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单词 Coleridge
1. In his poems he showed some affinity with Coleridge.
2. As a child, Coleridge developed omnivorous reading habits.
3. Coleridge was far ahead of his time in his understanding of the unconscious.
4. Coleridge was to spend the next thirty years attacking rationalism.
5. Coleridge was in many ways far ahead of his time.
6. Coleridge is more preoccupied by his own terrifying visions.
7. Like Johnson, Coleridge was a great talker.
8. Coleridge had developed an apparently relaxed, but in fact extremely clever style of blank verse.
9. Only after Coleridge returned from Shrewsbury, freed at last from immediate financial worry, could vague hopes be transformed into clearer intentions.
10. When Coleridge reached Mickledore, he legged it down into Eskdale with all speed.
11. David Coleridge announced that he will resign as chairman of Lloyd's at the end of the year.
12. To Coleridge himself, however, his enforced departure from Ottery seemed like betrayal.
13. We can therefore discount his dyspeptic remarks about Coleridge being an apostate.
14. Coleridge uses his poetic creativity to achieve his end, questioning, exploring and explaining.
15. Coleridge insisted, to both the natural world and the human spirit.
16. Wordsworth, Coleridge and Dorothy have been too much revered by their admirers, and their common humanity played down.
17. Essentially, creativity, as Coleridge sees it, comes down to the ability to perceive the whole picture.
18. When Coleridge got on one and let his imagination run riot, he came up with Kubla Khan.
19. Anxious to pursue this issue to its roots, Coleridge plunges into six chapters of philosophical enquiry.
20. Coleridge is offered a glimpse of the power of what true creation is like.
21. Coleridge developed a passion for Sarah Hutchinson, her old schoolfriend.
22. The work of Coleridge, Keats, and Shelley coexisted with the misery described by Blake.
23. Coleridge insisted on the interdependence of economic issues and social, moral, and religious concerns.
24. Coleridge wrote Kubla Khan after hearing it in a sleep stimulated by the opiate laudanum.
25. So Coleridge had no scruples about challenging the doctrine of the Creation.
26. I haven't found out yet what they got up to in their opium den with Coleridge and de Quincey.
27. Wordsworth later made changes in the text - as in most of his early poems - mainly to please Coleridge.
28. Poole offered in return the benevolent strength and practicality which Coleridge was soon to value so greatly.
29. Wordsworth's achievement has also been devalued by attributing all his ideas to Coleridge.
30. Unitarianism, a tolerant and loosely-defined system of belief, had attracted Coleridge since his Cambridge years.
31. I mounted the wide stone stairs of this block with Coleridge back in my mind.
32. The little village of Grasemere has inspired many of our great artists and poets including Wordsworth, Coleridge and Ruskin.
33. Coleridge illustrates his points with reference and quotation which reveal how deeply and thoroughly Wordsworth's poems have permeated his thinking.
34. Appearance and character Many portraits of Wordsworth and Coleridge exist, though unfortunately Dorothy was only painted in her dotage.
35. George was generous and conciliatory to an extent that Coleridge can hardly have expected.
36. Coleridge praises Cowper and Bowles for effecting a reconciliation between heart and head, and combining natural thoughts with natural diction.
37. Coleridge in such cajoling and overwrought spirits was not to be thwarted, and Poole sensibly gave up all further resistance.
38. Mr Coleridge inherits a market that has made some sensible moves to improve its competitive edge.
39. Coleridge was now frequently ill with complaints which, though genuine enough, must surely have been complicated by psychosomatic factors.
40. Coleridge wrote the line 'My cradled infant slumbers peacefully' after the death of his son.
41. Coleridge contributed the famous Rime of the Ancient Mariner.
42. Coleridge was also a highly unstable person.
43. The Lake DistrictLake poets William Wordsworth, Taylor Coleridge and Robert Southey of the 19 th century.
44. Coleridge exerted his unique influence on the trend of English liberalhumanistic social and cultural criticism.
45. Coleridge - a huge pendulum attached to a small clock.
46. Wordsworth and Coleridge were representatives of the "Lake Poets" in the 19th century. Their theories on poetry are important in the history of Romantic Literature.
47. Had the government deprived Coleridge of opium, he might have been happier.
48. There is a famous story about British poet Samuel Taylor Coleridge. He was writing a poem when he was interrupted by a knock at the door.
49. This paper discusses the composition of the poem Kubla Khan by the English poet Coleridge, its revision and its meaning, especially its ideology.
50. Term loosely applied to three English poets, Robert Southey, Samuel Taylor Coleridge, and William Wordsworth (and sometimes Thomas De Quincey), who lived in the Lake District of England.
51. Imagination, defined by Coleridge , is the vital faculty that creates new wholes out of disparate elements.
52. Reports on Keats, selected poems and letters; Coleridge, essays on Shakespeare.
53. This thought is derived from Richards , Coleridge, Schelling and Kant in turn.
54. The Lake poets in England are Coleridge, Words-worth and Southey who lived in the Lake district.
55. No family duties or professional tasks distracted them. Dorothy could ramble all day on the hills and sit up talking to Coleridge all night without being scolded by her aunt for unwomanly behaviour.
56. Lake District was the home of the Lake Poets William Wordsworth, Samuel Taylor, Coleridge and Robert Southey of 19th century Britain.
56. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
57. Poetic metaphysics, which is constructed by Coleridge, finishes poetic trend of philosophy.
58. A writer asked to discuss his craft ought just to jump up and declaim, de haut en bas, the names of Flaubert, Tolstoy, Blake, Coleridge, Proust, James.
59. I recently retraced on foot a famous journey that William Hazlitt made from Shropshire to Somerset to visit Wordsworth and Coleridge.
60. But it will be seen that Coleridge has got it all wrong.
61. A poem called Frost at Midnight, by Samuel Taylor Coleridge, was on my mind.
62. Philosophically and critically , Coleridge opposed the limitedly rationalistic trends of the the 18 th - century thought.
63. The English Lake District is classic ground for students of Wordsworth and Coleridge.
64. Second, on the influence of faithism and traditionalism , Coleridge explains "reason" again. Reason builds on God, and sees the supernatural world with miraculous creative power and comprehension.
65. Samuel Taylor Coleridge is regarded as one of the great English Romantic poets.




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