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单词 Outcropping
1. They are steep and treacherous with outcropping rock.
2. Outcropping on the surface, the lodes were relatively easy to find and trace.
3. The thrust plane is on strike with the outcropping Mendip folds which are overthrust to the north.
4. Another of the outcropping, another of a gallows fixed to the outcropping.
5. Josh runs up an incline to a rocky outcropping.
6. A lone rock outcropping juts through frozen Pasagshak Bay off Alaska's Kodiak Island.
7. Granulite facies pelitic gneiss and mafic granulite outcropping in the Larsemann Hills, East Antarctica,() underwent a complicated deformational metamorphic history.
8. It possessed every outcropping of rock, every curve of dune on a barren and gelid shore.
9. Strong volcanic activities, and diversified and extensively - outcropping volcanics appear in Xinjiang.
10. This recording was taken on weathered outcropping limestone with a relatively short AB ( 40 m ).
11. Tom loped forward, found an outcropping of rock, and took cover under it, waiting for them to catch up.
12. A mountain lion swaggers across an outcropping in Arizona's Monument Valley. Unlike most other desert animals, mountain lions are active during the daytime.
13. The Devil's Den is a rocky outcropping of boulders and shrubs that was the site of one of the clashes of the second day of the battle.
14. On an arid outcropping of basalt in northwestern Australia, some of the oldest rocks on Earth lie exposed to the fierce sun.
15. All production came from outcropping ore with little exploration to develop additional reserves.
16. The cons press their bodies against a rock outcropping as the helicopter races over them.
17. I-type granites, aplites and pegmatites outcropping in Mesozoic metamorphic belt of the southeastern coast of Fujian Province contain commonly magmatic garnets and primary muscovites .
18. Substantial supplies had to wait on the mining of reefs first found as late as 1880 outcropping on the Tawmaw plateau.
19. Must we really clamber up every alluvial fan, map every desert canyon, and slap a name on every dry lake and rocky outcropping?
20. Geologist Dhanajay Mohabey of the Indian Geological Survey first unearthed the fossil 26 years ago in a rocky, limestone outcropping in the northwestern Indian village of Dholi Dungri.
21. Photo Gallery: Desert Wildlife A mountain lion swaggers across an outcropping in Arizona's Monument Valley.
22. Buried hills of high density crystalline rock appear as positive anomalies and even outcropping conglomerates will show higher values than surrounding claystones and marls .
23. The Huanglong, Chuanshan formation of Upper Carboniferous and the Qixia, Dingjiashan formation of Lower Permian, outcropping in Tonglu-Lengwu, have a total thickness of 932.3 meters.
24. The field investigation show that the stratum lie upon Neogene system Basalt and the outcropping is altitude of 50-100m.
25. After the fifth time of being hauled into thecold waters, the puppy eventually sought shelter on a rock outcropping.
26. Geologist Dhanajay Mohabey of the Indian Geological Survey first unearthed the fossil 26 years ago in a limestone outcropping in the northwestern Indian village of Dholi Dungri.




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