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单词 Without so much as
1, They left without so much as saying goodbye.
2, She walked away without so much as a thank-you.
3, He left without so much as a goodbye.
4, Off she went without so much as a 'goodbye'.
5, Off he went, without so much as a 'goodbye'.
6, She took the money without so much as a thank you.
7, He marched into my office without so much as a by your leave.
8, Without so much as a word of thanks, Ben turned and went back into the office .
9, The room was small and dark, without so much as a ray of light to brighten the gloom.
10, She spoke for three quarters of an hour without so much as a pause.
11, Without so much as a backwards glance, he steered her towards the car.
12, That's twice now he's just walked in here without so much as a by-your-leave and picked a book off the shelf!
13, He walked straight in,[http:///without so much as.html] without so much as a by your leave.
14, No, the idea is to open it without so much as a nun's fart.
15, That he had dumped her without a word, without so much as a goodbye.
16, When they go straight to bed without so much as ordering a toasted sandwich or spending money at the bar.
17, He walked away down the corridor, without so much as a backward look, and tears stung her eyes.
18, Significantly, Ptolemy completed his geometric calculations without so much as developing one new idea of major theoretical value.
19, The car survived the accident without so much as a dent.
20, For years Microsoft took it, he said, without so much as counterpunch.
21, U-turning, he drove off in the direction of the distant city, without so much as another backward glance.
22, No one seemed to want to serve me so I walked out and went home without so much as a plectrum!
23, How could we have put their bag into ours without so much as a single check?
24, Tearing along the dotted line on roads and motorways without so much as a glance at the Highway Code.
25, There was another rustle of branches as the buffalo ran off without so much as another snort.
26, There I was congratulating myself on surviving the winter without so much as a sniffle, when I was suddenly struck down without warning.
27, I, who had traveled all that long day on that train without so much as a cheese in my pocket?
28, Whether in Beijing, in Fujian Province (until that young woman noticed I was a southpaw) or in the rural interior, I found people regarded me without so much as a raised eyebrow.
29, Britain's new coalition government seems intent on bowing out without so much as a whimper.
30, Many accounts attest to a somnambulist leaving their house clad only in underpants, or rising to cook a meal and returning to bed without so much as tasting it.
31, The yard was filthy and smelly, without so much as a blade of grass in it.
32, She left without so much as saying " good - bye ".




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