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单词 Machinery
1. They wrote off 500 for depreciation of machinery.
2. Farmers bartered rice for machinery.
3. New machinery has enhanced the company's productivity and competitiveness.
4. Mineral oils are used to lubricate machinery.
5. The machinery is driven by electricity.
6. The company hires out machinery by the day.
7. Machinery is one of our import.
8. The use of heavy machinery has damaged the site.
9. The truck conveyed machinery across the country.
10. A factory contains much machinery.
11. It is manufactured by machinery.
12. Another 1,000 workers were laid off when the machinery plant was in difficulties.
13. A spark from the machinery had set fire to some material.
14. He stayed the work and had the machinery removed.
15. The old machinery was still going strong.
16. They set the machinery in motion.
17. The group can't get credit to buy farming machinery.
18. They phrase in new machinery for increased automation.
19. The contract clearly specifies who can operate the machinery.
20. I've always been hopeless with machinery.
21. Wind power is used to drive the machinery.
22. The local people bartered wheat for farm machinery.
23. The mill's machinery is powered by waterwheels.
24. The factory's machinery pounded away day and night.
25. He has always liked working with machinery.
25. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
26. There was a whirring of machinery.
27. Much new machinery has been installed.
28. Consumption of alcohol impairs your ability to drive a car or operate machinery.
29. He was a bit anxious about the safety of the machinery.
30. The court is ineffective because it lacks the necessary enforcement machinery.
1. They wrote off 500 for depreciation of machinery.
2. Farmers bartered rice for machinery.
3. New machinery has enhanced the company's productivity and competitiveness.
4. Mineral oils are used to lubricate machinery.
5. The machinery is driven by electricity.
6. The company hires out machinery by the day.
7. Machinery is one of our import.
8. The use of heavy machinery has damaged the site.
9. The truck conveyed machinery across the country.
10. A factory contains much machinery.
11. It is manufactured by machinery.
12. Consumption of alcohol impairs your ability to drive a car or operate machinery.
13. He was a bit anxious about the safety of the machinery.
14. Another 1,000 workers were laid off when the machinery plant was in difficulties.
15. A spark from the machinery had set fire to some material.
16. The court is ineffective because it lacks the necessary enforcement machinery.
17. He stayed the work and had the machinery removed.
18. We need to discuss ways of improving the machinery of government.
19. Has the machinery been put up ready for the broadcast?
31. The machinery is regulated to a safe running speed.
32. Office machinery is kept to a minimum.
33. No one must operate the machinery without proper training.
34. There is no machinery for resolving disputes.
35. There was very little outlay on new machinery.
36. What skills are needed to operate this machinery?
37. The company has no effective machinery for resolving disputes.
38. We have no machinery for dealing with complaints.
39. The mill machinery is still intact.
40. They bartered farm products for machinery.
41. Machinery was often unprotected and accidents were frequent.
42. The bumblebee has developed complex machinery for collecting pollen.
43. The machinery of democracy could be created quickly.
44. Machinery is operated by electricity.
45. The constant whine of the machinery jangled his nerves.
46. The machinery is easy to operate.
47. The machinery is housed in a special building.
48. The noise of the machinery made her voice inaudible.
49. The problem was how to move the heavy machinery.
50. It has been rather costly to install the machinery, but it should pay off in the long run.
51. They invested in new machinery and equipment, but even then the business was still losing money.
52. We need to discuss ways of improving the machinery of government.
53. The tunnel was dug with the aid of heavy machinery.
54. On the customs declaration, the sender labeled the freight as agricultural machinery.
55. Be careful not to get anything caught in the machinery.
55. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
56. Their equipment was not as efficient at finding gold as today's machinery.
57. The bar fell into the machinery and sheared a connecting - rod.
58. They are faced with the task of dismantling the state machinery in order to create more democratic structures.
59. The value of the machinery is amortized over its estimated useful life.
60. A company's assets can consist of cash, investments, buildings, machinery, specialist knowledge or copyright material such as music or computer software.
61. He made a profit last year ,but ploughed it back so that he could buy more machinery.
62. I'm hopeless with machinery.
63. One needs to be a first-class driver to get the best out of that sort of machinery.
64. We could achieve major economies in time with this new machinery.
65. Every few minutes the motor cut out as the machinery became jammed.
66. The machinery company was a front operation for arms smuggling.
67. He had interfaced all this machinery with a master computer.
68. The machinery in the factory consists of several different kinds of machines.
69. The machinery alone will cost something like thirty thousand pounds.
70. Do you know how to run this sort of machinery?
71. His hand was injured when he got it caught in the machinery.
72. He knows he has considerable support for his plans to tighten his grip on the machinery of central government.
73. Ensure that the grille is in place while the machinery is in operation.
74. We have to admire his ingenuity in redesigning the machinery.
75. This factory has phased in new machinery for increased automation.
76. All this will be processed by the Home Office machinery.
77. You've got 6 G's worth of machinery here - you should get it insured.
78. Has the machinery been put up ready for the broadcast?
79. Company profits took a tumble last year, a spokesperson said(), because of investment in new machinery.
80. Nuts and bolts are used to hold pieces of machinery together.
81. He had a curse when it came to machinery.
82. The factory has installed advanced machinery at enormous cost.
83. Agricultural machinery, can you beat that?
84. Machinery was switched on and chattering away to itself.
85. Not surprisingly machinery manufacturers aim for commonality of parts.
86. The current machinery broadly follows the framework of collective bargaining laid down in the 1980 Workers' Statute.
87. The ghost, however, paid no heed(/machinery.html), walked through the machinery and disappeared through a wall.
88. Below, people were running for cover as bits of machinery rained down.
89. The logic of this argument is that our constitutional theory and machinery must be reformed.
90. In the 1980s mechanical hearts were attached by wires and tubes to machinery outside the body.
91. Although the visitor's position is anomalous, it provides a valuable machinery for resolving internal disputes which should not be lost.
92. The machinery sounds about you reach a steady cruising speed.
93. Twenty company divisions for electrical machinery, computers, communications, measuring instruments and systems engineering all cooperate in robotics work.
94. He was becoming part of the machinery of the piece.
95. Much of the original wooden machinery is intact - it was used to drive two pairs of millstones for grinding corn.
96. Flickering beams of dim light came with it, caressing the machinery which shielded their source from direct view.
97. However, boat builders were reluctant to install such novel machinery.
98. How can I when I know that even this body is a most delicate piece of machinery?
99. Undesirable removal of lubricants may occur in machinery and hazards may arise in the use of steam lances.
100. On the whole the professional diplomatists ran this machinery themselves.
101. So Potrykus used genetic manipulation to insert genes from the daffodil that encode the biological machinery for production of beta carotene.
102. This is a wonderful piece of ancient machinery of indeterminate age, and consists of a crank-driven triple piston pump.
103. It arises from a failure of the machinery that controls cell division.
104. The federal government obligingly constructed logging roads into the wildernesses at public expense to accommodate the trucks and men and machinery.
105. Down a wide aisle from the engine, at the south end of Machinery Hall(), was the Hydraulic Annex.
106. Thereafter, a formal machinery of collective bargaining was gradually set up.
107. It costs from £3800 from Teagle Machinery Evidence shows more deaths may result from the improper use of ATVs.
108. Printing in black tends to be the least expensive as it does not mean that the machinery needs cleaning of black ink.
109. He claimed he intended to keep the machinery until a dispute with its owner had been settled.
110. The machinery of the ancient Forest courts was found at this time to be cumbrous and ineffective.
111. This rough-and-ready reasoning is upside-down to the slow, thorough, in-control approach most industrial designers bring to complex machinery.
112. The Inland Revenue originally wanted the machinery ring to be responsible for tax deductions for such workers.
113. Antiquated equipment, badly designed ballot papers and inefficient vote-counting machinery contributed to the confusion.
114. He's launched a scheme which gives these farmers access to modern farm machinery and he teaches them how to use it.
115. Your Toyota is a sophisticated piece of machinery; to fit non-genuine parts is to compromise its design integrity.
116. The builders marshalled their machinery,(/machinery.html) but it was l970 before the Upper School was genuinely open.
117. They supplied machinery to Pilkington's of St Helens, where Deacon moved after completing his apprenticeship in the early 1840s.
118. The machinery gave more than the usual trouble; shafting and belting wore out prematurely.
119. Use of the drug is not considered advisable when driving or using machinery.
120. Plant and machinery: The plant and machinery owned by the business can be broadly classified into three types as follows.
121. By this date the recording machinery was kept behind curtains or screens.
122. They are vital for cleaning machinery tubes and spouts from vending machines and milk shake dispensers to full blown process machinery.
123. Instead, each planet had its own peculiar machinery which was related to but not integrally connected to a universal system.
124. The whole office seemed to be buzzing with the sound of machinery.
125. Where it had claimed a victory, the same crew of specialists dissected the results and fed them into the machinery.
126. The second is the collective tractor and machinery sale organised on a regular basis by specialist auctioneers.
127. Look across the field and you can appreciate why space for storing vintage agricultural machinery on the farm has finally run out.
128. It is more than doubtful whether we have seen the fullest possible development of machinery for joint consultation in particular industries.
129. What I object to is the craze for machinery, not machinery as such.
130. According to the 1956 agreement on the machinery, industrial action should only be contemplated when all the relevant stages have been exhausted.
131. The ramshackle Whitley Council negotiating machinery is the other reason why the ambulance workers have lost out.
132. Standing in the fields were pieces of farm machinery that had long since fallen into disrepair.
133. In the mills additional factors have been rationalisation and the use of more modern machinery.
134. Her machinery and her accommodations for equipage and her fifty-eight-man crew were below the waterline.
135. He has a co-operative bank manager and managed to buy second hand machinery.
136. They closed a few plants and decided to use the idle machinery to make plastic chips for cigarette filters.
137. This allows the landowner to realise cash by selling machinery and cuts the working capital requirement without having to profit share.
138. His later published account describes bad food, hard work over a fourteen-hour day, beatings and injury from unguarded machinery.
139. Retail developments will not qualify for industrial buildings allowances. Capital allowances on plant and machinery.
140. But some decidedly dated machinery recently became the talk of the site.
141. The large coiled springs and unfamiliar machinery tempt one to try to commandeer the thing and ride it into another era.
142. Unconventional Cylinders Many inventors attempted to buck the system by making alterations to existing machinery.
143. He designed and made wooden copies of machinery parts to be cast in iron and steel in sand molds.
144. Plate steel is used in the construction and machinery markets.
145. I saw them passing enormous sheets of colored paper and cardboard through the sharp blade of humming, dangerous machinery.
145. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
146. A high-pitched moan of machinery and the sound of rushing air filled the structure, loud enough to make conversation difficult.
147. In an adjoining spinning mill there is a fine collection of early spinning machinery and power looms.
148. The largest industrial concerns were electronics, computer assembly, artificial fertilizers, machinery, metalworking and textiles.
149. Water cooling eliminates the problem in mainframe computers, but smaller machinery must find an alternative.
150. In schoolboy moto-cross, there are six different classes, all different ages and all on different sized machinery.
151. Similarly management would be expected to exhaust the machinery before attempting to implement changes without agreement with the unions.
152. The songs of Whitman were drowned out in the drone of the new producing. consuming machinery.
153. Second-hand machinery was scattered around the yard with new parts and modifications arriving daily.
154. In Brixton consultative machinery involving the police and community leaders had ceased to function.
155. All four admitted a second charge of conspiracy to handle stolen motor vehicles, industrial plant and machinery.
156. In 1827 he married his cousin Mary, daughter of Robert Harrild, manufacturer of printing machinery.
157. There was thus no need for the statutory machinery for appeals against assessments to be used.
158. Much to the consternation of the operators, Humphrey's shabby figure would appear and then disappear into high-speed machinery.
159. Mr Rollins loved it immediately, cobbled yard, rusty milling machinery and all.
160. He pressed a button and somewhere high above machinery clunked into life.
161. Countries that have developed a taste for gas-guzzling machinery are certain to find it difficult to turn back to animal power.
162. They created machinery to avoid extending them to those whose ascertainable record showed them to be untrustworthy and likely to default.
163. None the less, the ponderous inspection machinery clanked into action.
164. The second category is the national stoppage resulting from the breakdown of negotiations and the exhaustion of the bargaining machinery.
165. Stocks and bonds finance tangible assets such as factories and machinery.
165. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
166. Beneath the stage a stray ginger cat climbs on huge pieces of outdated production machinery from before the second world war.
167. It seems certain that there is still a place for working elephants in mountainous regions where machinery can not easily operate.
168. The importance of livestock on the farms surveyed led to many farmers being less confident in machinery work.
169. In two other respects certain Institutes developed important machinery for curriculum planning.
170. The use of machinery has superseded manual labour.
171. Ralph is equally astute in machinery and crop management.
172. Starting December 29, the newly revised Machinery Directive effect.
173. Apply engineering machinery, colliery machinery, petroleum industry, traffic, input water, trade of welding etc. extensively.
174. An elevator mechanic can work the machinery directly by turning this lever.
175. Money will be directed primarily towards the maintenance and rehabilitation of schools, clinics and machinery.
176. Finally, it indicated that the green colliery machinery will become the mainstream of colliery machinery.
177. The necessary conditions were lacking in antiquity for a development and utilization of machinery.
178. Widely used in machinery, instruments, vehicles, motorcycles, aviation, aerospace and other fields.




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