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单词 In the south
1) The Yanomami people live in the South American jungle.
2) That pronunciation is unacceptable in the south of Britain.
3) The old couple will winter in the south.
4) They have a summer residence in the south.
5) It neighbours Italy in the south.
6) They reported a sudden outbreak of the disease in the south of the country.
7) We have passed the last few winters in the south.
8) The United States is bounded in the south by Mexico and in the north by Canada.
9) The candidate made surprising inroads in the South.
10) They lived in a small town in the South.
11) He's living in luxury in the south of France.
12) He farmed in the south for many years.
13) The storm wrought havoc in the south.
14) Most of the bombs fell in the south.
15) Spain lies in the south of Europe.
16) Our party has a large following in the south.
17) They bought a villa in the South of France.
18) They were both raised in the South.
19) The army continued to score successes in the south.
20) They live someplace in the South.
21) In the south,(http:///in the south.html) the reverse applies.
22) The best beaches are in the south .
23) We picked grapes in the south of France last summer.
24) The deepening recession has also taken its toll in the south of the country, where unemployment is rife.
25) The weather will be wet and windy in the south.
26) The Nationalist Party have gained a lot of support in the south of the country.
27) The car was dumped in a stretch of wasteland in the south of the city.
28) These birds migrate to Europe in the summer season, returning to warmer places in the south for the winter.
29) Many ruins of Roman date are to be seen in the south of France.
30) Schools in the north tend to be better equipped, while those in the south are relatively poor.
1) The Yanomami people live in the South American jungle.
2) That pronunciation is unacceptable in the south of Britain.
3) The old couple will winter in the south.
4) They have a summer residence in the south.
5) It neighbours Italy in the south.
6) The Nationalist Party have gained a lot of support in the south of the country.
7) They reported a sudden outbreak of the disease in the south of the country.
8) We have passed the last few winters in the south.
9) The United States is bounded in the south by Mexico and in the north by Canada.
10) The car was dumped in a stretch of wasteland in the south of the city.
11) These birds migrate to Europe in the summer season, returning to warmer places in the south for the winter.
12) The candidate made surprising inroads in the South.
31) He spent the afternoon of his life in the south of America.
32) After the war, the army made an attempt to assert its authority in the south of the country.
33) The 169 000-ton vessel went down during a typhoon in the South China Sea.
34) Many people dream about living on an island in the South Seas.
35) Houses are less expensive in the North than in the South.
36) Farmers are more prosperous in the south of the country.
37) We had a glorious time in the south of France last summer.
38) Average earnings in the South East were about £59,000,( ) although that may be an overestimate.
39) A comparable house in the south of the city would cost twice as much.
40) This sort of hot and spicy food is very typical of the food in the south of the country.
41) His power base is in the south of the country.
42) The report dispels the myth that Northerners have a fattier diet than people in the south.
43) The government is reported to be concerned about the growing insurgency in the South.
44) The whole international economic situation is very unfavourable for the countries in the south.
45) There is growing unrest in the south of the country.
46) We usually spend our holidays in the South of France.
47) The debate will pit the industrial North against developing countries in the South.
48) Elmley is one of the few wild areas remaining in the South East.
49) Summers in the south of France are for the most part dry and sunny.
50) Cheap rural housing is vanishing in the south of the country.
51) Business is booming for estate agents in the south as the property market hots up.
52) The meeting will be held at a venue in the south of the city.
53) The US is bounded in the north by Canada and in the south by Mexico.
54) The heaviest snowfalls today are expected in the south east.
55) After the hour-long service, his body was taken to a cemetery in the south of the city.
56) We have ensconced ourselves in the most beautiful villa in the South of France.
57) He sat on the terrace of his sun-drenched villa in the South of France.
58) We have ensconce ourselves in the most beautiful villa in the south of france.
59) Listen to this! You can win a holiday for two in the south of France just by answering three simple questions.
60) Someplace called Zelaya, in the south.
61) You are not in the South of Ireland ....
62) He's opening a co-op market in the south side.
63) The best beaches are to be found in the south and east, lapped by gentle clear waters and warm sea breezes.
64) But many people in the South East who enjoy large salaries also have large fixed debts and overheads.
65) And it failed to produce a ticket more welcome in the South.
66) If life in the South was corrupt and callous, in the North it was a living hell.
67) The novel's heroine, Kate Lee(http://), is born in the South at the turn of the century.
68) In the south, however, the Vietminh was being severely tested.
69) Many of the older generation in the south died; many have emigrated; the rest keep their heads below the parapet.
70) If the climate changes a bit more, he could grow sweet corn in the south and wheat in the north.
71) In 1924 a friend told him that another polio victim had received helpful therapy from warm mineral water in the South.
72) Q: You experienced racism in the South when it was physical and brutal.
73) In the 1960s, King and others used civil disobedience to fight institutional segregation in the South.
74) Twenty steel barrels grouped on the north side of the clearing pointed eagerly toward the sky in the south.
75) However, even before the war erupted again in the early 1980s, education provision in the south was inadequate.
76) One form of black response to the fraud and violence in the South was a substantial migration of blacks northward.
77) The problem arises mainly in the South, where it is customary for sellers to appoint several agents.
78) At 650 acres Draycote Water is the biggest stretch of water in the south Midlands and offers a wide range of activities.
79) Much of the rest of the country is still sparsely inhabited desert, populated by Touareg tribes in the south.
80) Sales taxes are another form of indirect taxation popular in the South.
81) They agreed a 30-point plan calling for industrialized countries to agree to a new fund to support environmental security in the South.
82) There was deposition in large alluvial fans stretching out from the mountains in the south and the north-east into the flat plain.
83) The unemployment rate is close to the national average, and the recession has hit far harder in the south.
84) The broccoli that no one in the South had learned to cook, only to boil?
85) I learnt in the South Bronx and the way you're taught there is a do or die situation.
86) An outstanding feature of the interwar period was the sprawl of suburbia into the surrounding countryside, especially in the South East.
87) In the South, the right-wing Rhee supporters clearly had the upper hand.
88) This bill would have invoked a federal presence at elections which might have permitted blacks in the South to vote.
89) News reached the capital that two garrisons in the south had revolted against the government.
90) There is a big movement in favor of socialism in the South, and work is under way to create a national front.
91) The world's main food and livestock species have centres of genetic diversity in the South.
92) The Republicans were soundly defeated in the South, even in places where there were voting black majorities.
93) People in the south are suffering the highest rise in unemployment, biggest rise in repossessions, and highest levels of debt.
94) The district is one of the most highly educated and culturally sophisticated in the South.
95) I grew up in a large family in the South.
96) Only for taking coal from the hills in the south to the power station just over the ridge.
97) The Communists tried to boycott the election in the South, too,(http:///in the south.html) but the effort failed.
98) He had been raised in the South Bronx, an area containing a mixture of blacks and Hispanics.
99) But real-world driving conditions on highways in the South Coast Air Basin are different.
100) News is coming in about an oil spill in the South Atlantic.
101) The dealers buy raw cocaine in the south, refine it here, and smuggle it into the north.
102) Last year, commissioners approved the concept of three new or expanded hotels in the south Embarcadero.
103) The rich, in their gilded enclaves in the south of the city, are troubled.
104) The annual rainfall is about 25 inches around Stanley, but decreases in the south and west of the islands.
105) In the South, some slaves managed to purchase their freedom or to escape to the North or the Midwest.
106) For some reason, no one knew why, he had for the last four months taken to sleeping in the south porch.
107) In the south lies Eataine with its fortress city of Lothern glittering like the gemstone in a giant ring.
108) But there was nothing unreal about the colonial town of 200, 000 in the south of the country.
109) Denison House was located in the south end, on Tyler Street.
110) One youth baseball league in the South already requires full facial protection for its 400, 000 players.
111) Anti-debt groups in the South are aware of the divisive effect of selective and exclusionary debt relief proposals.
112) Once Gloucester was established in the south of County Durham, his influence began to reach further into the bishopric.
113) He said the force was created to centralize law enforcement efforts in the south county area.
114) Second, environmental problems were not caused by consumption patterns in the South but by the lifestyles of people in the North.
115) All of them are an attempt to activate non-governmental organizations and, through them, civil society in the south.
116) The truth is that social discrimination continues, somewhat attenuated in the North, but hardly at all attenuated in the South.
117) The Confederate flag means all these things to many whites in the South.
118) Certainly there were Gallo-Romans of an independent turn of mind in the south.
119) And of the bottom ten states, ranked by income per head, seven are in the South.
120) I love gigging in the South although, oddly, it's the only place we've ever received death threats.
121) Much of the forest in the south east of the island had been destroyed by fire in recent years.
122) But in July and August the temperature in the south will soar into the hundreds.
123) In the South the church accepts the status of the independent republic and is loyal to it.
124) Equally, stagnation in the housing market has been most severely felt in the south east.
125) After Diem refused to hold the elections in 1956, meanwhile, the Viet Minh in the South grew restive.
126) The other main body in the south ern movement is the Council of Conservative Citizens, which has about 15,000 members.
127) The 1980s housing boom coincided with a period of prosperity in the South Bay.
128) I sat on a log among the shadows of creatures now extinct and others long since departed for pasture in the south.
129) It starts in the south of Buckinghamshire and ends 6 miles north of the Grange.
130) Instead of acquiescing, as most blacks had done in the nonviolent marches in the South, the crowd attacked the police.
131) In the South, the de jure segregation of the past has been readily admitted, and even lauded, by segregationists.
132) There was an immediate outcry from whites in the South, and preparations were made to resist the Court's decision.
133) There are two chairs and a small cupboard in the South West corner of the room.
134) Yet these were the methods that were used in the South Ronaldsay alleged child abuse case.
135) Even the gene pools in the South are drying up.
136) Analysis of secondary schools in the south east revealed a minority were responsible for the majority of all exclusions in the area.
137) Whitbread generates half of its free trade sales in the South.
138) The Republicans have not reached their high-water mark in the South yet.
139) South Carolina holds the first primary in the South(), with Super Tuesday following 10 days later.
140) There are reports from communities in the south of the country that the situation is very, very critical.
141) It is interesting that the present recession is much deeper in the south than in the north.
142) The Democrats have got to put up more white candidates in the South who are more credible with blacks.
143) He wanted the government to provide protection and compensation for blacks in the South and to aid migration out of the South.
144) Though it packed a stronger punch in the north-eastern states, it wreaked greater havoc in the south.
145) The effects of the inversion decreases southeastwards and can not be seen at all in the south of Quadrant 53.
146) Abe Lincoln had probably never dreamed there would be colleges like this, for blacks, in the South.
147) Whatever obstacles may emerge, it is hard to see public attitudes in the South reverting to the hostility of the past.
148) Roosevelt failed to put his personal prestige behind it and discrimination continued, especially in the South.
149) In short, nowhere illustrates better than Mississippi the coming of age of the Republican Party in the South.
150) The federal army in the South, in keeping with the 1877 Compromise, largely ignored instances of racial violence.
151) Their carbohydrates come in part from wheat, and in the North from millet, while rice predominates in the South.
152) Working Locomotive in the South Yard - Free rides for everyone!
153) A forest fire had been raging in the south and the sky in that direction had a deep red glow.
154) Funk, which in the late seventies was enjoying great popularity in the South and Midwest, was rarely on their playlists.
155) Many walkers, particularly Brits, prefer to start in the south, reaching the more spectacular northern half when acclimatised.
156) The spread of industrial agriculture in the South places thousands of native breeds at risk.
157) Indeed, the outcome of the battle of the battle flag only serves to symbolise ambivalence and irreconcilability in the South.
157) Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
158) Benguela, in the south, is one of Kapuscinski's ghost towns.
159) By far the largest provider of maternity welfare in the south was the Plaistow Maternity Hospital.
160) It will become windy in the far north and west, and remain warm in the south.
161) In the South, the church hierarchy pursued the path of full cultural control.
162) During the middle 1800s, cotton production was king in the South.
163) Phaestos stands on a hill in the south of Crete, in an area more rugged than Knossos.
164) A child can not comprehend the subtle difference between illegal segregation in the South and racial imbalance in the North.
165) The repressive measures adopted in the South after the Emancipation Proclamation were rapidly dissipated.
166) They didn't pay much, but they were more like the old music halls than anything left in the South.
167) The canals linking the city to St Petersburg in the south were built by slave labour in Stalin's days.
168) In 1989 he took a rest from running junior soccer teams and this season began refereeing in the South Merseyside Junior League.
169) The mutant strain appeared in the south of Shetland, just as the council approved the scheme for another year.
170) Anti-debt campaigners in the South are urging their counterparts in the North to challenge the official notion of poverty reduction.
171) The death blow to the Aksumite kingdom came in the tenth century from unassimilated Agaw in the south.
172) Her uncle runs a hotel in the south of Italy.
173) Everyone in the South has no time for reading because they are all too busy writing. William Faulkner 
174) Laura McCaffrey Action update Orienteering in the south east September 14-15.
175) The gap between rich and poor is wider in the South than in the rest of the country.
176) In the South, many believed that mint julep prevented malaria.
177) While the Tories were holding the line in the South, there was gloomier news in the North.
178) In the south of India there are up to 20 different castes.
179) But the tombs were empty; the bodies had been bulldozed into mass graves in the south, where they had fallen.
180) This is not uncommon in the South East and well within the building society norm of two and a half times income.
181) The main hills were in the south, where Saxony included the outriders of the Hartz mountains.
182) The letter was signed by principals from 30 Catholic schools in the South Bay.
183) But no one has mentioned what's been going on in our eastern provinces or in Katanga in the south.
184) He slowed his flight north to let the milder weather in the south catch up with him.
185) Pyongyang limited itself to rhetoric, and was cautious even in its comments about the dramatic developments in the South.
186) The centrepiece will be rice, fragrant in the south, more glutinous in the north.
187) A purely urban river, rising in the south of the city ... flowing through the centre into the main river.
188) In the south the enforcement of a no-fly zone by western aircraft has raised the possibility of a Shia secession.
189) He says they would still hold all the Liberal Deomcrat strongholds in the South.
190) Rhee and his followers had tried to liquidate the guerrilla movement in the south but had failed.
191) During this slow process, what was happening in the South?
192) Despite high unemployment in some areas there were large openings in sectors such as the electronics and engineering industries in the south.
193) Segregation was most evident in the south.
194) The recent flooding in the south was a calamity.
195) Dalian is in the south of the Liaodong Peninsula.
196) The men were mowing hay in the South Acre.
197) In the south, Antarctic is a huge continent which is surrounded by a great ocean.
198) What other nationality is chugging around in the South China Sea?
199) One authority made a census of the spiders in a grass field in the south of England, and he estimated that there were more than 2,250(),000 in < ...
200) England is bounded in the south by the English Channel.
201) Additionally , 5 percent of the entire slave population in the South worked in factories by 1850.
202) Irrigation is easy in the South because of the abundance of water.
203) The temperature in the south will soar into the hundreds.
204) The contentious vote has raised tensions in the South American country.




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