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单词 Intrusiveness
(1) The variation in the intrusiveness and cost of regulatory regimes is not determined only by a country's wealth, important though that is.
(2) Due to its trait of "no intrusiveness", the Spring framework can easily integrate Hibernate to replace Entity Bean's O/R mapping solution and excellent Struts framework.
(3) As a result, creative expression focuses on the intrusiveness of colors, sound, motion and structure.
(4) This paper finds that communication channel of high intrusiveness might irritate consumers, which lower the purchase intents in the future.
(5) The arrival of the census form routinely sparks a bad-tempered debate about intrusiveness and unreasonable authority.
(6) The Clinton Administration has no intention of withdrawing, but it will reduce U. S. intrusiveness, and do everything it can to make the situation more palatable.
(7) The strategies mothers used often were low and middle power ones and the coercion and intrusiveness, which belonged to high-power strategies, were associated with the negative parenting goals.
(8) In addition to proactively monitoring your location, Aloqa can also send out "push notifications" based on your own preferences for the types of alerts and levels of intrusiveness you want.
(9) We believe the assistance of the Federal Government should be provided with a minimum of administrative burden and intrusiveness .
(10) These, after exhausting other modes of amusement, now thronged about Hester Prynne with rude and boorish intrusiveness.
(11) Echoing the debates now common in western societies, many in China are beginning to bristle at the intrusiveness of nosy employers, data-mining marketers and ubiquitous security cameras.
(12) The possible use of a sub-system acquiring data from several wireless sensors with minimal intrusiveness is both worth investigating and achievable.
(13) Some in the International Atomic Energy Agency want to use its special inspection authorities to increase its presence in Syria, but Damascus isn't likely to allow such intrusiveness.
(14) But the system still relies on a high degree of intrusiveness and communal pressure to achieve targets.
(15) "The time has come to reduce military operations, " Karzai said. "to reduce the intrusiveness into the daily Afghan life.
(16) Tech Indifferent: (10%) Have limited online access at home, and while most have cell phones, they bristle at their intrusiveness.




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