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单词 Methodological
1. Chapter 2 concerns itself with the methodological difficulties.
2. There are a few methodological issues we need to discuss.
3. It inevitably makes compromises with this methodological ideal.
4. First, there are the methodological and conceptual criticisms.
5. Methodological difficulties have, however, blunted the phenomenological critique.
5. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
6. The authors recognise the many methodological problems in studying disabilities that may result from hearing impairment.
7. Methodological approaches in social science emerge, develop and, sometimes, fade away.
8. Methodological problems in psychobiology are not going to go away.
9. The project will also examine the methodological problems associated with using institutional records as sources for wage and price data.
10. Questions of theoretical base or methodological perspective have often been subsumed by or channelled into the construction of acceptable written examinations.
11. Methodological orthodoxy seems to be the price many feminist psychologists pay to be considered psychologists.
12. The arguments advanced by methodological individualists do not necessarily escape these problems.
13. This issue raises a whole series of complex methodological questions that are examined in some detail in P.A. Consultants' 1987 review.
14. There have been serious methodological limitations to much of the research implicating personality factors in anorexia nervosa.
15. The research also uses other methodological approaches including participant observation.
16. Accordingly, some theoretical and methodological grounding for this transformation needs to be provided.
17. This showed some of the methodological problems surrounding such tables and how such difficulties could be reduced in future.
18. It's a science in that it can be measured by results and is subject to methodological analysis.
19. This attempt is being fully charted with a view to furthering the methodological debate which surrounds this aspect of data production and analysis.
20. Certainly, more modern uses of the survey method have disregarded some of the rather naive methodological assumptions of the early surveys.
21. There is a strong interest in qualitative research, although a variety of other methodological approaches are utilised.
22. Many attempts to evaluate its effectiveness have shown little or no benefit, possibly due to methodological problems.
23. It also lets feminist psychologists have and eat their methodological cake.
24. Despite extensive research, the exact prevalence of hyperlipidaemia has not been determined due to methodological differences.
25. Attempts to measure interaction level are usually based on self-report studies, which do have methodological problems.
26. Thus Realism was strongly attacked by the Behaviouralists, but almost exclusively on methodological grounds.
27. One of the letters seems to support our conclusion, whereas the two others focus on possible methodological difficulties.
28. This problem is likely to be encountered often by decision makers wishing to assess the methodological quality of published studies.
29. This will also serve to highlight aspects of the choice of methodological framework.
30. It is, however, useful first to provide a general methodological and epistemological critique of Marxist theories in general.
1. It's a science in that it can be measured by results and is subject to methodological analysis.
31. The proliferation of personal computers in the last decade has often, embarrassingly, gone with an actual diminution in methodological sophistication.
32. Conventional psychology's principal methodological demand is for the kind of objectivity promised by the laboratory experiment.
33. These are: data library services, data base management, software development, methodological research, and research training.
34. The theoretical and methodological developments to pain evaluation by both health professionals and patients will be applied in a hospital Pain Clinic.
35. But this apparent methodological superiority does not necessarily spring from any intrinsic properties of the stratificational model.
36. An interesting methodological and theoretical problem is posed by these contradictions.
37. This contradictory fidelity to and departure from methodological rigour undermines the already dubious self-sufficiency of discourses of psychology as a science.
38. But in this instance, comrade Preobrazhensky has completely forgotten about this fundamental methodological demand of Marxism.
39. Most data are derived from cross-sectional studies, with their inherent methodological limitations.
40. It reveals shortcomings in research questions, methodological approach and interpretations of findings.
41. It is concerned with understanding the world and has a set of distinctive methodological devices for engaging in that process.
42. A number of methodological criticisms have been made of these studies which cast serious doubt on the validity of their findings.
43. One methodological point of considerable importance in pilot work concerns transcription.
44. Given his admiration for the scientific achievements of Galileo and Harvey,() it is no surprise that Hobbes shares their methodological ideas.
45. We begin with a brief discussion of the methodological issues underlying these two modes of analysis.
46. The field got rid of methodological self-criticism.
47. There are no definite, specific, methodological prescriptions.
48. Well I have called this methodological instrumentalism.
49. The black head on nose has effective methodological purify.
50. It is also a timely recognition of methodological pluralism.
51. These studies are fraught with methodological problems.
52. This is an important methodological aspect of Waldorf education.
53. Limitation: Methodological features and quality aried substantially and often were incompletely reported.
54. How does ultraviolet allergy do? Cure of methodological smelt metal is there?
55. The discussion was motivated by an aspiration to carry out methodological study.
56. A plethora of digital learning resources supports methodological diversity, which again is a pre-requisite for promoting individualisation of the learning process.
57. The pre-Kant's aesthetics was based on scientism which divided the world into two parts: subject and object. Entitism and psychologism were its methodological principles.
58. Some fundamental issues of methodological integration ( MI ) are studied orienting the science and technology innovation.
59. Merleau-Ponty has accepted the principle of differentiation in Saussure's linguistics but refused his methodological division between synchrony and diachrony between language and speech.
60. However some authors have protested that there are methodological, definitional , or content-oriented problems with extant therapeutic factor research.
61. We were unable to compare pain at the bone-graft donor site between the studies because of methodological reasons.
62. And this thesis probe into, from the design methodological perspective, exploring the relationship between modern domestic lifestyles and domestic appliance innovative design.
63. Qualitative and quantitative researches diverge from each other on methodological principle, procedure, data collection and analysis.
64. These last remarks indicate some of the methodological implications of this metaphysical problem.
65. Dynamic economy analyses methodological formation,() time is introduced economic analysis.
66. This paper is trying to do some theoretical and methodological analysis in order to propose reasonable advice for the success of files work.
67. Methodological Study and It's Application on Assessment of Quality of Life.
68. The methodological basis of his political philosophy are anti-induction, falsifiability principle, dynamic mould of knowledge increase and critical rationalism in Popper' s scientific philosophy .
69. What should show macroscopical economy is gigantic a picture scroll, painted scroll is the methodological system in system of national economic accounting.
70. Much of this research was also plagued by methodological problems theoretical ambiguities.
71. Second, related methodological issues and overview of data are covered.
72. The vitality of administrative system lies in opening and continuous innovation. To innovate has to follow the expediential policy with methodological significance.
73. The Methodological investigation on the measurement of thickness of downhole casing with ultrasonic pulse echo technique is carried out both in theory and in experiments.
74. The problem of positivism in pedagogy study lies in its technicalization and the anti- positivism of academy, and methodological inadequacy of its denial of value relationship.
75. The methodological system of "Three Three" mineral resource potential assessment in western China is also discussed in this paper.
76. The essence of Descartes'general doubt is not noumenon doubt but methodological one.
77. The article describes the methodological considerations reviewed in terms of Lexicon Grammar in connection with the structural linguistics in the age of computer.
78. In the methodological study, hirsutrin 3 and hyperin 4 were synthesized by phase transfer catalysis (PTC).
79. Therefore, the study of the voice partition involved in bel canto has its methodological significance.
80. The traditional monistic thinking which seeks for discrepancy and avoids similarity is the methodological crux of the queries about global ethics.
81. The methodological situation just sketched has a number of further aspects.
82. Objective To investigate the methodological comparison between the microcolumn gel test and the polybrene test for clinical cross-matching.
83. American social science found itself suddenly without an overarching theory and began its subsequent slide into its current methodological Balkanization.
84. From that standpoint, from that theoretical standpoint, comes a methodological approach which is, if they're all the same then you could study human learning by studying nonhuman animals.
85. Here, I combine a number of methodological approaches: iconography, style analysis, sociology and psychology.
86. There are two ideal systems named individualism and holism in dealing with the relationship between individual and society. Both of them indicate two forms, methodological and axiological .
87. China takes practicality seriously not quite, methodological stale, devoid originality, over homiletic .
88. The United Nations Statistical Commission, established in 1947, has created international methodological standards and guidelines in virtually every area of statistics.
89. Economics as a science needs methodological clarity more than it needs new econometrics.
90. Methodological thought is an important part of Zhong Jing - wen's academic thought.
91. Her mycological focus is ascomycete microfungi, and their taxonomic and methodological challenges.
92. This innovates even if thought and methodological innovation reach ideal change.
93. Based on the mortgaged assets of the theory and methods of appraisal research, it provides theoretical and methodological support to the value of mortgaged assets.
94. Both generative and functional grammars are built on the basis of traditional grammar, drawing on the methodological results of American descriptive linguistics.
95. Objective: Methodological evaluation of serum FMN reagent kit made in China.
96. Epistemological pragmatism and methodological pragmatism are in correspondence to, respectively, academic criticism and theory construction.
97. The thesis attempts to diagnose the advantages and disadvantages of the three tropisms of the research of teaching model conceptions: structural model, procedural model and methodological model.
98. More fundamentally, maybe the mirror test, a methodological remnant of a behaviorist legacy of animals as biological automata, reflects nothing more than a human inability to understand animals.
99. Finalize the design curl rub silk does overhead, use from the place that send a root again go against the methodological gangmaster hair that comb to catch chaos.




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