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单词 Upbringing
1. Mine was a conventional family upbringing.
2. The children had had a harsh upbringing.
3. Martin's upbringing shaped his whole life.
4. He had a normal middle - class upbringing.
5. I wonder what it was about her upbringing that made her so insecure.
6. His dissolute life is inconsistent with his puritan upbringing.
7. We are inescapably conditioned by our upbringing.
8. He finally rebelled against his strict upbringing.
9. He rebelled against his puritanical upbringing.
9. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
10. Mike had had a strict upbringing.
11. My upbringing prepared me for anything.
12. We have all been conditioned by our upbringing.
13. He reacted strongly against his religious upbringing.
14. He was a Catholic by upbringing.
15. They gave their children a strict Catholic upbringing.
16. His dissolute life is inconsistent with his Puritan upbringing.
17. His manners argue a good upbringing.
18. Her unselfish act reflects well on her upbringing.
19. Her country upbringing explains her love of nature.
20. He later rebelled against his strict religious upbringing.
21. She tried to cast off her upbringing.
22. She had a Christian upbringing.
23. Her political consciousness sprang from her upbringing when her father's illness left the family short of money.
24. Her French upbringing gives her certain advantages over other students in her class.
25. I thought that my upbringing was "normal", whatever that is.
26. Part of his upbringing had been not to question his elders.
27. This is to help her to come to terms with her early upbringing and make sense of past experiences.
28. Is it right to say all the crimes he committed were simply the result of his upbringing?
29. Her rebellious attitude is just a reaction against her strict upbringing.
30. Some of the Buddhists came from Sri Lanka, South-East Asia and East, while others were Westerners by birth and upbringing.
1. Mine was a conventional family upbringing.
2. The children had had a harsh upbringing.
3. Martin's upbringing shaped his whole life.
4. He had a normal middle - class upbringing.
5. I wonder what it was about her upbringing that made her so insecure.
6. His dissolute life is inconsistent with his Puritan upbringing.
7. A knowledge of her upbringing is basic to an understanding of her books.
8. After a very proper upbringing he chose to lead the Bohemian life of an artist.
31. Upbringing plays an important part in determining a person's character.
32. A knowledge of her upbringing is basic to an understanding of her books.
33. Her upbringing had given her the social skills to cope with such situations.
34. Sam's mother said her son had a good upbringing and schooling.
35. His attitude to sex is coloured by his strict upbringing.
36. After a very proper upbringing he chose to lead the Bohemian life of an artist.
37. All adults take corporate responsibility for the upbringing of the tribe's children.
38. His repression is caused by his stiff-necked, stifled upbringing.
39. Valentin has been discreet about his upbringing.
39. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
40. As an adult, she rejected her Catholic upbringing.
41. I put it down to his upbringing.
42. Their upbringing was pretty straight and traditional, conservative, politically.
43. His Southern Baptist upbringing was still too ingrained.
44. Our grandmother took charge of our religious upbringing.
45. He had a very permissive upbringing.
46. Living in a stately home is an art, acquired by upbringing.
47. Because of my very varied upbringing I have found that I have never been able to analyse the political effects of any discrimination.
48. She didn't like being reminded of her nice, safe, middle-class upbringing.
49. Her upbringing had not encouraged a romantic view of life.
50. He blamed his shyness and gauche manner on his upbringing, as the only child of elderly parents.
51. Davis' siblings appear less scarred by their loveless upbringing, according to prosecutors.
52. A countryman by upbringing, he was always deeply uneasy in towns and cities.
53. She had three children from her second marriage and immensely enjoyed their upbringing - dovetailing motherhood with a career working from home.
54. Reeves puts their humour down to their upbringing in Darlington and Middlesbrough respectively.
55. After an upbringing like his, dealing with an old autocrat like Balestre was, well, child's play.
56. Her privileged upbringing had not equipped her for hard work in the fields.
57. A truly good education is rooted in good family upbringing and parental love and guidance. Dr T.P.Chia 
58. And his win-at-all-costs upbringing in Texas politics left no room for sentimentality.
59. Gedge had a straight-forward upbringing, but one with a fair degree of discipline.
60. Nor are they conditioned by upbringing or tradition to protect wildlife.
61. Bearded, he dresses with a casual elegance that reflects a privileged upbringing.
62. Alix continued to attend such things, in unbroken allegiance to her upbringing.
63. The horse's genetic programming can be modified, however, by it s upbringing and experiences.
64. With her ready compassion and cheerful good humour, she had provided much that was lacking in Celia's circumscribed upbringing.
65. See how ashamed he is of his own father, how he rejects his own background and upbringing?
66. His formal education was a less significant factor in his upbringing than practical experience.
67. Alexander, who speaks six languages, had a very cosmopolitan upbringing.
68. Warren's conservative views seem inconsistent with his upbringing in a poor neighborhood.
69. This sort of upbringing informs your choices, if you can call them that.
70. He talked about his Kansas upbringing and touched on issues like judicial appointments, foreign policy, education reform and drug use.
71. She talks of her own upbringing in the Black Hills through gritted teeth.
72. Evangelicals and others in the mid-nineteenth century still placed the central responsibility for the upbringing of children upon the family.
73. Identical twins have the same genetic constitution and usually a similar upbringing.
74. And she had been pretty on that slab, all the influences of birth and upbringing cancelled out.
75. Fortunately her upbringing had given her the social training to cope with these situations.
76. But a duck always behaves like a duck, whatever his social conditioning, upbringing or training!
77. If we are worried about the future, then we must look today at the upbringing of children. Gordon B. Hinckley 
78. Somewhere along the line, Harriet felt, she had gone wrong with her daughter's upbringing.
79. I had to rediscover and assert my Jamaicanness but qualify it with references to my London upbringing.
80. Franklin Roosevelt obviously benefited from his elite, highly educated upbringing.
81. There was not the slightest sign in his behaviour of any strict Methodist upbringing.
82. We had such a beautiful upbringing, let me tell you, Billy.
83. Twins, being of identical ages, are usually even better matched on environmental variables during upbringing than are siblings.
84. We know who, because of his background and upbringing in a particular business, will stick with it through thick and thin despite losses.
85. These causes are not necessarily genetic, but may include environmental factors such as upbringing in the family, social conditioning and so on.
86. It is not known if they are acquired through upbringing or inheritance or acquired later through experience.
87. Cut short that hanging time and the meat will be tough and flavourless, regardless of its pedigree and upbringing.
88. He talked of his harsh, unsympathetic upbringing in which his often drunken father physically abused his wife and children.
89. He was a terrific guy who never let his tough-streets upbringing spoil his love for the game or the fans.
90. Only Alik seems to have made peace with his upbringing.
91. Crosfield was an enlightened employer in the paternalistic tradition, deeply influenced by his Quaker upbringing.
92. She will have responsibility for their upbringing, including a say in their future schooling and development.
93. Ware was a strict Palladian by upbringing but a stylistic schizoid by force of circumstances.
94. Slamming a door in some one's face has nothing to do with breeding or upbringing.
95. Daly was unfit for stardom by upbringing, by nature - he couldn't handle it.
96. Elizabeth's upbringing was certainly at the other end of the spectrum from Mary's.
97. They mobilised place of birth, residence, upbringing, and ancestry in ways familiar to us from our earlier studies.
98. Those with a particular political or religious upbringing may react strongly against that.
99. A new range of private law orders was introduced to provide for the care and upbringing of children.
100. In most cultures, men are conditioned by upbringing to develop inhibitions against inflicting harm, particularly on women.
101. She had a disjointed upbringing with a series of tutors.
102. It ran contrary both to his upbringing and personal code of behaviour that men should show emotion.
103. His upbringing, education and training had been based on the assumption that in any situation his class were the natural leaders.
104. His godly upbringing gave young Baxter a troubled conscience whenever he indulged in the usual boyish sins.
105. Stand by for a revealing insight into your childhood or upbringing.
106. There was no history of violence or physical hardship in my upbringing at all.
107. In short, an average upbringing, quite undramatic in many respects.
108. Nothing in my upbringing had prepared me for the weather, much less the absurd notion of hitchhiking.
109. But his animal nature clashes with his human upbringing.
110. Part of answer, of course, lay in his upbringing.
111. to have had a sheltered upbringing.
112. He had a fairly cushy upbringing.
113. She regretted the rigidity of her upbringing.
114. As with all societies, behavioural patterns stem from upbringing.
115. They perform most of their songs in Xhosa , songs that talk about their cultures and upbringing n.
116. Though his Episcopalian upbringing was, as he says, only conventionally religious, everything changed during his last two years at Princeton.
117. I think it was Allen's gentle upbringing by classical musician parents that gave him so much joie de vivre.
118. What does correlate highly with sex offense is a strict, repressive religious upbringing.
119. Despite her religious upbringing, Aileen was decidedly a victim of her temperament.
120. A Fredericton university student says he turned to Islam after feeling let down by his Christian upbringing.
121. They perform most of their songs in Xhosa , songs that talk about their cultures and upbringing.
122. Both are already drifting away from the suburbs, the baby boomers because they want smaller homes and more accessible amenities, and the millenials to rebel against their cul-de-sac upbringing.
123. Don't you think they speak well for our civic pride and moral upbringing?
124. I blamed the absence of machismo in my upbringing for my reluctance to indulge in the oldest profession.
125. My mother, who had a sheltered upbringing, has fantastic memories of childhood.
126. Their light mail or brigandine armour gives them adequate protection while firing their bows, and their aristocratic upbringing gives them the stomach for close combat if required.
127. Revivification of consanguinity for proper upbringing of the individuals and reformation of education on moderate and modern line are essential for instilling tolerance in the subjects.
128. Frayne's current roster of A-list celebrity admirers is a long way from his upbringing on the deprived Delph Hill Estate in Bradford, where he learned magic from his grandfather.
129. It was an upbringing he describes as "incredibly happy" – a Durrellian idyll near the New Forest in Hampshire.
130. While analyzing the behavior of the dog it is also necessary to consider its natural characteristics, which are formed by upbringing and training.
131. He is the Oxford-educated barrister with unabashedly bourgeois tastes who led the Labour Party to three victories over Conservative rivals of humbler upbringing.
132. In an early article, his daughter Nancy delightfully idiosyncratic sketch of her early upbringing.
133. In many ways, as constricting as my upbringing was at times, now I’m grateful that I had both cultures, not only to enlarge my sense of the world, but to hone myself against.
134. He owed his success to the good upbringing he had.
135. We can not requite my mother for their care and upbringing.
136. Kollontai's upper-class upbringing made her too idealistic and an unfit for any kind of leadership position.
137. The study highlights how our sense of right and wrong isn't just based on upbringing, religion or philosophy - but by the biology of our brains.
138. Surprisingly, children's aptitude for fibbing was not influenced by strict parenting or a religious upbringing, the study showed.
139. Parent upbringing manners of those delinquent teenagers are either rejective and negative, or overindulgent or passive.
140. But at least having to adapt to both plenty and scarcity makes for a more versatile upbringing than one of remorseless overindulgence.
141. He does not say multiple attachments; his own upbringing—his mother ran a shirtwaist business out of the home—suggested the value of independence and keeping an eye on the horizon.
142. To tease apart the effect of genes and upbringing, the researchers tracked 2,490 Swedish twins as they aged from 8 to 20 years old, asking them to answer questions sent by mail.
143. Another possible cause of vaginismus is a strict and puritanical upbringing that teaches a girl to consider sex dirty or evil.
144. Others in the family, who lived in the same house, and had a deep influence on the young artist's upbringing(), were his maternal grandmother and especially his uncle Boniface Breton.
145. The upbringing of creativity, including both radial thinking and convergent thinking, is the core of students' quality education.




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