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单词 From scratch
1. Ben built the shed from scratch.
2. Effectively, we have to start again from scratch.
3. We started from scratch with no preconceived ideas.
4. The suggestion is that they should start from scratch.
5. He built the orchestra up from scratch.
6. We had to start again from scratch .
7. My father built the business up from scratch.
8. I learned German from scratch in six months.
9. He had built the business up from scratch .
10. Building a home from scratch can be both exciting and challenging.
11. It's completely ruined, so we'll have to start from scratch.
12. We do not have to start from scratch.
13. The man who was building the city from scratch.
14. That was kind of from scratch.
15. They don't have to build their stores from scratch.
16. Once more, Machanguana is starting from scratch.
17. Doug baked the cake from scratch.
18. You'd have to start from scratch.
19. Steven Jobs built his own computer company from scratch and became a multimillionaire before his thirtieth birthday.
20. It will built from scratch by Pickering Staplina in their Lancashire factory.
21. The trainees work hard, but they must start from scratch.
22. Learning the meaning of verbal categories from scratch is difficult and time-consuming but it is very instructive.
23. Issues Very few of you will be starting from scratch to implement your computerised personnel information system.
24. He usually preferred to train up a crew of enthusiastic young sailors from scratch.
25. Much of the damaged vehicle had to be rebuilt from scratch.
26. There were no textbooks,(Sentence dictionary) so the teachers had to start from scratch.
27. They decided to dismantle the machine and start again from scratch.
28. There were so many spelling mistakes, I had to write the letter out again from scratch.
29. He lost all his money and had to start again completely from scratch.
30. This time, instead of trying to make and sell another company's robot, I started from scratch.
1. The suggestion is that they should start from scratch.
2. It's completely ruined, so we'll have to start from scratch.
31. Monotonic search is usually efficient in space, because the searcher does not have to construct each state's representation from scratch.
32. I've deleted everything and re-installed DOS 5 and Windows 3.1 from scratch, all to no avail.
33. A new one has to be built from scratch but fabrication can only start when plans are eventually acquired from York.
34. The only way to design tastefully was to start from scratch, he had said.
35. So, in one sense I was not starting entirely from scratch.
36. The award of a franchise to an entirely new company, from scratch, was thus the extreme case.
37. Effective administration needs people, managers, unswerving devotion and discipline; building from scratch needs capital and carefully calculated investment.
38. Synthesizing any new protein molecule from scratch takes a matter of minutes.
39. The £10 million sun and sangria soap was set up from scratch in just six months.
40. The company was started from scratch in 1995, but its annual sales are already over $20 million.
41. Before he could build the electronics to go inside the equipment, Ryan had to build the casing from scratch.
42. Some members, such as Dale, have elaborately equipped workshops, where they can make major pieces of furniture from scratch.
43. And we can share best practices so that every educator and employer does not have to recreate effective strategies from scratch.
44. Implementing a high-end firewall from scratch might cost several man-months of effort.
45. D., wants to know how to make egg rolls from scratch.
46. We advertised for people who had previous experience so they could set the system up from scratch.
47. Now they find themselves alone in later years and often have to rebuild their lives right from scratch.
48. If you like your potatoes cooked from scratch, experiment with Yukon Golds.
49. As she explained, it was not easy to start from scratch.
50. This is especially true if the group starts from scratch with no designated roles or previous experience of working together.
51. Some analysts believe Westinghouse decided to make a deal because it realized the difficulty of starting new channels from scratch.
52. Stories can be begun from scratch or spun off samples.
53. At present, each host city starts more or less from scratch.
53. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
54. The group disbanded without drawing any conclusions, and knew they would have to start from scratch learning about fueltank explosions.
55. And to get that in Arizona you had to make it from scratch.
56. Ab initio is a subject taken from scratch with no prior knowledge, and this often appeals to mature students.
57. We wanted them to develop new applications from scratch, applications that would closely follow our interface guidelines.
58. He had won that place by raising cattle on pastureland made from scratch.
59. Grammar schools already had adequate facilities or could build them from scratch.
60. It was the only bank launched from scratch in the province for many years.
61. Most of Rodin's drawings are undated, unsigned and untitled, so she had to work virtually from scratch.
62. You start either from scratch or by modifying an existing module, changing colors, shapes and movement.
63. If we were starting from scratch what would we do differently?
64. The Taligent offering is a 32-bit operating environment being built from scratch around a new object model.
65. Alternatively, you can use the form designer to create your own form from scratch.
66. That was the same idea Albiez had in 1990 when he decided to make an electric car from scratch.
67. Frank, like an old sergeant, had to start them all from scratch.
68. It can now be said that you can field a team from scratch and beat the Clippers.
69. Peter the Great had to start from scratch when he built St. Petersburg.
70. But local union officials want to shut down all the existing committees and begin again from scratch.
71. It would be arrogant foolishness to ignore that experience and to start from scratch designing a stringing by ear.
72. Most will evolve naturally from smaller towns and counties, rather than being built from scratch.
73. He would attempt the impossible and set up an airline from scratch in three months.
74. The muddle was such that the welcoming committee threw away their lists of expected arrivals and started from scratch.
75. Doing it from scratch basically down to writing the page in that make it look presentable, and links to other pages.
76. He baked the torte from scratch.
77. Start from Scratch Every leader is ultimately a follower.
78. I had always enjoyed the kitchen, but now I would make pumpkin ravioli from scratch on Thursday and cooka black bass in parchment on Friday and bake an olive-oil cake onSaturday.
79. Don't bother making a cake from scratch. Just buy a cake mix.
80. Instead of attempting to adapt existing aircraft designs for a role they were never intended to fulfill, the technicians at Procyon designed the banshee from scratch.
81. This can save time for the users then they are creating new tasks from scratch (if they need to manually add projects or related request, and such).
82. As Molnar and Bell's experiences prove, taking small steps is key to successfully (and safely) accomplishing an athletic goal when starting from scratch.
83. Although the most popular religions are very old,(http:///from scratch.html) L. Ron Hubbard proved the process can be replicated from scratch in modern times.
84. The person who opts for car leasing must start from scratch every time.
85. In spring 2000, he was suddenly sidelined from the broadcasting company he had built from scratch.
86. Absrtact: Chinese professional G ol f from scratch , after 13 years of development , made substantial progress , but the relative level of the world and Asia are still vulnerable.
87. With non - free software, this cannot happen andare developed, they have to start from scratch.
88. It is also possible to build the fields from scratch, if the correct document UUID is included in the document entry.
89. Shepard's story proves unquestioningly that it really is possible to reach your goals and beyond, even if you start from scratch.
90. How do start from scratch? profit to the first barrels of gold?
91. A: Linus Torvalds and a loosely knit team of volunteer hackers from acrossthe Internet wrote (and still are writing) Linux from scratch.
92. President reynolds pulled the plug on a sure thing in order to start over from scratch?
93. Manufacturers strive to maintain downward compatiblity when they develop new hardware and software, because it avoids the need for users to start from scratch every time they upgrade to a new version.
94. In truth, there is not much that is ethically dubious about making a bacterium from scratch.
95. To start from scratch on everything goes so long as the narrowest opportunity exists.
96. This can be handy when you want to refresh data on a test or disaster recovery system that doesn't need to be built from scratch.
97. Those ideas about terrestrial planet formation and habitability of terrestrial planets will need to be re-evaluated from scratch.
98. Annotated XML schema decomposition is a new feature introduced in DB2 Viper. It has been written from scratch with new algorithms and mapping language.
99. Start from scratch and for more than ten years, take infinite pains and cast brilliantly today.
100. As a new-born state, the southern government will have a significant share of petro-dollars to assist in building the Republic of South Sudan from scratch.
101. I need a web - site built from scratch that works synchronised with the vendor's web site.
102. Excitement is rising almost as quickly as land prices in his village, one of the sites chosen for building 24 industrial cities from scratch along a 1,483 km (920 mile) railway line.
103. All our machinery was lost in the fire so we had to start from scratch.
104. The prison was reportedly built from scratch on the territory of a former horse riding school about 15 miles from Vilnius, the Lithuanian capital, and included an underground annex.
105. Whether or not you have to start from scratch master and synchronous learning baby.
106. Instead, Dr Baumberg has built his opalescent material from scratch.
107. It's like building the South Bank from scratch instead of letting it grow over 70 years.
108. But trying to start a business from scratch is almost impossible.
109. When CruiseControl starts, it runs in a continuous loop, periodically checking a source-code repository such as Subversion, and then building and testing projects from scratch.
110. We'll close that bookshop, and we'll start everything from scratch.
111. It is available in a Java installer version, RPM and Debian packages, gzip/bz2/zip bundles that can simply be unpackaged in the target directory, and a source tarball that can be built from scratch.
112. Biology is approaching its Frankenstein moment – the creation of life from scratch.
113. Best of all, if the 48GX doesn't have a feature you desperately need, you can use the built-in Object-oriented programming language to create functions from scratch.
113. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
114. The secret of success is to start from scratch and keep on scratching.
115. I don't need a thing, so why hire somebody else and have him start from scratch?
116. But sometime soon a line will be crossed in a laboratory somewhere and the first unarguably living thing created from scratch by the hand of man will divide itself in two and begin to reproduce.
117. System programming languages were designed for building data structures and algorithms from scratch, starting from the most primitive computer elements such as words of memory.
118. The Autonomous Region has built up its infrastructure from scratch.
119. Were central banks starting from scratch, such a cost-benefit analysis would indeed be the right way to set an inflation target.
120. You can now start message flow development from scratch, or from an existing WSDL file, XSD file, or message set.
121. An evaluation is required to determine if the migrated UDFs and procedures should be used as a basis for refining the code, or if it is easier to recode from scratch.
122. Aries loves to experiment and to take things to the limit, so, roll over Kama Sutra, the Aries lover is writing it all from scratch!
123. You can analyze choreography models produced in the analysis phase to determine which services need to be built from scratch and the existing services you can use.
124. Hong Kong's manufacturing industry did not start from scratch in the post-war period.
125. Since the person is imaginary, you have to start from scratch.
126. The criminal procuration system, developing from scratch in China, is the great breakthrough and progress for China's criminal procedure law.
127. I have grown several businesses from scratch and amassed many millions from my publishing empire -- why would I take advice from someone who has never experienced that?
128. Now we have to start from scratch again, already from Wednesday in Genoa against Sampdoria.
129. Throw caution to the wind , in case of failure, we just start from scratch again.
130. The software base for the robotics industry is siloed at this point, with every company and garage tinkerer creating operating systems from scratch.
131. Rewrite your software from scratch , copying and tailoring useful parts of existing software.
132. This is particularly true since many managers operate under the assumption that any project going long enough cannot avoid periodical design and re-implementation from scratch.
133. One can hardly believe that this paper mill was started from scratch only a few years ago.
134. Migrating an existing project is often more challenging than when a project is started from scratch, since a migration project is usually done in the context of a productive system.
135. As a packager, you will rarely create packages from scratch as we have done in the previous section.
136. Maybe, I should throw out my grammar books and start from scratch.
137. Start from scratch: Start with an empty set of conditions and add your own.
138. If we have to start from scratch then it all takes time.
139. If you don’t have time to make it from scratch, try a bread maker.
140. Developers can choose either to build from scratch or use existing structures or even simply clear off flat land and start parking rows of densely-packed data center containers.
141. The reuse issue is absolutely critical -- it would be insane to write everything from scratch for each application, because it would take too long to redevelop each component.
142. No , but I tried making chocolate chip cookies from scratch once.
143. When designing a language from scratch, we have the opportunity to evaluate language features as a group, adjusting them to interact synergistically or avoid negative interactions.
144. While the other kids ate bologna sandwiches for lunch, I ate tortillas made from scratch.
145. Rewriting an application module is not necessarily starting from scratch.
146. It is a good thing that at least you have something before creating a SOAP message from scratch.
147. If some countries started to build highways from scratch, I would recommend to them to follow the slime mold routes," Dr. Adamatzky said.
148. S. Having no formal education, he was placed in an ungraded class reserved for immigrant children, who had to learn English from scratch.




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