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单词 Yuan dynasty
1 Yuan Dynasty was the fastigium of its usage.
2 Does Yuan dynasty establish the administering authority ran Islam?
3 Khubilai Khan established the Yuan dynasty in Central Plains.
4 Yuan dynasty, Hou was born in Gansu significant Lintan.
5 Finally, we should also see that Yuan Dynasty regnant by Mongolia race had a differential culture condition and this influenced producing and receiving of The Romance of Western Side deeply.
6 When the Yuan Dynasty, there was a Jinghu Province, the capital.
7 Baogong Drama of the Yuan Dynasty plays the use of a large number of buffoonery, which makes Baogong drama in the comedy show the tragic characteristics.
8 In the Yuan dynasty, Jining Circuit, where Nestorian churches and believers had long existed, was an important region for Nestorians.
9 During the Yuan dynasty ( a. D .1280 - 1368 ) China was ruled by the Mongolian people.
10 The Yuan Dynasty established its capital in Dadu, now Beijing.
11 Dynasty and Yuan Dynasty was the first peak of Chinese traditional opera.
12 From Southern Song Dynasty onwards until the Yuan Dynasty, with the advocating of view of chasteness over time, the remarrying of women was regarded as a disgraceful behavior.
13 With the demise of the Yuan Dynasty, Suzhou became a gathering place for Chinese intellectuals.
14 The calligraphy of the Yuan Dynasty developed its own system.
15 Part 2: The reception of Xiaoshan Ci in Yuan Dynasty shows the secularize trend.
16 The northern Chinese rock paintings were created between the Neolithic age and the Yuan Dynasty ( 1279 - 1368 ).
17 The research of the dissertation focuses on QuanZhou city, it probes profoundly into the spreading of the Nestorianism in the Song and Yuan dynasty.
18 According to research, the two statues respect for the famous statue-Yuan Liu Yuan Dynasty faction handed down the works of art treasures is the Mount Wudang clay sculpture.
19 The emperor advocated the expostulation about calamities and reanimate officeholders to point out the officials faults used for reference for the frequency of natural disasters in Yuan Dynasty.
20 The imperial examination institution system derive from Jin Dynasty and Yuan Dynasty.
21 Bluish white glazed carving of Water-Moon Avalokiteshvara, Jingdezheng ware, Yuan Dynasty, excavatated from the West End of Dingfu Street, Xicheng District of Beijing, 3rd floor.
22 The researches on A Dream of Red Mansions in Qing Dynasty had two topics:the literary tradition of "commandment and persuasion"that was prevalent from Yuan Dynasty and the personalism of Confucianism.
23 The Central Plains of Wu Dynasty, Liao Dynasty, Jin Dynasty and Yuan Dynasty were in the intermediate state from the limited materials.
24 The author is not Ligan of Song Dynasty, the conventionally accepted author of the book, but Ligan of Yuan Dynasty.
25 Its slopes and caves are covered with 330 stone carvings from the Five Dynasties period, the Sung Dynasty, and the Yuan Dynasty (907-1368).
26 As far as the research on Jin Dynasty's royal is concerned, in the strict sense it has begun as early as Yuan Dynasty.
27 Liu Chenweng is a famous scholar, poet , essayist andand Yuan Dynasty.
28 The San Qing Pavilion, which jut out from the steep cliff wall, were built in the Yuan Dynasty as part of a summer resort for the royal family.
29 The language interpenetration and influences between Han and Mongolia is the distinguished feature of social language in Yuan dynasty.
30 On this basis, the author concludes that there existed clear division between civil and criminal trials in the Yuan Dynasty and that there already emerged active legis...
31 Quanzhou is an important harbor city during Song and Yuan dynasty, research on its coastland and cullture heritage have an important meaning on its reconstruct.
32 When the people cut open the cakes and found the message, they set out on that appointed day to overthrow the Mongols, thus ending the Yuan dynasty.
33 At that time, China was RULED BY THE Yuan Dynasty Emperor , Kublai Khan.
34 The original firing conditions of the Yuan Dynasty Ru porcelain samples were stu - died by Mossbauer spectra.
35 The first part explains the common states and the characteristics of the Buddhism in Liao dynasty and Yuan dynasty.
36 Drama of the Yuan Dynasty, as a unique dramatic art,(Sentencedict) complex sources of material.
37 What splendid legacies were bequeathed to Beijing from the Yuan Dynasty?
38 As the story goes, the Han people of that time resented the Mongol rule of the Yuan Dynasty and revolutionaries, led by Chu Yuan-chang, plotted to usurp the throne.
39 These ideas give an impetus to the practical thinking on social affairs and meet the social demand in the Yuan dynasty.
40 The paper money invention has enormously facilitated the commodity exchange, reduced the transaction cost, promoted the circulation of commodities, and prevailed in Song and Yuan Dynasty.
41 The expostulation in Yuan Dynasty had no effect in dealing with calamities, instead, it became a tool of political hurdles.
42 By studying Sa Dula, the representative of minority poets, we can see the basic situation of minority poets'creation in Yuan Dynasty.
43 The Ode's theory of Ming Dynasty, which inherits Zhu Yao's theory of Yuan Dynasty, displays the alternative argument between the classicist school and the anti-classicist school.
44 Jiashan county has the Yuan dynasty painter Wu Zhen Weitang house plum Hermitage.
45 The complex pattern of population existed south of the Yangtze River during the Yuan Dynasty.
46 Snow in the summer is a famous Zajufrom the Yuan Dynasty.
47 Painting in the Yuan Dynasty Royal million Zongyao reach a climax.
48 When the men cut open the cakes or search the message, we set away on which appointed day to overthrow the Mongols, but ending the Yuan dynasty.
49 Jiangxi Ci-Poetry Community is one of most famous Ci-Poetry Communities between the beginning of Yuan Dynasty and the ending of Song Dynast.
50 The geneses emperor of Yuan Dynasty, he is also the fifth generation Mongolia big sweat.
51 In addition, the great calligrapher Zhao Meng Yuan Dynasty four - cursive Shibei for rare domestic steles.
52 And Guan Hanqing, Zheng Guangzu , White Park, said all four Yuan Dynasty.
53 Second, taking Uighur areas as the center, presents situations of posts construction in Chagatai Khanate in Yuan Dynasty, considering the succession of the posts traffic.
54 In the end, the traditional belief of Pure Land of White Lotus in Yuan Dynasty coexisted with the belief of Chinese folk belief of preceptor Hop-pocket (Budai) then and there.
55 Therefore, as in the novel, the book falsely, apparently by the Yuan Dynasty, the highest in the affairs of the executive secretariat in the impact area.
56 The Yuan Dynasty painters later developed landscape painting from this basis.




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