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单词 Tiger cub
1. It was a tiger cub!
2. This female Siberian tiger cub was born at the Henry Doorly Zoo in Omaha, Neb.
3. A six-week-old white tiger cub is held by its surrogate 'father' Hameed Hamza at the Serengeti-Park zoo in Hodenhagen, northern Germany.
4. A young tiger cub gives his mother a hug. The cub is one of four male Malayan tigers born this year at the Cincinnati Zoo.
5. A rabbit sits next to a tiger cub at the Sriracha Tiger Zoo in Thailand's Chonburi Province.
6. There he meets Merlin as well as Tiger Cub, Igor, Alice and all his Other friends who departed into the Twilight, including Kostya (who tells him he doesn't blame him).
7. In a California theme park, Akaasha, a 6-month-old tiger cub, was transfixed by a dolphin that stared back at her during a recent outing.
8. Earlier this year a pig adopted a tiger cub and raised him along with her piglets because his mother couldn't feed him.
9. Father tiger cub, forcing troops, leading to an outstanding achievement of a perfect team.
10. A six-month-old male Sumatran tiger cub rests under his mother careful watch at the National Zoo in Washington in October 2004.
11. You know, wash a car with one hand and feed a bottle to a tiger cub with the other.
11. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
12. As a boy finishes each part of the five Tiger Cub achievements, he earns an orange bead (for den activities), a white bead (for family activities), or a black bead (for "Go See Its").
13. This grim tally comes soon after news that the first wild Siberian tiger cub in at least 20 rs was killed just two days after it was discovered.
14. Anjana, a two-and-a-half year-old chimpanzee, looks after his new best friend, a 21 day old white tiger cub, at T.
15. Dema the 26 - day - old endangered Sumatran Tiger cub cuddles up to 5 - month - old female Orangutan, Irma.
16. London's Evening Standard reports today that a 10-day old tiger cub was killed and stuffed to be sold on London's black market - as an expensive house ornament for the rich.
17. These adorable images reveal the close bond that has formed between a two-year-old chimpanzee called Do Do and a two-month-old tiger cub called Aorn.
18. So see to it that you are a gentle tiger cub.
19. So they bred it back to one of its daughters, so this white tiger cub was actually bred to his own daughter...




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