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单词 Self-examination
1) Breast self-examination is invaluable for detecting cancer in its very early stages.
2) Regular self-examination of your breasts is important.
3) The problem is that skipping the self-examination is something like finding yourself in a maze with a blindfold on.
4) Some achieved increased personal awareness through self-examination; others felt their values to be under attack.
5) After a long period of self-examination las Casas committed himself to acting as an advocate for the enslaved natives.
6) Out of that self-examination,(http:///self-examination.html) other actions in their lives may follow.
7) This proliferating self-examination, however, has often been seen as an unlikeable, irresponsible tendency in contemporary literature.
8) It set off a wave of self-examination across the country.
9) So, how women could self-examination endometritis?
10) That is exactly the Senecan style of self-examination.
11) Without God, he turned to self-examination.
12) So how does one conduct a breast self-examination?
13) One of these precepts particularly invites to self-examination and moderation: "Know thyself.
14) That is, we avoid the kind of self-examination and purposeful imagining needed to pinpoint the things we want most out of life –and so we can never really chase after them.
15) Self-examination is the mother of progress. Self-humiliation is the source of degradation.
16) With the self-examination function, the system could carry out calibration by applying the self-produced standard data resource.
17) 'An emotional divorce requires thoughtful self-examination and the recognition that it almost always takes two people for a marriage to fail, ' he says.
18) The events in Los Angeles have sparked a new national self-examination.
19) As a result of that intense period of creative self-examination all the symphonies as they are played today date from after 1945.
20) The proliferation of media studies centers at leading universities can play an increasingly important role in fostering critical self-examination of the media.
21) Standing at windows was his favourite situation for brooding, self-examination, consoling or condemning himself ... wondering what to do next.
22) Crisis in this context describes a period of intensive self-examination in which one's beliefs and values are re-examined.
23) But do not get into the habit of morbid self-examination.
24) Still, these lumps may need to be removed, hence the importance of breast self-examination.
25) But a decision to try for these emoluments rather than for the assured fruits of defensive investment should not be made without much self-examination.
26) For many, the financial crisis is serving as a catalyst for self-examination.
27) In addition, to shock, anger and grief there's also self-examination (sometimes extreme self-examination).
28) "Many times it's easy for the housewife to think that she has no marketable skills, but this is typically a combination of low self-esteem and a lack of self-examination," says Dr. Potter.
29) But before you rush out to trade in that tired old job for something new and invigorating, there's a lot of planning and self-examination that needs doing.
30) The whole paper consists of four parts, which conduct research into the connotation, the academic and practical value as well as the ingathering and self-examination of "New Chinese teaching".
1) The events in Los Angeles have sparked a new national self-examination.
31) Seeking the aim of "persevere in, new aims, self-examination and prospect", crew of Guanyu will grope for innovation perseveringly!
32) Practice regular breast self-examination and get annual or semiannual clinical breast exams (depending on your doctor's recommendation).
33) First of all I have to self-examination, regardless of whether you are my self-appointed, or everyone, whether you default.
34) At least one example of self-examination, proposed by John Chrysostom, was exactly the same form and the same administrative character as that described by Seneca in De Ira.
35) Required to carry out self-examination and cleaning of the video game entertainment, the Ministry of Culture of the non-access model and modified electronic games, all the removal.
36) This is one good reason women should have check ups or at least perform breast self-examination.
37) Details of which can be seen in several aspects, such as in its structure of love knots, expressions of womenfolk male-absence structure, self-examination and sexuality of womenfolk, etc.
38) Once you've picked a company that seems right for you, you have to make sure you're right for it. This is a time for some more self-examination.




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