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单词 Sheila
1. Sheila won this cup in the school squash championship.
2. Sheila wore a long red dress.
3. Sheila continued to work after she had her baby.
4. Sheila found some work as a secretary in an insurance company.
5. Sheila Jones is indisposed, so the part of the Countess will be sung tonight by Della Drake.
6. We had a lovely tea - Sheila did us proud.
7. Sheila was looking miserable.
8. Sheila felt giddy with excitement.
9. Sheila enjoyed her years as a student in Oxford.
10. Sheila and Jim were the first to arrive.
11. Sheila must be pushing 40 by now.
12. Sheila had dreams of university.
13. Her name was Sheila, a long-legged blonde.
14. Sheila was the first to arrive.
15. Sheila was just sneaking out when her mother called her.
16. I'm telling you, Sheila, I've never seen anything like it in my life.
17. He felt considerable resentment towards Sheila for making him work late.
18. Sheila is very clever but rather backward in expressing her ideas.
19. Her first name is Sheila and her surname is Kane.
20. Sheila will inherit everything in the event of his death.
21. Sheila admitted that she did sometimes exaggerate the demands of her job.
22. Sheila was awarded a scholarship in Chemistry, and now her brother has evened the score with a scholarship in Economics.
23. Let us take the hypothetical case of Sheila, a mother of two ...
24. Sheila had come to dinner in a black jersey top.
25. In the event of his death Sheila will inherit the money.
26. For a time, we all thought that Sheila and Frank would get married.
27. During the course of conversation(http:///sheila.html), it emerged that Sheila had lived in Nigeria.
28. Sheila had an ulterior motive for trying to help Stan.
29. As Sheila bent over, a sudden pain shot up her back.
30. Sheila spent months looking after her sick mother.
1. Sheila won this cup in the school squash championship.
2. Sheila wore a long red dress.
3. Sheila continued to work after she had her baby.
4. Sheila found some work as a secretary in an insurance company.
5. Sheila Jones is indisposed, so the part of the Countess will be sung tonight by Della Drake.
6. We had a lovely tea - Sheila did us proud.
7. Sheila was looking miserable.
8. Her first name is Sheila and her surname is Kane.
31. Sheila was never bashful about asking a question.
32. Oh, come off it, George. Sheila wouldn't do that.
33. Sheila Frahm, will run for election this fall.
34. Sheila saw Al frown as he read the letter.
35. Sheila was hardly able to conceal her amusement.
36. Sheila bent down to pick up the cat.
37. Sheila always tries to be a lady.
38. Sheila especially had dreams of university.
39. Tall, slender and divorced, Sheila had-incredibly-two grown sons.
40. Giggling Sheila his nan called her.
41. Sheila nodded and gave him a sympathetic look.
42. Sheila stood rooted with horror for a moment.
43. Sheila has an infectious smile.
44. She took only incoming calls from Sheila.
45. When I wasn't rushing out to meet J. somewhere, I was usually chatting with Sheila.
46. Effective, too, is Mare Winningham as Sheila, a mentally disabled woman whom Norman is courting with irresistible naivete.
47. Sheila spent many sleepless nights figuring out how to deliver for her first major customer.
48. How on earth could she be so vague about some one he loved, some one she loved, in spite of Sheila Howarth.
49. Sheila was now the Sixer and was on the Brownie Highway.
50. Annie veered between a irritated disappointment and a suspicion that perhaps Sheila was avoiding her.
51. At four my sister, Sheila, tossed a lamp at my head from the stairway.
52. One of my friends at Binbrook was Sheila - tall, awkward, difficult, but a very bright girl.
53. Sheila marched straight into the office and demanded an apology.
54. Sheila and I were responsible for polishing the brass and crystal chandelier that hung over the dining-room table.
55. In response to a question Sheila described the South London women's group who had produced the pamphlet arguing for wages for housework.
56. Sheila Rae, who loves to rip the limbs off of trees, humiliates the kid who steals her jump rope.
57. Sheila Tindle, 28(/sheila.html), has been appointed a local director at the Middlesbrough offices of stockbroker Wise Speke.
58. Although Sheila finds them a handful and is known to shout at them, she has always sought appropriate help.
59. One of those who saw it all happen was a young actress called Sheila Hancock.
60. Mum had cried once, just once in front of Henry, when Dad had walked out and moved in with Sheila Howarth.
61. Sheila Geddes, Sid Clarke and all the others who had contributed their efforts in the run-up to the launch.
62. But she underwent counselling, and also received support from Sheila McLean, a Gerson therapist and former nurse.
63. Wexford found the lead, obligingly left by Sheila in a prominent position on top of the refrigerator.
64. Sheila had been enthusiastic, Annie icy and antagonistic to the idea of wages for housework.
65. Sheila is a lone parent with two children, aged 13 and 15.
66. And last year, a suspicious-looking briefcase at a metro station was taken care of by Sheila.
67. Sheila said she was thrilled to be in as dynamic and exciting a company as ours.
68. Sheila became aware of the hem of her dress slowly rising.
69. He threw his wife Sheila out of an emergency exit before leaping into the darkness after her seconds before the explosion.
70. The Sheila na gigh bus company was suing for the loss of its only bus and Mr Patel for his Woodbine machine.
71. Naturally, Sheila thought that meant a potential client had called.
72. After we'd stopped for lunch Sheila took over the driving for a while.
73. Sheila and I became friends in 1995, although we had actually met several years before.
74. More tarmac and concrete has left fewer green fields for water to drain into underground reserves, as Sheila Brocklebank reports.
75. After Sheila left him, Judd hit the bottle pretty hard.
76. Also, as Sheila Silcock's article highlights, the nearest relative may be unaware of their rights under the Act.
77. Nearby(), Sheila Meyer choked back tears as she watched her brother touch a chiseled name on the wall.
78. Sheila, who had changed ever since she had gotten her first period, wanted to sleep late on Saturday mornings.
79. When Sheila Sheffield fails to achieve her quota for the quarter, he helps Sheila discover the reasons.
80. He seemed to be squatting down, and suddenly Sheila realised why.
81. He also packed a mean punch, according to his estranged wife Sheila.
82. Sheila woke Ted up with a slap across the face.
83. David and Sheila are unable to have children, but they're hoping to adopt.
84. Sheila Rowbotham had taken a different route after graduation from Oxford in 1962.
85. At a little after six of the early evening clock, Cornelius and Tuppe were once more in Sheila na gigh.
86. A Sheila na gigh which now resembled Beirut on a bad day.
87. Sheila walked into the museum, under the stern gaze of the curator.
87. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
88. Sheila Redmond is also looking at the possibility of arranging talks on the menopause for female employees.
89. And then Sheila went to work to make sure she could deliver on the Big Promise.
90. Annie Sheila, it's not personal, we are actually having a political disagreement, in case you hadn't noticed.
91. But thanks to Sheila, now you don't have to go all the way to Dodge City to win your spurs.
92. Sheila confessed that she spends most of her time in a tumult of anger and disbelief.
93. Sheila is very much her own woman. She'll listen to everyone and then make up her mind for herself.
94. Sheila sauntered in wearing slacks and an artificial-silk print blouse with a bow at around 7: 30.
95. Sheila and Mona were at the convent secondary school, Michael was finishing national school.
96. Sheila, 56, was given an absolute discharge at Blyth, Northumberland, after admitting breaking a smoking ban.
97. But on the trail Sheila rides there isn't a long horn or rattler in sight.
98. When Sheila went into her own business, within weeks of opening her office the networking started.
99. Sheila Barnes lost both parents, a brother and baby sister.
100. An Old Bailey jury that included nine women found Sheila Beeson, 29, not guilty of child cruelty.
101. Just my friend Sheila and I, no tour, no escorts.
102. Sheila stitched a patch on to her trousers.
103. Now for our first listener, Sheila.
104. Ruth takes Sheila into the Marketing Department while David waits on the landing.
105. The State Department event honored 10 activists from around the world as heroes, among them Antigua and Barbuda women’s rights advocate Sheila Roseau.
106. Australia's Deputy Prime Minister Julia Gillard will strike a blow against Australia's macho culture Tuesday when she becomes the first "Sheila"to take over the top job.
107. The receptionist directs David and Sheila to Mr. Green's office.
108. FDIC Chairwoman Sheila Bair says this will be a seamless transition for the bank's customers.
109. Fitzpatrick Sheila. The Russian Revolution. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1994.
110. She is the daughter of Sheila and Daniel Wolfson of Stamford, Conn.
111. A partially-sighted Britain woman, Sheila Penfold, 59, caught a giant 97kg catfish in the River Ebro, near Barcelona, Spain.
112. Often, nothing keeps us from our running. Which can lead to trouble, says Sheila Cavanagh, a runner and community relations officer with the Dallas Police Department.
113. Other regulators echoed his concerns, including Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. Chairman Sheila Bair and Comptroller of the Currency John Dugan.
114. Student - constructed virtual worlds were bank note updates and calls from Aunt Sheila.
115. The main author of LYE, Sheila Jeffreys, says that the backlash to the booklet "even amonglesbians, was quite shocking.
116. The next day, in Ocho Rios, Jamaica, Sheila and I skip the rain-forest bobsled excursion and swim with dolphins.
117. Sheila and David arrange to go over to the factory to meet John Edwards.
117. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
118. Do you think we'll ever hear the last of Sheila?
119. Even so, Professor Sheila Bird of the MRC's biostatistics unit and the Royal Statistical Society, sounds a cautious note.
120. Sheila Conant: Hawaii is unique in its rate of what we call endemism. And that is the existence of species that occur in Hawaii and they occur nowhere else in the world.
121. What started with the quiet strength of one sister in isolation has grown tremendously through her children – Norah, Sheila and Dermot in Waterford , and Kevin in Galway.
122. Here we are, Sheila? Mr. Blake has signed all the letters and memos.
123. Sheila Bair , the FDIC's chairman, indicated this week that banks would be given a nudge.
124. It was certainly unknown, in 1961, to Sheila Michaels, a 22-year-old civil rights worker in New York City, who one day spotted it on a piece of mail that her roommate received.




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