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单词 Family line
1. Small apartment buildings filled with families line the street.
2. Traditionally, the family line is passed via men.
3. To ensure survival of the family line, the women tend to have daughters because they are more likely to be survive long enough to become parents themselves.
4. Then everyone left in your family line will come and bow down before him for a piece of silver and a crust of bread and plead, "Appoint me to some priestly office so I can have food to eat.
5. The clearest family line reaches back Tex Avery , who gave The Rabbit his famous personality.
6. "The importance of continuing the family line is eroding as China modernizes," says Hung Huang, a Beijing publisher who adopted a girl last year.
7. Most people want many sons because they carry on the family line and that means our clan can claim more land.
8. Not only was the death of Diego the cause of personal sorrow, it also spelled the end of his family line.
9. There are the shattered lives and relationships, across ethnic and even family lines.
10. Further testing in Great Britain established the mitochondrial-DNA haplogroup and sequences for the Romanov family line.
11. These sons are in turn strong and outdo other weaker male offspring to reproduce - thus ensuring survival of the fittest and of the family line.
12. It's a scene with sources in traditional baizi tu paintings—"picture of 100 sons"—which represented the wish for many male offspring to continue the family line.
13. Let's start with Boaz, from the last paragraph of the book of Ruth, there is a family line that shows Boaz forefather is Perez.
14. A woman's duty was to work and bear sons to carry on the family line.
15. Lingbo was the Fus' only son, their only hope to continue the family line.
16. Thus you can see that only by tracing a particular family line, possibly back to the 14th century or beyond, will you discover which version of a surname is yours.
17. For Dana, the other "bride", Chinese culture's stress on marrying and continuing the family line is precisely why the right to wed matters.
18. With her, they’d receive a dowry, they’d continue the family line, and they’d get an obedient daughter-in-law to serve them around the house.
19. According to research, a woman with an attractive face is taken by men to be fertile and able to continue the family line, appealing to the man's survival instinct.
20. It's said that Iranians are not exactly keen on adopting, especially outside the ethnic or family line.
21. Disobeying parents – for example, by refusing to get married and so continue the family line – is considered deeply unfilial.
22. Because in China, men are responsible for carrying on the family line, they are pushed harder by parents to marry and have children.
23. Families regard the investment in a home as a necessary investment in the continuation of the family line.
24. giving birth to girls to ensure survival of the family line - because the men are more at risk of dying younger.
25. Although good will be done to Israel, in your family line there will never be an old man.




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