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单词 Far left
1. She is on the far left of the party.
2. Who is that on the far left of the photograph?
3. I wrote the date at the far left of the blackboard.
4. Far left is Andrea Holmes, world synchronised trampoline champion.
5. The far left is also being blamed for taking advantage of grievances.
6. Inset Far Left: A member of a modern piling gang inserts a steel pile to strengthen the canal bank.
7. Far left: Patricia uses a pot of sugar-pink azaleas to complement the garden's perennial forget-me-nots.
8. Pearce concludes: the truth is that the far left is no longer that important.
9. The far left says they penalise children from minority groups.
10. Far left: The Butterfish is literally a slippery customer and very hard to catch.
11. The array to the far left mimics the lead isotopic compositions at 130Myr.
12. Off to the far left of her, jutting from the water, revealed by the ebb of the tide.
13. The top of the hierarchy is at the far left.
14. He belongs to the far left.
15. Voters have not flocked to the far left or the populist right.
16. Carrier Strike Group 11 ships and aircraft lead by the USS Nimitz (far left) operate in formation in the South China Sea.
17. Veteran guide John Robens (at far left) leads a soggy team through a moss-covered passage in Claustral Canyon, a few hours' hike from their exit point.
18. The surface on the far left shows ulceration and hemorrhage.
19. The second consequence is that ambitious left-of-centre politicians no longer need to genuflect to the far left to advance their career.
20. The libertarian view A third view of the revolution has been developed by writers on the far Left of the political spectrum.
21. He unplugged the cables, shoved all the levers over to the far left, and rewound the tape.
22. It could also draw in apolitical idealists alienated by both the extremism of the far left and the abrasiveness of the Thatcherites.
23. Little Women and Anne of Green Gables represented the far left of my reading.
24. Three other RBC's in this smear are also infected with a ring trophozoite. At the far left is a gametocyte of this species.
25. This is dystrophic calcification in the wall of the stomach. At the far left is an artery with calcification in its wall. There are also irregular bluish-purple deposits of calcium in the submucosa.
26. Start at the outside and work your way in. Your salad fork will be on the far left, your entree fork will be next to it.
27. Just such a secondary rainbow is visible of the far left.
28. Solution Explorer toward the middle of the IDE, move the pointer over the far left arrow of the guide diamond, and then release the mouse button.
29. Members of the Batak Toba community pray as one of their barefooted members (at far left) enters a mystical state during a Batu Hobon ceremony in Limbong, on the island of Sumatra.
30. The most unique and opulent inhabitant is the star Eta Carinae at far left.
31. The time delay fuse is at the far left; square stars are in the left compartments; and the bursting charge extends through from the fuse to the black lift powder at right.
32. You can also remove the far left cable at this point.
33. The May 4 sample (far left), collected by the Dauphin Island Sea Lab, Ala.
34. He then went on to attack the rest of the press for "rhapsodic" coverage of Obama and described the New York Times as "as far left as you can get".
35. Training for the Meuse crossings: a unit of the 7th Panzer Division at the Moselle in early 1940. Erwin Rommel, the division's commander, is in the peaked cap on the far left.
36. Put another way, matching starts at the far left of the index key and proceeds rightward.
37. Mount St. Helens, flanked by Mount Adams (far left) and Mount Hood, is settling fitfully back into the volcanic landscape.




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