he works to turn failing dealerships into profitable businesses in just five days.
173. Plaette tangs are also known as surgeonfish because they use a sharp spike on their tail for defense. Ouch!
174. How is incoming traffic? Major spike? Are you watching analytics? More traffic means more server resources, so you'll need to watch things like your memory usage.
175. And the output rectifier diodes can commutate naturally, avoiding voltage oscillation and voltage spike caused by the reverse flow of primary current.
176. Comparing to the results from traditional support vector machine for forecasting market clearing price and price spike in power market, the TGA-SVM manifests the more accurate forecasting results.
177. If you can move the noise spike out of the clock window, then the spike no longer matters.
178. The result indicated that the spike character of the translocation lines was controlled by polygene that were located in different chromosomes.
179. However, due to leakage effects flyback converter power switch off when the voltage spike caused by the need to be inhibited by clamping circuit.
180. Constrained sparse spike inversion is conducted to predict the general distribution of reservoirs before GI, and the results including wavelet and 3D acoustic impedance(AI) can be used later.
181. Last year at the end of June they decided to raise the yuan and we saw a spike in soybean and crude palm oil prices.
182. The harmonic number of the spike emission is confirmed by the comparison of the diagnosis with the typical parameters in solar corona.
183. To misquote the great comic genius Spike Milligan: the last time I edited a book I swore I would never do another one.
184. METHODS: Using flowing freeze method to make tinidazole spike, and then drug content and solubility test were examined.
185. The spike check is performed to identify intervals with questionably high usage relative to the surrounding intervals .
186. In striking the deal, Sony is betting that the appetite for Mr.Jackson's music will prove more than just a spike generated by his unexpected death and the ensuing round-the-clock coverage.
187. The study on the characteristics of development and seed setting of different spikelet and floret positions was important for the realization of big spike cultural goal with more spikelets and grains.
188. Still, oil won't spike to the $ 100 - plus range because consumers remain more energy - conscious.
189. Blue-grey spike grass rustles amid swamp box and bush banksias, a frog, perhaps, or even a wallaby.
190. Spike Lee, celebrated director of race-issue dramas such as Do The Right Thing and Malcolm X, has surprised everyone with his latest film.
191. This year has brought a sudden spike, mainly in wheat.
192. Field experiments out to study the differences spike differentiation and morphogenesis among triticale, secale and triticum.
193. The electroencephalogram (EEG) confirmed that CL and bicuculline induced spike, slow complex or sharp, slow complex waves,(http:///spike.html) whereas muscimol inhibited these epileptic discharges.
194. Proper unloader setting allows a small amount of continuous bypass (approximately 5% of total flow) to minimize the pressure spike and compensate for nozzle wear.
195. The appearance of a nonprotein spike would indicate a possible contaminant in the sample that could then be identified through other tests.
196. For the cyclo-cross bicycle the width of the tyre shall not exceed 35mm and it may not incorporate any form of spike or stud.
197. In addition, observation precision can be greatly improved by using spike pulse shear wave transducer with corrected polarization, and assisted testing methods.
198. Advanced voltage clamping techniques are demonstrated, which can also limit the second voltage spike originating from the tail current cut off.
199. Food inflation on a host of staple products ranging from bread to meat was blamed on a 47 per cent jump in the cost of wheat and a 61 per cent spike in the cost of corn, the BRC said.
200. US President Barack Obama's Chief of Staff, says officials are looking at the nation's strategic oil reserves, as they mull over options, for dealing with a spike in gas prices.
201. As a result, at the start of the sales event, the retailers systems experience a tremendous spike in volume, placing a tremendous stress on the relatively cold system.
202. The collapse of the housing market caused the ranks of the poor to spike in Sun Belt communities, such as those surrounding Lakeland, Fla., and Riverside, Calif.
203. A small or secondary spike, characteristic of grasses and sedges, having a varying number of reduced flowers each subtended by one or two scalelike bracts.
204. In a Two-Headed Giant game, if a creature equipped with Quietus Spike would assign combat damage to the defending team, its damage is assigned to only one of the defending players.
205. A design of voltage spike generator based on microprocessor unit is introduced.
206. The differential signal is the spike pulse signal that is produced by differential circuit. Original differential circuit is very difficult to obtain the ideal differential signal.
207. Mother and daughter come out of hiding in the deer stand, grab the lifeless spike by the legs and hoist him into the back of the truck.
208. The staminate flower is subtended by two leaf-like bracts. 150–200 stamens spirally arranged along the spike axis and the phyllome are located at the base of the spike axis.
209. Field experiments were carried out to study the differences in spike differentiation and morphogenesis among triticale, secale and triticum.
210. South Korea is seeing a spike in the price of pork belly, with 10000 won (RMB52) per kg, Yonhap news agency reported Tuesday.
211. Preabsorption and binding assays indicated the existence of cross-reactive epitopes on SARS-CoV spike protein domain 2 (S2). Several candidate autoantigens have been identified.
212. However, there exists a problem of this kind of converter, that the output rectifier diodes suffer the parasitic oscillation and voltage spike resulted by the reverse recovery of the rectifier diodes.
213. Like Christian, Holmes was also expecting gold to spike during Operation Desert Storm.
214. The correlative coefficient indicated that a closer relationship of resistance level was related with the lardaceous content, the area of flag leaf, the spike density and the plant height.
215. Results showed that regulative fertilization changed agronomical properties compared with conventional fertilization and increased significantly grain weight of one spike and grain yield.
216. The spike glycoprotein of SARS associated coronavirus (SARS-CoV) is the largest structure protein and the most important surface antigen of the virion.
217. Featuring standard surge and spike protection, the new Powerware PDU provides line-to-line and line-to-ground protection for connected equipment.
218. In the meantime, chemical promoter 4PU-30, Yield precise, humic acid and IAA can promote single spike weight and growth of regeneration bud,[http:///spike.html] which resulted in high spike numbers and high yield.
219. Filmmaker Spike Lee - who directed two of the singer's music videos in 1996 - also led tributes to the star, hosting his second annual free bash to celebrate his late pal in Brooklyn's Prospect Park.
220. He brought the hammer flashing down, banging the spike squarely on the head.
221. If you lob it right, I'll is able to spike it.




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