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单词 Ideologically
1) He has slipped back ideologically.
2) Ideologically, they have many differences.
3) Because he was still ideologically sound,(http:///ideologically.html) strategic and tactical mistakes could be forgiven.
4) By 1980 the continent was pretty much divided ideologically, with the United States gaining an upper hand over the Soviet adventurists.
5) A unified Democratic party versus an ideologically split Republican party.
6) Dutra, ideologically hostile to multinational companies for health and environmental reasons, wants farmers to go organic.
7) But potential Nader voters are ideologically incandescent and do not need debates to motivate them.
8) In fact, Ebner is not so ideologically different from his 122 San Diego-bound colleagues from Texas.
9) The apparently objective, ideologically neutral tone of Chronique de septembre is deceptive, however.
10) One issue was how to appease an ideologically fervid group of freshmen Republican legislators.
11) Temperamentally and ideologically, the two men fit hand in glove.
12) Ideologically sound sisters moved to hard-to-let housing in depressed urban centres and sold their properties to hotels and banks.
13) A new breed of zealous, ideologically driven young political activists captured the Republican Party.
14) They're ideologically sound, although sometimes they don't look it, know what I mean?
15) Ideologically, he would not shift his ground.
16) Ideologically, there was nothing in common between them.
17) Ideologically, we do not see eye to eye.
18) We have not included much documentary work as the realism of documentary has often been used ideologically to reinforce notions of naturalness.
19) Shakespeare provides a particular problem for radical critics who ideologically object to eminence.
20) I would go further and suggest that it is also ideologically unsound.
21) Far worse than an ineffectual president would be an ideologically motivated hatchet man.
22) For them, history is not the exegesis of an ideologically preordained text, but the reconstruction of the past.
23) The family remained ostensibly a privileged domain, even while it was being legally and ideologically constructed and unified.
24) There are thus no circumstances in which the Chewong may behave in contradiction to their ideologically constructed concept of human nature.
25) All would be aware of the difficulty of finding ideologically acceptable forms of fun.
26) This is not to imply that this form of historical revisionism is ideologically neutral or objective.
27) It spread through the body and achieved chemically and pharmacologically what rationalism and the Protestant ethic sought to fulfill spiritually and ideologically.
28) Cassie entertained more than a suspicion that John would definitely prove to be very ideologically unsound indeed!
29) Meanwhile the frontier between liberalism and socialism remained open, both ideologically and organizationally.
30) The method of correction is primarily to strengthen education so as to rectify individualism ideologically.
1) He has slipped back ideologically.
31) Stalin's Lysenkoism starved millions when the ideologically correct wheat failed to grow and anyone who pointed this out was sent to dissident prison.
32) The ideologically renitent realization bars law practices which settle practical problems.
33) And with Paul lacking seniority in the Republican Conference, the real test for the new senator is how he adjusts when his more ideologically driven ideas stall and it's time to start legislating.
34) It emphasizes on proceeding with Party building ideologically, organizationally and in work style at that period.
35) More often, I am a student ideologically specialized treatment of small illnesses and incurable ...
36) To put things in order organizationally requires our first doing so ideologically, our launching a struggle of proletarian ideology against non-proletarian ideology .
37) However along its long European and African Frontier the Bourbon Kingdom faces ideologically hostile neighbours.
38) This is thought to explain in part and survival of ideologically fueled rumors.
39) ONCE upon atime, the only ideologically acceptable explanations of mental differencesbetween men and women were cultural.
40) They argue that the attacks on climate science are ideologically motivated by those who want to delay any action on global warming and that it has resulted in a new McCarthyism.
41) But like all the most successful illicit traders, China is ideologically profligate in its relations.
42) Well obviously this is an early period in Egypt's history, when the nation is still being consolidated, not so much territorially as ideologically and psychologically.
43) He is not ideologically committed to subsidies, nor is Mike Johanns, his pro - reform agriculture secretary.
44) His lacklustre attorney-general Alberto Gonzales, who was forced to resign in disgrace, was only the most visible of an army of over-promoted, ideologically vetted homunculi.
45) But now, as then, powerful forces are ideologically opposed to the whole idea of government action on a sufficient scale to jump-start the economy.
46) From the perspective of ideologically marginal Argentine, Borges creatively develops his deconstructionist translation theory which is against tradition, authority and cultural imperialism.
47) Ideologically, it was a camp for the party's liberal wing.
48) Annan bristled at the criticisms, which he called politically biased and ideologically inspired.
49) Thatcher and Reagan could share a simple and ideologically compatible vision of the world because they had clear ideological opponents: Soviet-style communism abroad, welfare statism at home.
50) The army was ideologically opposed to the kind of economic solution proposed.
51) Ideologically bankrupt, economically incompetent, and politically primitive, Marxism-Leninism proved another experimental dead end.




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