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单词 Sidelight
1. What he said threw/cast an interesting sidelight on what had happened.
2. The article gives us a few interesting sidelights on life in Japan in general.
3. The book is full of amusing sidelights on his family background.
4. It is an odd sidelight, to coin a phrase, on road accidents.
5. By four o'clock car sidelights were on, small-eyed in the gathering gloom.
6. A $ 1 million lawsuit, with amusing sidelights and important ramifications for the federal budget debate, must be adjudicated.
7. Oscar read it carefully by the sidelights of his huge vehicle.
8. There's an interesting sidelight to this story.
9. It's almost a sidelight that the winter-solstice sun will never actually "eclipse" the galaxy's true center, the pointlike radio source marking the Milky Way's central black hole.
10. The Sidelight Handlebar Grips add LED warning system with a multi - step indicator on the bar end.
11. This issue led to an interesting sidelight at the meeting.
12. The article about the theatre gave us a few sidelights on the character of its owner.
13. In the end we compromised, Singh apologised and I agreed to pay for repairs to his sidelight.
14. Through the frosted window blazed the cold light of winter morning; sidelight, the most harsh.
15. The article about the theatre give us a few sidelight on the character of its owner.
16. I think you will all like to get a little sidelight on English education.
1. What he said threw/cast an interesting sidelight on what had happened.




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