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单词 Dialectic
1 The third dialectic involves the subject recognizing itself through interaction with other subjects.
2 In general, what the theory of dialectic materialism states is that every society is structured around its material basis of production.
3 The dialectic between actual ego and ego-ideal is prefigured here in primordial form.
4 But the Master-Slave dialectic seems to capture the relation between people in pornographic eroticism.
5 Much later the method of dialectic clash was polished up by Hegel and adopted by Marx.
6 Trotsky, claimed James, had misunderstood the dialectic and therefore there was a fundamental flaw in his interpretation of history.
7 For us, on the other hand, the dialectic between culture and society is weighted in the opposite direction.
8 Schoenberg represented the other side of the dialectic: the abandonment of tonality.
9 Adj and rational fluoroscopy reflected dialectic function of philosophy.
10 The relationship of agape and mutual love is dialectic.
11 This situation created the inner dialectic of American history.
12 Dialectic studies how opposites can become identical.
13 Grasping the dialectic nature of moral education need transcend intuitionist thinking,[] and apply dialectic thinking of Marxism based on practical theory.
14 Adorno's medium theory and dialectic of subject and object is coterminous, which is the philosophy of Adorno's critical theory of culture industry.
15 He takes philosophy of dialectical materialism as his guidance and persists in analyzing and researching on psychological phenomena with dialectic and systematology.
16 This paper analyzes the dialectic thinking methodology of Mohist School.
17 Fractal theory builds tight dialectic relations among nature, society and thought in higher level.
18 But by Dialectic is meant the indwelling tendency outwards by which the one-sidedness and limitation of the predicates of understanding is seen in its true light, and shown to be the negation of them.
19 Surely their replacing biological determinism with social constructionism presents too limited a dialectic.
20 It seems to me that there is a sort of dialectic we need to preserve when thinking about autonomy.
21 In this sense, the ideology allows for the possibility of an implicit, internalized dialectic.
22 In other words, there may exist, at an implicit level, an internalized dialectic between criticism and justification.
23 Marx's philosophy of history, however, is materialistic as well as dialectic.
24 And there was the little hut ... He didn't know himself what he meant by that ... Wycliffian dialectic.
25 If that is so he might almost be considered the initiator of scholasticism with its dialectic method.
26 In the Consultation the emerging model of organic union is a dialectic between unity and pluralism, between structures and life.
27 Such an education proves indistinguishable from life in an immigrant culture because the illuminating conflict between cultures adds this inner dialectic.
28 It is prized in cultures which use second-order systems of logic and dialectic to reason about the world.
29 To understand brain and behaviour means rejecting that dichotomy and instead trying to interpret the intertwined dialectic of specificity and plasticity.
30 In a way it is again a mode as one might say of metonymically symbolising satisfaction, and here we are led straight away to the dialectic of the money box and the miser.
31 It is customary to treat Dialectic as an adventitious art, which for very wantonness introduces confusion and a mere semblance of contradiction into definite notions.
32 He was a master of dialectic, could be even in the next sentence, stupidly dogmatic.
33 And you don't have to apply historical dialectic materialism to daily life.
34 On the dialectic point of view, the influences of Cauchy's systematical study on the theory of permutation to understanding Galois Theory to mathematicians in France are appraised.
35 Though the foosball dialectic may appear to border on the sophomoric, Mr. Coben said it's a key element of the project.
36 We should use a dialectic perspective to view the world.
37 Misdiagnosis may be avoided to the maximum only through synthetic thinking, dialectic analysis and continuous learning.
38 By contrast, what are we to make of what killed tragedy—Socratic morality, dialectic, the satisfaction and serenity of the theoretical man?
38 Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
39 In this new era, Deng Xiaoping s general plan on diplomacy shows comprehensively the dialectic thought of trisection, and reveals Mr.
40 This paper attempts to discuss the dialectic relationship between language competence and language performance based on the linguistic theory put forward by Ferdinand de Saussure......"lauge"and"parole".
41 In this paper, the classical theory of general research into the synthesis, analysis of economic growth and income distribution of two-way interactive relationship between the dialectic.
42 A un - Hegalian example may help us to understand the dialectic.
43 Enlightening dialectic is the rational historical dialectic to Horkheimer, Adorno.
44 Mainly based on this theory, the author analyzed the dialectic and integral relationship between the instrumentalism and humanism in sports culture.
45 Thus the paper is written in the meta - language of contradictory dialectic explanation.
46 Dialectic of the Chinese Revolution: From Utopianism to Hedonism, Stanford University Press, 1994.
47 Wisdom lies neither in fixity nor in change, but in the dialectic between the two.
48 His germinal selection theory is pregnant with novelty and dialectic ideas.
49 The dialectic of past with others and present with each other means the therapist's countertransference and the patient's transference cannot necessarily be excluded from the real relationship.
50 In contradistinction to mere skepticism, however, philosophy does not remain content with the purely negative result of Dialectic.
51 Rather, he depended on America for one element of his dialectic.
52 The enthymeme is a sort of syllogism, and the consideration of syllogisms of all kinds, without distinction, is the business of dialectic, either of dialectic as a whole or of one of its branches.
53 What I detested more than anything else was Hegelianism and the Dialectic.
54 Positivistic method, dialectic method, and phenomenal method are called the three major methods of contemporary philosophy.
55 The dialectic relationship between music and skill in piano performance was discussed.
56 With its new theoretical vision and dialectic totalism , the economic law, as a new branch of law, has influenced the law practice and jurisprudence extensively.
57 Due to the duplicity of the religious nationalism, we need to a dialectic judgment of it.
58 Enlightment dialectic as medium is the force field of development and regression.
59 Dialectic materialism figures out, intrinsic factor is the basic reason causing evolvement, factor is the condition.
60 A dialectic coordination of the two will make them supplement each other.
61 Comrade Deng Xiaoping is complete physicist not only, and it is crackajack dialectic Great Master.
62 Some, such as Shulamith Firestone in The Dialectic of Sex, suggested alternative ways of rearing children collectively.
63 Inheriting adequately the ancient oriental military and governing thoughts, expediential philosophy bases itself on materialism as well as all the classic dialectic thoughts.
64 This dialectic is convergent and attains the conjuncture defined as absolute knowledge.
65 The Creation Theory of Taoism generated TCM holism. And dialectic promoted TCM principal of treatment based on syndrome differentiation. Following the natural laws laid foundation for TCM homoeopathy.
66 Therefore , we need to a dialectic view on the relationship between message culture and campus culture.




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