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单词 Proceed from
1. Many diseases proceed from negligence of hygiene.
2. Wrong opinions often proceed from lack of information.
3. How we proceed from here is a matter for debate.
4. Miserable sobs were heard to proceed from the next room.
5. Mistakes proceed from inadvertence.
6. They were to proceed from here on foot.
7. If we proceed from prudential to moral imperatives, will the conditions of the choice be fundamentally changed?
8. We proceed from A to B via a rather startling reductio ad absurdum.
9. As the cells proceed from the stem cell to the various mature blood cell types they divide many times.
10. These proceed from imagination and affection, and abate somewhat of the angular distinctness of objects.
11. Proceed from the prescript of practical reason, it demand that this reason should realize itself.
12. This article proceed from information game, to analyse the information flow in enterprise and the incentive relation between trustor and agent.
13. Proceed from vision of NPM, and from the point of reference and reflexion, the article analyses the NPM s impact on administrative system reform of our country .
14. Mk. 7:23 All these wicked things proceed from within and defile the man.
15. Proceed from different heat coefficient of expansion of two different metals for thermal bimetals with dish shape, the calculation modul was given.
16. In short, land tax information construction should proceed from reality, guided by the principle of diversification.
17. His lectures always proceed from the close to the distant and from the elementary to the profound.
18. He represents all the people that proceed from glory to decline and symbolizes all the heroes that tragically sink into obscurity, thus embodying much of the soul in him.
19. Proceed from above-mentioned concepts, if considering CLV in terms of cost, a part of the customer recommendation value should be written into the reference's value directly.
20. As in Nalchik, events proceed from a murky but combustible mix: separatism, grudges, vendettas, territorial disputes, a history of war and mass deportation, and growing Islamic extremism.
21. The errors. of youth often proceed from the want of discernment.
22. Teleological observations on things often proceed from a well-meant wish to display the wisdom of God as it is especially revealed in nature.
22. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
23. Veblen long ago gave us proceed from a theoretical explanation for the term of this dilemma.
24. I am pretty sure that these noises do not proceed from incipient compression failures.
25. Horizontal thinking One flaw in the techniques of vertical thinking is that they proceed from the known into the unknown.
26. This expresses nothing more than the notion that the decision should proceed from the proofs and arguments advanced by the parties.
27. This most beautiful system of the sun, planets and comets, could only proceed from the counsel and dominion of an intelligent and powerful Being. Isaac Newton 
28. The key factor of exploration cost down or up depends on exploration effectiveness high or low. Therefore, to reduce exploration cost has had to proceed from enhancing exploration effectiveness.
29. In short, in formulating a policy, we have to proceed from realities.
1. Wrong opinions often proceed from lack of information.




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