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单词 Circumstances
(1) Circumstances are the rulers of the weak, instruments of the wise. 
(2) Circumstances are therulers of the weak, instrument of the wise. 
(3) Man is not the creature of circumstances; circumstances are the creature of man. 
(4) Under normal circumstances, I would say 'yes'.
(5) The act was barely justified by the circumstances.
(6) He died in mysterious circumstances.
(7) Let me know the circumstances.
(8) The circumstances forced me to accept.
(9) What were the circumstances of/surrounding her death?
(10) Circumstances oblige me to do that.
(11) The scheme might work better with more favourable circumstances.
(12) The school will only allow this in special circumstances.
(13) The ship sank in mysterious circumstances.
(14) His tact was exemplary, especially considering the circumstances.
(15) She never discovered the true circumstances of her birth.
(16) An unfortunate conjunction of circumstances led to his downfall.
(17) I'll do it regardless of circumstances.
(18) In the circumstances he felt he'd been very restrained.
(19) I think she coped very well under the circumstances.
(20) A series of fortuitous circumstances advanced her career.
(21) Environmental impact reports are required under many circumstances by federal and state law.
(22) We don't know all the circumstances, so it would be pointless to speculate.
(23) The Soviet Union had been forced by circumstances to sign a pact with Nazi Germany.
(24) The people who get on in this world are the people who get up and look for circumstances they want, and if they cannot find them, make them. 
(25) The people who get on in this world are the people who get up and look for circumstances they want, and if they cannot find them.they make them.  
(26) Everything can be taken from a man but one thing; the freedom to choose his attitude in any given set of circumstances
(27) The character of the pine and cypress is shown in frigid winter ; the sincerity of one's friend is shown in adverse circumstances.
(28) The judge found that in her case there were mitigating circumstances.
(29) When exercising its discretion, the court will have regard to all the circumstances.
(30) The nature of promises is that they remain immune to changing circumstances.
(1) Under normal circumstances, I would say 'yes'.
(2) The act was barely justified by the circumstances.
(3) He died in mysterious circumstances.
(4) Let me know the circumstances.
(5) The circumstances forced me to accept.
(6) The scheme might work better with more favourable circumstances.
(7) The school will only allow this in special circumstances.
(8) The ship sank in mysterious circumstances.
(9) His tact was exemplary, especially considering the circumstances.
(10) She never discovered the true circumstances of her birth.
(11) An unfortunate conjunction of circumstances led to his downfall.
(12) I'll do it regardless of circumstances.
(13) In the circumstances he felt he'd been very restrained.
(14) I think she coped very well under the circumstances.
(15) A series of fortuitous circumstances advanced her career.
(16) The character of the pine and cypress is shown in frigid winter ; the sincerity of one's friend is shown in adverse circumstances.
(17) The judge found that in her case there were mitigating circumstances.
(18) We don't know all the circumstances, so it would be pointless to speculate.
(19) When exercising its discretion, the court will have regard to all the circumstances.
(20) The Soviet Union had been forced by circumstances to sign a pact with Nazi Germany.
(21) Recent opinion polls show that 60 percent favor abortion under certain circumstances.
(22) The company reserves the right to cancel this agreement in certain circumstances.
(23) There is no insurmountable difficulty before a brave man ; it is in difficult circumstances that a hero distinguishes himself.
(24) Due to unforeseen circumstances the cost of the improvements has risen by twenty per cent.
(25) She managed to preserve her sense of humour under very trying circumstances.
(26) Under no circumstances can we agree to such a principle.
(27) What is the best course of action in the circumstances?
(28) The prevailing view is that he has done a good job in difficult circumstances.
(29) She asks him tearfully how he can expect her to remain on at Thornfield under the circumstances.
(30) He was evasive about the circumstances of his first meeting with Stanley Dean.
(31) Your present circumstances don't determine where you can go. They merely determine where you start.
(32) Recent opinion polls show that 60 percent favor abortion under certain circumstances.
(33) The company reserves the right to cancel this agreement in certain circumstances.
(34) There is no insurmountable difficulty before a brave man ; it is in difficult circumstances that a hero distinguishes himself.
(35) Due to unforeseen circumstances the cost of the improvements has risen by twenty per cent.
(36) She managed to preserve her sense of humour under very trying circumstances.
(37) Under no circumstances can we agree to such a principle.
(38) What is the best course of action in the circumstances?
(39) The prevailing view is that he has done a good job in difficult circumstances.
(40) Men are anxious to improve their circumstances, but are unwilling to improve themselves; they therefore remain bound.
(41) She asks him tearfully how he can expect her to remain on at Thornfield under the circumstances.
(42) Difficult circumstances serve as a textbook of life for people.
(43) Life isn't fair, but no matter your circumstances, you have to give it your all.
(44) He was evasive about the circumstances of his first meeting with Stanley Dean.
(45) Divorce is complicated enough in normal circumstances, but this situation is even worse.
(46) Being neither jealous nor greedy, being without desires, and remaining the same under all circumstances, this is nobility.
(47) The people who get on in this world are the people who get up and look for the circumstances they want, and if they can't find them, make them.
(48) Police said there were no suspicious circumstances surrounding the boy's death.
(49) Capital punishment is allowable only under exceptional circumstances.
(50) Are there any mitigating circumstances in this case?
(51) Under no circumstances should you leave the door unlocked.
(52) I don't hold with hitting children in any circumstances.
(53) We are all capable of violence in certain circumstances.
(54) Circumstances do not permit me to leave.
(55) Under the circumstances, a crash was unavoidable.
(55) is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
(56) Under no circumstances are you to leave the house.
(57) Wherever he goes, he readily accommodates to new circumstances.
(58) Force is only justified in extreme circumstances .
(59) Circumstances had obliged him to sell the business.
(60) Under no circumstances can the income tax be remitted.
(31) Divorce is complicated enough in normal circumstances, but this situation is even worse.
(32) Police said there were no suspicious circumstances surrounding the boy's death.
(33) Our circumstances have been rather exceptional.
(34) I thought she was remarkably restrained in the circumstances.
(35) Under no circumstances should we lose sight of our main objective.
(36) Untoward circumstances prevent me from being with you on this festive occasion.
(61) Circumstances do not permit my going with you.
(62) The project was running late owing to unforeseen circumstances.
(63) The rules can only be waived in exceptional circumstances.
(64) Various circumstances cooperated to make him a great artist.
(65) It's not easy to bear up under such circumstances.
(66) His sentence was reduced because of the extenuating circumstances.
(67) In these circumstances one prefers to be alone.
(68) The amount paid will vary according to circumstances.
(69) His success depended on a fortuitous combination of circumstances.
(70) The delays were due to circumstances beyond our control.
(71) It's the best we can do in the circumstances.
(72) Our circumstances have been rather exceptional.
(73) Grants are available depending on your circumstances.
(74) Extra funding may be available in certain circumstances.
(75) I cannot help doing so under these circumstances.
(76) Different circumstances involve adopting different tactics.
(77) All organisations need to adapt to changed circumstances.
(78) Circumstances dictate that I should leave this town forever.
(79) I thought she was remarkably restrained in the circumstances.
(80) Under no circumstances should you lend him any money.
(81) Grants are awarded according to your financial circumstances.
(82) It happened in rather unexpected circumstances.
(83) You have to react quickly to circumstances.
(84) Don't open the door, in any circumstances.
(85) The circumstances of her death have been hotly disputed.
(85) is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
(86) It would depend on the circumstances.
(87) We oppose capital punishment in/under any circumstances.
(88) Adverse circumstances compelled him to close his business.
(89) He was a writer living in straitened circumstances.
(90) I grew up in rather unusual circumstances.
(91) She's unfailingly cheerful no matter what the circumstances.
(92) She did the job very well in the circumstances.
(93) Given the circumstances, you've done really well.
(94) In the circumstances, you'd better ring the police.
(95) This deadline will be extended only in exceptional circumstances.
(96) She died in rather suspicious circumstances.
(97) His rudeness was forgivable in the circumstances.
(98) Do you think war is justifiable in certain circumstances?
(99) He accommodated easily to the changed circumstances.
(100) I wish I'd met him under different circumstances.
(101) He was found dead in suspicious circumstances .
(102) The judge's sentence was perfectly just in the circumstances.
(103) These young people did quite well considering the circumstances.
(104) The bank will investigate the circumstances surrounding the robbery.
(105) A person's behavior is often regulated by his circumstances.
(106) Circumstances will force us finally to adopt this policy.
(107) All these circumstances looked to a great strike.
(108) I felt that circumstances were conspiring against me.
(109) The circumstances of his death were veiled in mystery.
(110) Circumstances have compelled a change of plan.
(111) It wasn't a happy choice of phrase given the circumstances.
(112) "Under no circumstances should a strong nation interfere in the internal affairs of another one, "he argued back at the debate.
(113) The event has been cancelled due to circumstances beyond our control.
(114) There are circumstances in which the State must step in to protect children.
(115) It was the only thing I could do under the circumstances.
(116) Your insurance policy will become inoperative if your circumstances change.
(117) Circumstances have combined to ruin our plans for a holiday.
(118) In the circumstances we'll tell you what we can, within limits, of course, and in confidence.
(119) Under no circumstances should we lose sight of our main objective.
(120) A helmsman is tested in a rough sea; a hero is distinguished in difficult circumstances.
(121) Cases of illness and other extenuating circumstances that may have affected a student's performance will be dealt with by a personal tutor.
(122) She claims she is a duchess living in reduced circumstances.
(123) Prisoners can only leave their cells under certain circumstances .
(124) The jury must take into account any mitigating circumstances presented by the defense, such as previous good character.
(125) The fields give high and stable yields regardless of climatic circumstances.
(126) I might have been disposed to like him in other circumstances.
(127) Their refusal to cooperate is perfectly/completely understandable, considering the circumstances.
(128) As mentioned earlier, telepathy is most likely to kick in under circumstances of emergency.
(129) This rule should only be departed from in exceptional circumstances.
(130) Obviously we can't deal with the problem until we know all the circumstances.
(131) Under such circumstances, it is little wonder that they experience difficulties.
(132) We are all born leaders; we just need the right circumstances in which to flourish.
(133) Under the circumstances, what he said was quite explicable .
(134) Under the circumstances, the principal was justified in expelling this student.
(135) In the circumstances, I look forward to receiving your client's cheque for the sum of £570 within the next seven days.
(136) Under normal circumstances Martin would probably have gone to university.
(137) The circumstances of her death were graphically recorded in the local press.
(138) Under the circumstances(), we had every reason to be suspicious.
(139) Due to unforeseen circumstances , the play has been cancelled.
(140) Whether or not you qualify for a loan will depend on your financial circumstances.
(141) The designing institute has been revamped recently to adapt itself to the new developing circumstances.
(142) Unfortunately, due to unforeseen circumstances, this year's show has been cancelled.
(143) School governors have the discretion to allow parents to withdraw pupils in exceptional circumstances.
(144) Due to circumstances beyond/outside our control, we cannot land here.
(145) Circumstances could hardly have been less propitious for a strike.
(146) Judges often give reduced sentences where there are mitigating circumstances.
(147) Only if the circumstances are exceptional will we accept late applications.
(148) They do the best they can in trying circumstances .
(149) In normal circumstances I would let you use my car,(http:///circumstances.html) but today I need it.
(150) She made it clear that under no circumstances would she cancel the trip.
(151) With job losses and high interest rates, a lot of people are finding themselves in very straitened circumstances these days.
(152) Due to unforeseen circumstances, we have had to reschedule the concert.
(153) Do the best you can - I realize the circumstances are not ideal.
(154) He was shot dead earlier this year in unexplained circumstances.
(155) I know what it means to lose a child under such tragic circumstances.
(156) The meeting has been cancelled due to circumstances beyond our control.
(157) He died in mysterious circumstances, and there is still a possibility that it was murder.
(158) Norma tried to preserve a normal family life in difficult circumstances.
(159) Circumstances dictated that they played a defensive rather than attacking game.
(160) I'm making inquiries about the circumstances of Mary Dean's murder.
(161) I wouldn't have expected to find you in such comfortable circumstances.
(162) Due to circumstances beyond our control the performance has had to be cancelled.
(163) Unless there are extenuating circumstances , all students must be present on the day of the exam .
(164) Depending on your circumstances you may wish to opt for one method or the other.
(165) Owing to circumstances beyond our control, the flight to Rome has been cancelled.
(166) Except under clearly defined circumstances, it is illegal in Britain for a company to purchase its own shares.
(167) Given the circumstances, his behaviour to Laura had been punctiliously correct.
(168) The defendants decide to admit their guilt, but insist that there are extenuating circumstances.
(169) His father died when he was ten, leaving the family in straitened circumstances.
(170) In certain circumstances, police may enter premises without a warrant.
(171) Criminologist Dr Ann Jones has linked the crime to social circumstances.
(172) It's the best result that could be expected under the circumstances.
(173) She behaved as any upright citizen would have under the circumstances.
(174) The circumstances were not propitious for further expansion of the company.
(175) You should fit your style of living to your circumstances.
(175) try its best to collect and make good sentences.
(176) There were extenuating circumstances and the defendant did not receive a prison sentence.
(177) It was the best course of action to take in the circumstances.
(178) Although Armstrong overcame the circumstances of his birth, he never really left New Orleans behind.
(179) Whatever the circumstances, parents are supposed to know what to do for the best.
(180) I tend to doubt the wisdom of separating a child from its family whatever the circumstances.
(181) I thought his remark was highly appropriate, given the circumstances.
(182) The family of eight was living in straitened circumstances .
(183) Promotion in the first year is only given in exceptional circumstances .
(184) Through force of circumstances the plans had to be changed.
(185) The economic circumstances are right and recovery is on the way .
(186) Investigators are trying to reconstruct the circumstances of the crash.
(187) We lost our position in the market due to a combination of circumstances.
(188) Circumstances - what are circumstances? I make circumstances. Napoleon Bonaparte 
(189) Circumstances do not make a man, they reveal him. Wayne Dyer 
(190) Youth is a quality, not a matter of circumstances. Frank Lloyd Wright 
(191) Attitude is more important than the past, than education, than money, than circumstances, than what people do or say. It is more important than appearance, giftedness, or skill. W.C. Fields 
(192) Never under any circumstances take a sleeping pill and a laxative on the same night. Dave Barry 
(193) Nothing gives one person so much advantage over another as to remain always cool and unruffled under all circumstances. Thomas Jefferson 
(194) Circumstances don't make the man, they only reveal him to himself. Epictetus 
(195) Most men are a little better than their circumstances give them a chance to be. William Faulkner 
(196) The ideal man bears the accidents of life with dignity and grace, making the best of circumstances. Aristotle 
(197) Wise men put their trust in ideas and not in circumstances. Ralph Waldo Emerson 
(198) It is virtuous and honorable to be honest, but honesty does not always pay. Honesty is not a good policy in circumstances where being honest is disadvantageous or harmful. Dr T.P.Chia 
(199) I don't know that love changes. People change. Circumstances change. Nicholas Sparks 
(200) There are two circumstances that lead to arrogance: one is when you're wrong and you can't face it; the other is when you're right and nobody else can face it.  Criss Jami 
(201) Successful people recognize the need to keep changing and improving themselves with the circumstances. Dr T.P.Chia 
(202) Everyone lies except the fool - people lie in different circumstances for different reasons. Dr T.P.Chia 
(203) Jealousy in romance is like salt in food. A little can enhance the savor, but too much can spoil the pleasure and, under certain circumstances, can be life-threatening. Maya Angelou 




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