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单词 Grab bag
1. The treaty covers a grab bag of issues.
2. He offered a grab bag of reasons for his decision.
3. A true grab bag filled with unexpected surprises.
4. We were left with a grab bag of effects, only a modicum of which registered.
5. Burwell is known for her visionary grab bag of charmingly painted furniture, and increasingly, for her stunning computer graphics work.
6. This genetic grab bag suggests one of the riddles of the Tuareg, who have always considered themselves a people apart yet for centuries took slaves from other desert tribes and intermarried with them.
7. The night club is a grab bag with all kinds of people catering to different tastes.
8. With a grab bag of devices accumulated over the eons, the brain pulls off the ultimate conjuring act: the subjective sense of I.
9. Snippets is a grab bag of source code examples, for instance, short examples that add menu items to different views and objects, that extend the n-way chat participants list, and so on.
10. Essentially, Delia's grab bag just makes things seem a little less daunting; a wee bit more achievable.
11. The "Grab Bag" Conclusion.
12. It has become a grab bag of ideas that people are tailoring to their own needs.
13. It has become a grab bag of ideas that people are tailoring to their own needs as they search for a new belief system.
14. The likeliest explanation, he argues, is that a grab bag of woes—from pollution to lingering stress— has eroded public health.
15. After they're done, they'll have a small grab bag of goodies to play with.
16. Basic (rulesets/basic.xml) -- A grab bag of rules that most developers are unlikely to disagree with: catch blocks shouldn't be empty, override hashCode() anytime you override equals(), etc.
17. Weeks have passed since he lost his Italian shades. The global grab bag of lost sunglasses has let us down.
18. With so many issues people need to take note of, does your new material focus on them or is it more of a grab bag of ideas like your older records?
19. One way to do this is to keep a grab bag of selected results that can be printed after the user has concluded the search./grab bag.html
20. The child was delighted with the bauble she had won in the grab bag.
21. We exchanged simple, easy-to-prepare recipes and had a check-your-closet "re-gift" grab bag.
22. The book, which comes out from Norton next week, is part memoir, part history, part cultural-studies essay and part grab bag of odd and little-known details.
23. People don't lose sunglasses, Kevin's friend tells him. They place them in a figurative grab bag of lost shades that stretches around the globe.
24. In the end, "The Price of Everything" amounts to a grab bag of liberal pieties disguised as logic.




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